PROFIBUS DPV0/DPV1 Master or Slave to EtherNet/IP™ or Modbus® Gateway
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 27 of 196
The Modbus configuration is shown in the figure below. The PLX51-PBM Modbus
configuration window is opened by either double clicking on the module in the tree or
right-clicking the module and selecting
Figure 3.20
– PLX51-PBM Modbus configuration
The Modbus configuration consists of the following parameters:
Table 3.2 - Modbus configuration parameters
Local Node Number
The Modbus Node Number that will be used when the PLX51-PBM is in the
Stand-alone Master mode and a Modbus Slave.
When the Primary Interface is set to Modbus RTU (232/485) then this setting
is the BAUD Rate over the serial communication.
When the Primary Interface is set to Modbus RTU (232/485) then this setting
is the Parity over the serial communication.
Slave Timeout
The slave timeout time in milliseconds.
Modbus TCP Port
The TCP port to be used for the Modbus communication can be configured. If
a zero is entered, the module will use the standard TCP port 502.
Terminate RS485
Enables the on-board 124
Ω RS485 terminating resistor.
Modbus Master
Target Node Number
The remote Modbus node to poll. (Modbus Master only)
Target IP Address
The remote Modbus IP Address to poll. (Modbus TCP Master only)
Update Rate
The period (in milliseconds) between master requests to the target Modbus
device. (Modbus Master only)
Retry Limit
The number of successive Modbus request retries (Modbus Master only)
Response Timeout
The time (in milliseconds) the module will wait for a Modbus response
(Modbus Master only)
Enable Modbus Auxiliary
When this is enabled the PLX51-PBM will be able to read from, and write to,
multiple Modbus Slaves by using the Modbus Auxiliary Map tab.
IMPORTANT: When Modbus Auxiliary Mapping is enabled, the automatic polling of
referenced Modbus registers is disabled. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that all the
required Profibus control and data registers are collected from the appropriate remote Modbus
slave devices.