PROFIBUS DPV0/DPV1 Master or Slave to EtherNet/IP™ or Modbus® Gateway
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 117 of 196
The PLX51-PBM will flag to the user when a new alarm has been received. When a
new alarm has been flagged by the PLX51-PBM the user can extract the alarm from
the PLX51-PBM by using EtherNet/IP unconnected messaging (UCMM) or Class 3
connected messaging.
NOTE: If there is more than one alarm pending then after extract the alarm the alarm pending will be set
again to indicate there are more alarms to unload.
The PLX51-PBM will notify the user of a pending alarm as shown below.
Master UDT
In the Status part of the PLX51-PBM tags (see
Logix Mapping
section) there is a tag
FieldDeviceAlarmPending. This is an array of Boolean tags each of which represents
a node on the network. Below is a description of the tag.
Table 5.32
– PLX51-PBM Tag Alarm Pending Indications
Indicates the nodes that have an alarm pending on the local
PROFIBUS network. Each bit represents a node. When the specific
bit is set ‘1’ then the device has an alarm pending that must be
unloaded and when the bit is off ‘0’ the device does not have an
alarm pending.
Bit 0
– Node 0 has an alarm pending
Bit 1
– Node 1 has an alarm pending
Bit 126
– Node 126 has an alarm pending
Field Device UDT
In the Status part of the Device UDT (see
Logix Mapping
section) there is a tag
AlarmPending. Below is a description of the tag.
Table 5.33
– Field Device UDT Alarm Pending Indications
Indicates the device has an alarm pending on the local PROFIBUS
network. When the specific bit is set ‘1’ then the device has an alarm
pending that must be unloaded and when the bit is of
f ‘0’ the device
does not have an alarm pending.
– The node has an alarm pending
– The node has an alarm pending