Polestar 2 2020 Manual Download Page 257



• The function is supplementary driver

support intended to facilitate driving

and make it safer – it cannot handle all

situations in all traffic, weather and

road conditions.

• The driver is advised to read all sec-

tions in the Manual that relate to this

function to learn about factors such as

its limitations and what the driver

should be aware of before using the


• Driver support functions are not a sub-

stitute for the driver's attention and

judgement. The driver is always

responsible for ensuring the car is

driven in a safe manner, at the appro-

priate speed, with an appropriate dis-

tance to other vehicles, and in accord-

ance with current traffic rules and reg-


Selecting and

activating the cruise

control function

The cruise control functions must first be

selected in the centre display before they can be

activated using the steering wheel button. This
applies to speed limiter (SL


), automatic speed

limiter (ASL


), cruise control (CC


), adaptive

cruise control (ACC


) and Pilot Assist.


Select the desired function with the button for

cruise control functions in the centre display




> The button's symbol changes depending

on the function selected, and the symbol in

the driver display is visible but extin-


2. When the desired function is selected – press

the steering wheel button 

 to activate.

> The symbol in the driver display is illumi-

nated – the function is started and the cur-

rent speed is stored as maximum speed.

3. If the function is set in standby mode – press

the steering wheel button 

 to reactivate.

> The driver display's cruise control indicator

illuminates – the car then follows the last

stored speed again.

63 Speed Limiter

64 Automatic Speed Limiter

65 Cruise Control

66 Adaptive Cruise Control


Driver support 257

Summary of Contents for 2 2020

Page 1: ...Polestar 2 Manual ...

Page 2: ...TP xxxxx English AT 2007 MY21 Polestar 2018 2020 ...

Page 3: ...ctisdesignedto offer unparalleledperformance Please readtheManual inordertoboth opti miseyourexperiencewiththePolestar 2 and to learneverything youneedtoknowabout it Manualsandotherinstructionscanbe found on thePolestar Support Site support polestar com andviathePolestar app ...

Page 4: ...em WHIPS childrestraintsystems etc and how youcanactivateanddeactivatethe pas sengerairbags 67 Displaysandvoicecontrol Youwill findinformationhereonthecar sinstru ments andcontrols thedriverdisplay with meters andindicatorandwarning symbols etc thecentredisplay operation navigation andsymbols etc andvoicecontrolandhowto use it 127 Lighting Youwill findinformationhereonthecar sinte rior andexternal...

Page 5: ...dinformationonlong term stor ageofvehicleswithelectricoperation 371 Startinganddriving Informationonhowtostartandswitch off the carandonthevariousignitionmodes can be foundhere Youwillalsofindinformationon brakes drivemodes jumpstarting towing etc 413 Audio andmedia Youwill findinformationhereontheradio media player phone apps etc andwhich set tingsyoucandefine Youwillalsofind informa tion onhowto...

Page 6: ...nloadCentre checking andtoppingupfluids batteries fuses cleaning washing wiperbladereplacement etc 541 Specifications Informationondecals dimensions weights enginespecifications fluidandoilspecifica tions approvedwheelandtyredimensions tyre pressures etc canbefoundhere 555 AlphabeticalIndex ...

Page 7: ...Section01 Manual information ...

Page 8: ...cles videotutorials Thesupportsiteisupdatedwiththelatestinfor mation andisavailableformost markets Printedinformation Inthe car sglovebox youwillfindprinted infor mationofselectedtopics thatcanbepractical to havewhen for example youdonothaveaccess to thecentredisplayorthesupportsite Dependingonequipmentlevelselected market etc additionalmanual informationmay alsobe available inprintedformat inthec...

Page 9: ...w to connectthecartoaphone Here there is also informationaboutaccessoriesand soft wareadaptedforyourcar model Contact Contact detailsforPolestarSupportcanbe foundonthesupport site Forquestionsonusingthecar the CONNECT buttoncan beusedto makecontactwith Pole star Assistance Anoperatorisavailableto answer 24 hoursaday Other waysofcontacting PolestarSupport are touse thePolestarapportophoneup Other c...

Page 10: ...teethat allofthese features functionsandoptionsareincluded in everyvehicle Someterminologyusedmaynot exactly matchterminologyusedinsales mar keting andadvertising materials Development workisconstantlyunderwayin orderto improveourproduct Modifications maymeanthatinformation descriptions and illustrationsintheManualdifferfromtheequip ment inthecar Wereservetherightto make modificationswithout prior...

Page 11: ...xt imageonblackmessagefield Used toindicatethepresenceofdangerwhich if the warningisignored mayresultinserious per sonalinjuryorfatality Riskofpropertydamage White ISOsymbolsandwhitetext imageon blackor blue warningfieldandmessagefield Usedto indicatethepresenceofdangerwhich if the warningisignored mayresultindamage to property Information White ISOsymbolsandwhitetext imageon blackmessagefield Ill...

Page 12: ...NOTE Informationinthecentredisplayfor your carmaydifferfromtheinforma tionshownonthePolestarsupport site Notetextsgiveadviceortipsthatfacili tatetheuseofe g featuresandfunc tions NOTE It is not intendedthat thedecals illus tratedintheManualshouldbeexact replicasofthoseinthecar Theyare included toshowtheirapproximate appearanceandlocationinthecar The informationthatapplies to your particular carisa...

Page 13: ...Section02 YourPolestar ...

Page 14: ...ervicerequiring aPolestar ID iswhenyouwant tocheckyourcaron your phoneusingthePolestarapp APolestarID iscreatedonthewebsite polestar comor inthePolestarapp Related information CreatingaPolestarID p 15 ProblemslogginginwithPolestarID p 16 Bookserviceandrepair p 495 NOTE Theservicesavailablemayvaryover timeanddependonequipment level andmarket Iftheusername passwordforaserv ice e g PolestarConnect is...

Page 15: ...PolestarID 6 Anemail SMSwillbesent totheaddress mobilenumberyouentered Follow the steps providedinthemessagetoconfirm YourPolestarIDisnow readytobeused CreatingaPolestarIDonthePolestarwebsite 1 Gotopolestar com 2 ChoosetocreateaPolestarID 3 ThewebsiteforPolestarIDcreationopens Fillintherequestedinformation 4 Checktheboxtoacceptthetermsandcondi tions 5 PressthebuttontocreateaPolestarID 6 Anemail SM...

Page 16: ...estarIDiseitheranemail address ora mobile number Unlockyour PolestarID Your account willbelockedafter5failed attemptstologin Youcaneasilyunlock your account byclickingonForgottenpassword in the loginscreen LoginfailureafterchangingPolestarID user name Make sureyouhavereceivedaconfirmation message byemail SMSwhenyouconfirm your new username Oncethishas beendone you should beabletologinwiththenewuse...

Page 17: ...his cleaned bytheclimatecontrolsystem Anairfil ter in the air intakethatstopspollenand dust togetherwiththeaircleaning system inthecar is knownastheInteriorAirQualitySystem IAQS withinPolestar Italso cleanstheairin the interiorofthecarfromhydrocarbons ground levelozoneandnitrousoxides The materialsincludedinthefittingshavebeen selectedfortheirsustainabilityandhave been testedto ensurethattheydonot...

Page 18: ...tionstructuremakesit possible toreceiverelevant support informationand entertainmentwhenitisnecessary without dis tractingthedriver Informationwhenitisneeded whereit is nee ded The different displaysinthecarprovideinfor mationat theright time Theinformation is shownin different locations basedon howit shouldbeprioritisedbythedriver 18 YourPolestar ...

Page 19: ...t system and the settings fortheseats The centre display also showsinformationonnavigationandroad sign information for example The information that isshowninthecentredisplaycanbeacted on by the driver or someoneelse in the car when theopportunityarises Voicecontrolsystem Thevoicecontrolsystemcanbeused without thedriverneedingtotakehis herhands off the steeringwheel Thesystemcanunderstand nat urals...

Page 20: ...leorthe EDR is required tobeabletointerpret theregistered data InadditiontotheEDR thecarisequippedwitha numberofcomputersdesignedtocontinually checkandmonitorthefunctionofthecar They canrecorddataduringnormal driving condi tions but inparticular registerfaultsaffecting thevehicle soperationandfunctionality or upon activationofthevehicle sactivedriver support function Some ofthe recordeddataisrequi...

Page 21: ...useyourcar aguide opensin the centredisplay to assist youto makevarious settings Inconnectionwiththeguide youare also promptedtogiveyourconsentto different typesof termsandconditionsandthe collection ofinformation Promptstogive consentcanalsobeshown in the event of for example First timeuseofappsandservices Newuserprofiles Loggingout from anddeleting user profiles Changeofownership Resetting these...

Page 22: ...intheManual is not availableinallcars theyhavedifferent equip mentdependingonadaptationsforthe needs of differentmarketsandnationalorlocal laws and regulations Options oraccessoriesdescribedinthis Manual aremarkedwithanasterisk Intheevent of uncertaintyoverwhatisstandardoran option accessory contactPolestarSupport Relatedinformation Installationofaccessories p 23 Connectionofequipment tothecar s d...

Page 23: ...y orcostsarisingasaresult oftheinstallation ofaccessories Relatedinformation Importantinformationonaccessories and auxiliaryequipment p 22 Connection of equipment to the car s diagnostic socket Incorrectconnectionandinstallationof soft ware or diagnostictoolsmay haveanegative effect on the car selectronicsystem Polestar stronglyrecommendsthat Polestar ownersshouldonlyinstallgenuineaccessories appr...

Page 24: ...e newcountry Ifyoudonotdothis thenyou may experiencethat apps thePolestarapp software downloadsandotheronlineservicesareaffec tedanddonotworkcorrectly Creating anewPolestarIDinyournew home market Whenyourelocateto another country you shouldcreateaPolestarIDinthenew country If you havealreadycreatedaPolestarID in another countryandwantto usethesameemail address youfirstneedtodeleteyourPolestar ID i...

Page 25: ...ethefollowingwarnings regar ding suchsystems toindicatePolestar s con cernforyoursafety Neveruseadevice or func tioninthecarinsuchawaythat it willdistract youfromthetaskofdriving safely Distractions canleadtoseriousaccidents Apartfrom these general warnings weofferthefollowing advice regardingthenewfunctionsthat may be in the car Relatedinformation Audioandmedia p 414 GoogleMaps p 442 WARNING Neve...

Page 26: ...26 YourPolestar ...

Page 27: ...Section03 Safety ...

Page 28: ...he car has beendamaged Warningsymbolindriverdisplay Thewarningsymbolisilluminated in thedriverdisplaywhenthecar is started Thesymbolisextinguished afterapproximately6seconds if the car ssafetysystemisfault free Ifthespecificwarningsymbol is bro kenthenthegeneralwarningsymbol isilluminatedinsteadandthe driver displayshowsthesamemessage Relatedinformation Safetyduringpregnancy p 29 Seatbelts p 32 Ai...

Page 29: ...deupward Remove theslackfromtheseatbeltandensure that it fits asclosetothebodyaspossible Inaddition checkthattherearenotwistsintheseatbelt Seatingposition Asthepregnancyprogresses pregnant drivers mustadjusttheseatandsteeringwheel such thattheycaneasilymaintaincontrolof the vehi cleastheydrive whichmeansthat they must be abletoeasilyoperatethefoot pedalsand steer ingwheel Theaimshouldbetoposition ...

Page 30: ...d makesurethatthesystem sfunction is notobstructed Setthecorrectseatingpositioninthe front seat beforedrivingstarts Driverandfrontseatpassengershould sitinthe centre oftheseat withaslittlespaceaspossible betweenthe headandtheheadrestraint WHIPSandchildseats The protectionprovidedbythecarto children seatedinachildseat or onaboostercushion is not diminished byWHIPS Relatedinformation Safety p 28 Pow...

Page 31: ... sensorsinthefront ofthecarreactandthesys temisactivated WhenPPSisactivated thefollowingoccur Thebonnetisraisedandpushedslightly back An automaticalarmissentviaPolestar Con nect Thesensorsareactiveataspeedofapprox 25 50km h 15 30mph Thesensorsare designedtodetectacollision withanobject thathassimilarproperties to those ofthehumanleg Symbols in thedriverdisplay Symbol Specification PPS hasbeenactiv...

Page 32: ...issimilartoacollisionwitha pedestrian Itispossiblethatthesystem willbeactivatedintheevent ofacollision withsuchanobject Seatbelts Heavy brakingcanhaveseriousconsequences ifthe seatbeltsarenotused It isimportant thattheseatbelt liesagainst the body so it canprovidegoodprotection Do not leanthebackrest toofarback Theseatbeltis designedto protectinanormalseatingposition Relatedinformation Safety p 28...

Page 33: ...ed Theseatbelt mustalso be replacedifitshowssignsofwearor damage Thenewseatbeltmust be type approvedanddesignedforinstal lationatthesamelocationasthe replacedseatbelt Putting on and taking off seatbelts Makesurethat all passengershavefastened their seatbelts beforestartingto drive Puttingonseatbelts 1 Pulloutthe seatbeltslowly andmakesure it is not twistedordamaged 2 Lockthebelt byinsertingthelock...

Page 34: ...down 4 Tensionthehipstrapover thelapbypulling the diagonalshoulderbeltuptowardsthe shoulder The hipstrapmust bepositionedlowdown not over theabdomen Takingoffseatbelts 1 Presstheredbuttonontheseatbelt buckle andthenletthebeltretract 2 Iftheseatbeltdoesnot retract fully feed it in byhandso that it doesnothang loose Relatedinformation Seatbelts p 32 Seatbelttensioner p 35 Doorandseatbeltreminder p 3...

Page 35: ...efront seatandthe outer seats in therearseatareequippedwithstand ardbelt pretensioners Theseatbelt tensionertensionstheseatbelt in theeventofacollisionwithsufficientforcein ordertomoreeffectivelyrestraintheoccupant Electricbelt pretensioners The driverandfront passengerseatbeltsare equippedwithanelectricseatbelttensioner The seatbelttensionersworktogether andcan beactivatedtogetherwiththedriversup...

Page 36: ...willalsobedeactivated Resetting the electric seatbelt tensioner The electricseatbelttensionerisdesigned to be reset automatically buttheseatbelttensioner canbe reset manuallyifthebelt remains extended 1 Stop the carat asafeplace 2 Unfastentheseatbeltandthenrefastenit Theseatbeltandelectricseatbelttensioner arereset Relatedinformation Seatbelttensioner p 35 Seatbelts p 32 WARNING Never modifyorrepa...

Page 37: ...to a smallerformat thatisshown at thetopofthedriverdisplay Seatbelt reminder Visual reminderintheroofconsole Avisualreminderisgivenintheroofconsole andby meansofthewarning symbolinthe driver display Typeof visualreminder fixedorflashing and acousticreminder differentsignals depends on speedaswellasdrivingtimeandmileage Reminderor informationbymeansofa graphic isgiven indifferent waysdependingonsea...

Page 38: ...sactivatedby achildseatonanouterseat intherear seatthatisnotattachedwiththeseat belt theremindercanbeacknowl edged ortheseatbelt canbeattached Airbags The carisequippedwithairbagsandinflatable curtainsfordriverandpassengers Deployedairbags Ifanyof theairbagshavedeployed the follow ingisrecommended Recovering thecar ContactPolestarSupport Do not drivewithdeployedairbags Contact PolestarSupportforre...

Page 39: ...eactionis adaptedaccordinglysothatnone oneor moreairbagsaredeployed Driver airbag Asa supplementtotheseatbelt thecaris equippedwitha driver airbag Driver sidefrontseat airbag In the event ofafrontalcollision theairbag helpsto protectthehead neck faceand chest of the driveraswellasthekneesandlegs Asufficientlyviolentcollisiontripsthe sensors andthe airbagisinflated Theairbag cushions theinitial col...

Page 40: ...ehicle is equippedwithanairbagonthepassenger side inthe frontseat Passengersidefrontairbag Inthe event ofafrontalcollision theairbag helps to protectthehead neck faceand chest ofthepassengeraswell astheknees andlegs Asufficientlyviolentcollisiontripsthe sensors andtheairbagisinflated Theairbagcushions theinitialcollisionimpactfortheoccupant The airbagdeflateswhencompressedbythe colli sion Whenthis...

Page 41: ...sagainsttheback rest WARNING ContactPolestarSupportforrepairs Defective work intheairbag system couldcausemalfunctionandresultin seriouspersonalinjury Do notputobjectsinfrontoforabove thedashboardwherethepassenger airbag islocated If thecarisnot equippedwithaswitch to activate deactivatethepassenger airbag theairbag willalwaysbeacti vated Never allowanybodytostandor sitin frontofthefront passenger...

Page 42: ...ion ON theairbagisactivatedandallfront facingpassengers childrenandadults can sitsafelyonthepassengerseat OFF Theairbagisdeactivatedandchil dreninrear facingchild seatscansitsafely onthepassengerseat Activatingpassenger airbag Pulltheswitchoutwardandturnfrom OFF to ON Thedriverdisplay showsthemessage Passengerairbagon 2 Confirmthemessagebypressingtheright handsteeringwheelkeypad s Obutton A text m...

Page 43: ... the airbag willalwaysbeacti vated Neverusearear facing childseaton thefront passengerseatwhentheair bag isactivated Thepassenger airbag mustalwaysbe activatedwhenfront facingpassen gers childrenandadults aresitting in thefront passengerseat Failuretofollowtheadvicegiven above canendangerlifeorleadtoseri ouspersonalinjury Front facing passengers childrenand adults must neversitonthepassen gerseatw...

Page 44: ...nd pas sengerseatsacttoprotectthechestandhipsin theeventofa collision The outersideairbagsarefittedinthe outer backrest framesofthefront seatsand help to protect thedriverandpassengersinthe front seat A sufficientlyviolent collisiontripsthesensors andtheouter side airbagsareinflated Theair bag inflatesbetweentheoccupantandthedoor panel andtherebycushionstheinitial impact Theairbag deflateswhencomp...

Page 45: ...pas sengerseats actto protect thehead chestand hipsintheeventofacollision The interiorsideairbagsarefittedintheinner backrest framesofthefrontseatsandhelpto protect thedriver andpassengersinthefront seat Theseatismarked AIRBAG A sufficientlyviolentcollisiontripsthe sensors andthe interiorsideairbagsareinflated The air bag inflatesbetweentheoccupantand the tun nelconsole andtherebycushionstheinitia...

Page 46: ...Alwaysuseaseatbelt Inflatable curtains The inflatable curtain InflatableCurtain IC helpsto preventthedriverandpassengers from strikingtheirheadsontheinsideofthe car dur ing a collision The inflatable curtainismountedalong both sides oftheheadliningandhelpsprotect the driver andouterseatpassengers ofthecar The panelsarelabelledwithICAIRBAG A sufficientlyviolent collisiontripsthesensors andtheinflat...

Page 47: ...lt agesystem sensorsforanyofthesafety sys tems orthebrakesystem Ifthecar hasbeeninacollision themessage Safetymode SeeManual maybeshown on the driver display withawarningsymbolas long as the displayisnot damagedandthecar s electri cal systemisstillinworking order This mes sagemeansthatthecarhasreducedfunctional ity Ifthecar isinsafety mode it is possibleto attempt toresetthesysteminorderto start a...

Page 48: ...startthecaragainwhenthe mes sageCarstartSystemcheck wait isno longershowninthedriver sdisplay Movingthecaraftersafetymode 1 Ifthedriverdisplayshowsthemessage The carisnowinnormalmode afterastart attempt thecarcanbecarefullymoved if standinginadangerousposition 2 Donotmovethecarfurtherthannecessary Relatedinformation Safetymode p 47 Startingthecar p 372 Switchingoffthecar p 373 Recovery p 407 WARNI...

Page 49: ...uestionswhenfitting childsafetyequipment contactthe manufacturerforclearerinstructions Child seats Suitable childseatsshouldalwaysbeused whenchildrenaretravellinginthecar Children shouldsitcomfortablyandsafely Make surethat thechildseatispositioned mountedandusedcorrectly Lookintheinstallationinstructionsfor the child seat for thecorrect fitting Relatedinformation Childsafety p 49 Uppermountingpoi...

Page 50: ...ntforthefrontseatis located on thelowerrearofthefrontseat Mountingpoint locationsfortherearseatare indicatedbysymbolsontherearofthe backrest The mountingpointsfortherearseat are locatedontherearoftheouterrearseats Relatedinformation Childseats p 49 Lowermountingpointsforchildseats p 51 i Size ISOFIXmountingpointsfor child seats p 52 Overview tableforlocationofchildseats p 57 Table forlocationofchi...

Page 51: ...uippedwithlowermounting points forchildseatsinthefrontseatandrear seat Thelowermountingpointsaredesignedtobe usedinconjunctionwithcertainrear facing childseats Always followthe manufacturer sinstallation instructionswhenconnecting achildseat tothe lower mounting points The locationofthemounting points Mountingpointlocationsforthefront seat Themountingpointsforthefrontseat are locatedonthesidesofth...

Page 52: ...Size ISOFIXmount ingpointsforchildseatsinthefrontseatand rearseat i Size ISOFIX2 is afixturesystemforcarchild seatsthat isbasedonaninternational standard Alwaysfollowthemanufacturer sinstallation instructionswhenconnectingachildseattothe i Size ISOFIXmountingpoints The locationof themounting points Mountingpoint locationsforthefrontseatare indicatedbysymbolsontheupholsteryofthe backrest The mounti...

Page 53: ... p 57 Tableforlocationofi Sizechildseats p 60 TableforlocationofISOFIXchildseats p 61 Child seat positioning Itisimportanttopositionthechildseatinthe right placeinthecar Thechoiceoflocation depends amongstother things onthetype of childseat andwhetherthepassengerairbagis activated Rear facing childseatandairbag arenotcom patible Always fit rear facingchildseatsintherearseat ifthepassengerairbagisa...

Page 54: ...ats p 60 TableforlocationofISOFIXchildseats p 61 WARNING Never allowanybodytostandorsitin front ofthefront passengerseat Neverusearear facingchildseatonthe front passengerseatiftheairbagisacti vated Front facing passengers childrenand adults must neversitonthefront pas senger seat ifthepassengerairbagis deactivated Failureto followtheadvicegivenabove canendangerlifeor leadto serious per sonalinjur...

Page 55: ...dwiththese3 Ifthechildseatisequippedwithsupport legs alwaysfitthesupport leg support legs directlytothefloor Neverfit asupport legto a footrestorotherobject TheISOFIXguidecanbeusedinorder to facilitatechildseatinstallation Installationinthe rearseat Only usechildrestraint systemsthat are rec ommendedbyPolestar universallyapproved or are semi universal vehicle specific and where thecarisincludedont...

Page 56: ...must not beused astheycouldcause the seatbeltbuckleto openaccidentally Do not secure thestrapsforthechild restraint system into theseat s horizontal adjustment barorinsprings railsor beamsunder theseat Sharpedgesmay damagethestraps Do not allowtheupper sectionofthe childrestraintsystemtorestagainst the windscreen NOTE Whenusing childsafety equipment it is importantto readtheinstallation instructio...

Page 57: ...ed airbag for front facing child seats Deactivated airbag for rear facing child seats D Varies depending on market E Does not apply for child restraint systems with support legs Related information Childseatpositioning p 53 Childseatmounting p 55 Tableforlocationofchildseatsusing the car sseatbelts p 58 Tableforlocationofi Sizechildseats p 60 TableforlocationofISOFIXchildseats p 61 WARNING When fr...

Page 58: ...in thismassgroup A The seat cushion extension must always be retracted for the installation of child restraint systems B Adjust the seat to a more raised position C Adjust the backrest inclination as well as seat cushion height and inclination if necessary D Polestar recommends Maxi Cosi Cabriofix type approval E4 04443517 E Polestar recommends rear facing child seat for children in this mass grou...

Page 59: ...IXchildseats p 61 Seatbelts p 32 WARNING Neverusearear facing childseat onthe frontpassengerseatifthepassenger air bagisactivated NOTE AlwaysreadtheManualsectionon installinga childseatbeforeinstalling one inthecar Safety 59 ...

Page 60: ...ild restraint systems for as long as possible at least until 4 years of age B Polestar recommends BeSafe iZi Kid X2 i Size type approval E4 129R 000002 C Adjust the backrest so that the head restraint does not interfere with the child seat D For child restraint systems with support legs adjust the seat to a more raised position Related information Child seatpositioning p 53 Child seatmounting p 55...

Page 61: ... included inthemanufacturer svehiclelist Weight Size classA Typeofchild seat Front seat withdeacti vatedairbag only rear fac ingchild seats B C D Frontseat withactivated airbag only front facing childseats B C D Outer rearseat Centre rear seat Group0 max 10 kg E Rear facing infant seat ILB XE X IL X Group0 max13kg E Rear facing infant seat ILB F XE X IL X C Rear facing childseat D Rear facing chil...

Page 62: ...stem s label B Works for the installation of i Size child restraint systems and ISOFIX child restraint systems IL if the passenger seat is equipped with ISOFIX mountings varies depending on market and is i Size marked The upper mounting point for child restraint systems is only available for an i Size marked position C The seat cushion extension must always be retracted for the installation of chi...

Page 63: ...rontpassengerseatifthepassenger air bagisactivated NOTE AlwaysreadtheManualsectionon installingachildseat beforeinstalling oneinthecar IfanISOFIXchildseat hasnosizeclas sification thecarmodelmustbe includedonthevehiclelistforthechild seat Safety 63 ...

Page 64: ... SeatpositionA 1 2 withdeacti vatedairbag onlyrear facing child seats B C 2 with activated airbag onlyfront facing child seats B C 3C 4D 5C Seatpositionsuitableforuniversal categoryrestraintswhichare attachedusingthecar sseatbelt Yes No No YesE YesE Yes Yes Yes Seatpositionfori Size Yes No No YesF G YesF G Yes No Yes Seatpositionlateralfixture L1 L2 No No No No No No No Largestsuitablerearwardfaci...

Page 65: ...s C A child seat with support legs can be used on this seat D A child seat with support legs cannot be used on this seat E Adjust the backrest to a more upright position F Varies depending on market G For child restraint systems with support legs adjust the seat to a more raised position H Works for the installation of i Size child restraint systems and ISOFIX child restraint systems IL if the pas...

Page 66: ...66 Safety ...

Page 67: ...Section04 Displays andvoice control ...

Page 68: ...rainsensor Right handsteeringwheelkeypad Steeringwheeladjustment Horn Left hand steeringwheelkeypad Openingthebonnet Displaylighting unlocking opening closing oftailgate Roofconsole Front readinglampsandinteriorlighting HatchforSIMcard Displayinroofconsole CONNECT button Manual dimmingorHomeLink 4 Centreandtunnelconsole Centredisplay Hazardwarning flashers defrosting media Gear selector Parking br...

Page 69: ...s p 385 Displays and controls by the driver in a right hand drive car The overviews showwherethedisplays and controlsbythedriverarelocated Steering wheelandinstrumentpanel Positionlamps daytimerunninglights dipped beam mainbeam directionindica tors rear fog lamp resetting thetripmeter Driverdisplay Wipersandwashing rainsensor Right handsteeringwheelkeypad Steeringwheeladjustment Horn Left handstee...

Page 70: ...e Driver s door Memoriesforpowerfront seatssettings Centrallocking anddoormirrors Electricwindowsandchildlocks Adjustingfrontseat Relatedinformation Adjustingthepowerfront seat p 161 Adjustingthesteering wheel p 171 Lightingcontrol p 128 Starting thecar p 372 Driverdisplay p 72 Overviewofcentredisplay p 105 Gear positions p 385 5 For cars with automatic dimming there is no control for manual dimmi...

Page 71: ...redsetting Automaticsettingfordateandtime Dateand timearesetautomaticallyas standard Thetimezoneisadjustedautomatically based on thelocationofthecar Adjustdate timeandtimezonemanually by deactivatingthesettingforautomaticdate and time Forbothsettingsitispossibleto select the 24 or 12 hourclock Relatedinformation Overviewofcentredisplay p 105 Centredisplay sviews p 110 Carfunctionviewinthecentredis...

Page 72: ...warningsymbols Temperature Indicatorandwarningsymbols Speedometer Messages insomecases with graphics Batterymeter Drivingdirectionselected Doorandseatbelt informa tion Powermeter Cruisecontrolandspeedlim iterinformation Driversupport functions Tripmeter OdometerA Distancetoemptybattery Appmenu activatedviasteering wheelkeypad A Accumulated mileage Related information Driverdisplaysettings p 74 Ind...

Page 73: ...ault inthedriverdis playtheinformationone g brakes air bagsorothersafetysystemsmaynot beshown Inwhichcase thedriver cannotcheckthestatusofthecar s systemsorreceive currentwarnings andinformation Displays and voice control 73 ...

Page 74: ...eedifferent display modesthat arechangedviathe button on theright handsideofthesteeringwheel Car Centric themiddlesectionofthe driver display isadapteddependingonwhich func tionsareactive Calm themiddlesectionofthedriverdisplay isempty Navigation amapisshownoftheentire driverdisplay Systemsettings Systemsettingsforthedriverdisplayare made via the centredisplay 1 Press 2 Press 3 Select Displays 4 C...

Page 75: ...ipcomputer calculates approximaterange Battery meterandcalculatedrangeinthedriver display The batterymetershowshowmuchenergy there isinthe battery Thetripcomputer calcu lates approximaterangefortheenergyleftin thebattery Factorssuchasdriving methodand outside temperaturecanaffecttheestimated range Relatedinformation Driverdisplay p 72 Regenerativebraking p 384 Rangeforelectricoperation p 392 Displ...

Page 76: ...regenerationwiththeaccelerator pedal orthebrakepedal Orange thecarisconsumingenergy Dashed theelectricaldrivesystemis lim ited Relatedinformation Driverdisplay p 72 Regenerativebraking p 384 Settinglevelforbrakingaction p 385 Trip computer The car stripcomputerregistersvalues e g mileage averageconsumptionandaverage speed Informationinthe tripcomputer Overviewoftripcomputerinthedriverdisplay Milea...

Page 77: ...display p 78 Driverdisplay p 72 Changingsystemunits p 117 Resetting the trip meter The tripmetercanbereset to zerointhe driver display orbyusingtheleft handstalkswitch Reset all informationinthetripmeter to zero mileage averageconsumption averagespeed anddrivingtime Resettingtozero inthedriverdisplay 1 PresstheObuttononthesteeringwheel 2 Browsewiththe arrowsto Trip 3 Click ontheObutton 4 Click onc...

Page 78: ...facilitatemoreeconomic driving Thejourneystatisticsareavailablevia the Driver performancebuttonintheappview Thejourneystatisticsprovideanoverview of Instantconsumption Averageconsumption Drivingtime Averagespeed Mileage Relatedinformation Tripcomputer p 76 Rangeforelectricoperation p 392 Economicaldriving p 394 78 Displaysandvoicecontrol ...

Page 79: ...ert the driver to thefact thatafunctionis activated a system is working oradefectorseriouserror has occurred Redsymbols Warning Thered warningsymbolilluminates whena faulthasbeendetected whichcouldaffectthesafetyor driveability ofthe car Anexplana torytext isshownonthedriverdis play atthesametime Thewarning symbolcanalso illumi nateinconjunctionwithothersym bols Seatbelt reminder Illuminatesorflas...

Page 80: ...er display ABSfault Thesystemisdisengaged Thecar s regularbrakesystemcontinuesto work butwithout theABSfunction Rearfoglamp Therearfoglampisswitchedon Tyrepressuresystem Lowtyrepressure Ifthereisa faultinthetyrepressure system the symbol willflashfor approx 1 minuteandthenilluminate witha constant glow Thismaybe becausethesystemcannot detect or warnoflow tyrepressureas intended Fault in the headla...

Page 81: ...ionlamps Thepositionlampsilluminate White Greysymbols Activemainbeam Activemainbeamisswitchedon butdoesnot illuminate Brakingwhenstationary Brakingwhenstationaryisacti vated Laneassistance Whitesymbol Laneassistanceis activatedandroadlinesare detected Greysymbol Laneassistanceis activatedandroadlinesarenot detected Rainsensor Therain sensorisactivated Relatedinformation Driverdisplay p 72 Displays...

Page 82: ...respec tiveOSSlicense Sl No NameofOSS Component Ver sionof OSS Com ponent Name and Ver sion of License License text can be found in Appendix below HomePage MoreInformation 1 BidiReferen ceCpp 26 Unicode Terms of Use http www unicode org Public PROGRAMS BidiReferenceCpp C Socionext Embedded SoftwareAustriaGmbH SESA Copyright C 1999 2009 ASMUS Inc 2 FASTCRC32 License ofSte phan brumme Zlibstyle Lice...

Page 83: ...by Francesco ZappaNardelli 6 FreetypeProj ect PCF 24 16 8 MIT License https www freetype org Copyright2000 2001 2003 byFrancesco ZappaNar delliCopyright C 2000 2001 2002 2003 2006 2010 byFrancesco ZappaNar delliCopyright C 2000 2004 2006 2011 2013 2014 by FrancescoZappa NardelliCopyright 2000 2010 2012 2014by FrancescoZappa Nardelli Copyright2003byFran cescoZappa Nardelli 7 FreetypeProj ect Pcfuti...

Page 84: ...ght 1996byInter netSoftwareConsortium Consortium Copyright 1995by InternationalBusi nessMachines Inc 10 KhronosEGL Headers 1 3 MIT License http www khronos org registry egl Copyright 2007 2013The KhronosGroupInc Copy right2008VMware Inc Copyright 2013 2014The Khronos GroupInc 11 Khronos Group OpenGLES 2 0 SGIFree Software License Bv2 0 http www khronos org opengles 12 libjpeg 6b Inde pendent JPEG ...

Page 85: ...96Copyright 1996 1997AndreasDilger Version0 88Copyright 1995 1996GuyEricSchal nat Group42 Inc 14 Libunibreak 2 1 zlib License https github com adah1972 libunibreak Copyright C 2008 2011 Wu YongweiCopyright C 2012 Tom Hacohen tom stosb com 15 lz4Compres sionalgorithm NA BSD2 clause Simpli fied License http github com Cyan4973 lz4 Copyright C 2011 2014 Yann Collet 16 md5 NA Public Domain https doxyg...

Page 86: ...ck All RightsReserved Copyright 1985 1988 1989 1991 1993 1995The RegentsoftheUniversityof CaliforniaCopyright 1989 1993TheRegentsofthe UniversityofCalifornia Copyright 1983 1993The Regentsof theUniversityof CaliforniaCopyright 2000 2011GreenHillsSoft wareCopyright c 1996by Internet SoftwareConsor tium Copyright C 1998 WIDE Project Portions Copyright 1995byInter national Business Machines Inc Copyr...

Page 87: ...endix below HomePage MoreInformation 1992HenrySpencerCopy right 1997 1998 1999The NetBSD Foundation Inc Copyright 1994JamesA Jegers 18 NetBSD_BSD4 NA BSD 4 clause Original or Old License http www netbsd org Copyright2000 2011 Green HillsSoftwareCopyright 1994 1998ChristopherG Demetriou Displays and voice control 87 ...

Page 88: ...halerao rahul bhalerao redhat com b rahul pm gmail com Copyright 2009 2016by Oran AgraandMickey Gabel Copyright2008 2016 byDavidTurner RobertWil helm WernerLemberg and suzukitoshiya Copyright 2000Computing Research Labs NewMexicoState University Copyright 2001 2015FrancescoZappa Nardelli Copyright 2004 2016byMasatake YAMATOandRedhatK K Copyright 2007 2016by DerekCleggandMichael Toftdal Copyright20...

Page 89: ...2012 2016 VivanteCorporation Santa Clara CaliforniaCopyright 2007TheKhronosGroup IncCopyright 2014 2016 Vivante CorporationCopy right 2012VivanteCorpora tion Sunnyvale California Copyright 2011 IntelCor porationCopyright C 1999 2001 BrianPaul 21 zlib 1 2 8 zlib License zlibLicense Copyright C 1995 2007 Mark Adler Copyright C 1995 2005Jean loupGailly Copyright C 1995 2010 MarkAdlerCopyright C 2003C...



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Page 93: ...e incompli ance withthis license Wethusencourage you to usethefollowingtext Portionsofthissoft ware are copyright 1996 2002 2006TheFree Type Project www freetype org Allrights reserved Portionsof thissoftwarearecopyright 1996 2002 2006TheFreeTypeProject www freetype org Allrightsreserved Definitions Throughoutthislicense theterms package FreeTypeProject and FreeTypearchive referto theset offilesor...

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Page 95: ... 1991 1998 ThomasG Lane AllRightsReservedexcept as specifiedbelow Permission isherebygrantedto use copy mod ify anddistributethis software orportions thereof foranypurpose without fee subjectto theseconditions 1 Ifanypart ofthesourcecodeforthissoftware is distributed thenthisREADMEfile must be included withthiscopyright andno warranty notice unaltered andanyadditions deletions or changestotheorigi...

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Page 100: ...icaldata use duplication ordisclosure by the Governmentissubjecttorestrictionsas set forthin DFARS202 227 7015Technical Data CommercialandItems Nov1995 andthis Agreement ForSoftware inaccordance with FAR 12 212or DFARS227 7202 asapplicable use duplicationordisclosurebytheGovern mentissubjecttotherestrictionsset forth in thisAgreement C WarrantiesandDisclaimers 1 Thispublicationand orwebsitemay inc...

Page 101: ...fCaliforniawithoutregard to any principleswhichwouldapplythelaws of a differentjurisdiction Theuseragrees that any disputesregardingthissiteshallbe resolved solely inthecourtslocatedinSantaClara County California Theuseragreessaid courts havepersonaljurisdictionand agree to waiveanyrighttotransferthedispute to any otherforum 2 ModificationbyUnicode Unicodeshall have the right to modifythisAgreemen...

Page 102: ...Schalnat PaulSchmidt TimWegner The PNGReferenceLibrary issupplied AS IS The ContributingAuthorsandGroup42 Inc disclaimall warranties expressedorimplied including without limitation thewarrantiesof merchantabilityandoffitnessforanypurpose TheContributingAuthorsandGroup42 Inc assume no liabilityfordirect indirect incidental special exemplary orconsequential damages whichmayresultfromtheuseofthePNGRe...

Page 103: ...ial applications andtoalteritandredistribute it freely subjecttothefollowingrestrictions 1 Theoriginofthissoftwaremust not be misrepresented youmustnotclaimthat you wrotetheoriginalsoftware Ifyouuse this softwareinaproduct anacknowledgment in theproductdocumentationwouldbe appreciatedbutisnotrequired 2 Alteredsourceversionsmust beplainly markedassuch andmust not be misrepresentedasbeingtheoriginal...

Page 104: ...notificationviewof the centredisplay Servicemessages Shown below isaselectionofservicemessages andtheir meanings Message Specification Stop safelyA StopandcontactPolestar Support Seriousrisk ofdam age Booktime for regular main tenance Timeforaservice contact PolestarSupportA Shown beforethenextservicedate Timeforreg ularmainte nance Timeforaservice contact PolestarSupportA Shownat the next service...

Page 105: ...entredisplay Presentedhereisthe centre displayanditsoptions Home view Home viewisthefirstviewshownwhenthe screenisstarted The homeviewconsistsoffourtilesthatshow the last usedapps Thecentredisplay sdifferent viewscanalsobereachedfromthehomeview Displays and voice control 105 ...

Page 106: ...raviewshowstheparkassist cameras PAC6 whichdisplaysacomposite360 view andseparateviewsforeachofthefour cam eras rear front leftorrightcameraview Appview The viewforappsthathavebeendownloaded third partyapps orfor thecar sbuilt infunc tions 6 Park Assist Camera 106 Displaysandvoicecontrol ...

Page 107: ...es Carfunctions Viewshowingcarfunctions Relatedinformation Managing thecentredisplay p 109 Centre display s views p 110 Moving appsincentredisplay p 113 Apps p 415 Symbolsinthecentredisplay s statusbar p 113 GoogleMaps p 442 BluetoothMediaPlayer p 419 Phone p 420 Climatecontrols p 181 Audio settings p 414 Displays and voice control 107 ...

Page 108: ...splay p 520 Messagesinthecentredisplay p 123 Charginginthecar scentredisplay p 366 NOTE Ifnecessary theclimatecontrolcanbe usedtocooldownthemediasystemin thecentredisplay Inthesecases the messageCoolinginfotainment system is showninthedriverdisplay 108 Displaysandvoicecontrol ...

Page 109: ... toadjust theclimatefor the driver andpassengersiderespectively Returningtohomeviewfromanotherview Brieflypressthehomebuttonbelowthe cen tredisplay Thelastpositionofthehomeviewis shown Usingthecontrolsinthecentredisplay Thecontrolisusedformanyofthecar s func tions Regulatee g temperaturebymeans of oneofthefollowing dragthecontroltothedesiredtemperature tapon or inorderto raiseorlower the temperatu...

Page 110: ...ilableforuseagain Climateview Theclimaterowisavailableat thebottom of the screen Themostcommonclimatesettings can bemadedirectlythere suchassettingtempera tureand seatheating Sweepupontheclimaterowtoopenthecli mateview withmoresettingoptions Swipe downontheclimatevieworpressthe homebuttontoclosetheclimateview Cameraview Thecameraview startsautomaticallywhen gear positionRisused Camera view shows t...

Page 111: ...elated information Managingsubviewsincentredisplay p 111 Symbolsinthecentredisplay sstatus bar p 113 Resettinguserdata p 118 Userprofiles p 118 Climatecontrols p 181 Apps p 415 Carfunctionviewinthecentredisplay p 112 Overviewofcentredisplay p 105 Charginginthecar scentredisplay p 366 Movingappsincentredisplay p 113 Managing subviews in centre display The centredisplay shomeview andappview include ...

Page 112: ...ty Affectscarfunction Selectionbuttons Selectionoffunction mode Selectionbuttonsareavailableinthecarfunction view andcharging view for example Functionbuttons Haveon offposi tions Most buttonsinfunctionview arefunction buttons Thevariousbuttonmodesandfunctions Press thebuttononcebrieflyto activate or deac tivatethefunction Thefunctionisactivatedwhentheentire button forafunctionbuttonorselectionbut...

Page 113: ...15 Managingthecentredisplay p 109 NOTE Itisnotpossibletomoveappssothat a subviewisleftwithno apps Appscannotbeaddedtolocationsthat arealreadyoccupied Symbols in the centre display s status bar Belowis an overviewofthesymbolsthatcanbe showninthecentredisplay sstatusbar Thestatus barshowsactivitiesinprogress and insome cases their status Notallsymbols are shownallthetimeduetothelimitedspacein the st...

Page 114: ...to writelettersandcharacters by handinstead Pressingtheconfirmation but tonabovethekeypad confirms theenteredtext The appear anceofthebuttondiffersdependingon context Variants ofaletterorcharacter Variantsofa letterorcharacter e g éor è can beenteredbyholdingdowntheletter or charac ter Aboxisdisplayedshowingpossible variants oflettersorcharacters Presstherequired var iant Ifnovariantisselected the...

Page 115: ...underSettings thekeyboardretainsthe same languageasthecar ssystemlanguage Switchingbetweendifferent languages in the keyboard Whenanumberoflanguages havebeenselectedin Set tings thebuttoninthe key boardisusedto switch betweenthedifferent lan guages Tochangekeyboardlanguagewithlist 1 Givealongpressonthebutton A listopens 2 Select therequiredlanguage Ifmorethan four languageshavebeenselected it ispo...

Page 116: ...character aletter awordorparts of a wordinthearea forhand writtenletters Writeawordorpartsofawordabove each otheroronaline Anumberofsuggestedcharacters letters orwordsisshown Themost likelychoice isfoundatthetopofthelist 2 Enterthecharacter letters wordbywaitinga moment Thecharacter letter wordat thetopof the listisentered Itisalsopossibletoselect a differentcharacterbypressingthe requiredcharacte...

Page 117: ...ettingsaredefinedbythecentre dis play 1 Openappview 2 Press 3 ContinuetoSystem Languagesandinput 4 Select therequiredlanguage Thelanguageinthedriverdisplayandcen tre displayarechanged Relatedinformation Overviewofcentredisplay p 105 Resettinguserdata p 118 Changingsystemunits p 117 NOTE Changing thelanguageinthecentredis playmaymeanthat someinformationin theManualisnot compliantwithnational orloca...

Page 118: ... in the car TheAdminprofilehasadministratorprivileges andcannot bedeleted Tapon at thetopofthecentredisplayto accessprofiles Thehomeviewshowstheinitialsoftheactive profile A symbolisshowninsteadwhenthe systemisloggedout Automaticprofileselection It ispossibleto linkyour keytoaprofile The pro file alongwithallofitssettings willthenbe selectedautomaticallyeverytimethecaris usedwiththatspecifickey Th...

Page 119: ...edpositionforseat andrearview mirrors p 163 Connectaccounttouserprofile p 121 Managing user profiles Youcan changetoanotherprofileevenif the keyusedislinkedtoanotherprofile Creating aprofile 1 Tapontheinitialsorthe symbolat the top ofthe centredisplay 2 SelectAddprofile 3 Theprofileiscreated The profileissetasactiveprofile Aninstructionforhowthenew profile can be set appearswhilecreatinganewprofil...

Page 120: ...le Activatingscreenlock Whenscreenlock isactivated apasscodeis required inordertobeabletousetheactive pro file 1 Taponthe initialsatthetopofthecentre dis play 2 PressProfilesettings 3 Select Screenlock 4 Select type of screenlock andactivate Thescreenlockwill beshowninthecentre displaywhenchangingtoaprofilewith passcode andeachtimethesystem is restarted Deleting a profile Settingsthat havebeensave...

Page 121: ...thecarisstationary Connect account to user profile Itispossibleto addaccountsto theselected user profile Addanaccount 1 Tapontheinitialsat thetopofthecentre dis play 2 PressAccount 3 SelectAddaccount A listof accountsthat canbeaddedis shown 4 Select desiredaccount Relatedinformation User profiles p 118 Profilesettings p 120 Displays and voice control 121 ...

Page 122: ...toaprofile Itisonlypossibletolinkaprofileto the key cur rentlybeingusedinthecar Ifthereare multiple keysinthecar theMorethanonekey was found putthekeytobeconnectedon the backupreadermessageisshown Backup reader slocationinthetunnel console Disconnectingakeyfromaprofile 1 Tapon atthetopofthecentredisplay 2 Press Profilesettings 3 Select Userrecognitionbycar key to remove theactiveprofilefrom thelin...

Page 123: ...asawindowinthecentredisplay and requires immediate attention Can have 1 3 but tonsformanagement Shownforafewsecondsatthetopof the centre display Itis not possible to do anything with thenotificationanditisnot savedanywhere Thefollowingillustrativeexampleshows how messagesandnotificationscanbeshown in the centredisplayindifferentcontexts Related information Overviewofcentredisplay p 105 Centredispl...

Page 124: ...videsfeedbackintheform of responsestowhatwasrequestedorindicating ifitcannotunderstandwhattheuserwanted Voicecontrolsystemmicrophone Which areascanbecontrolledviaGoogle Assis tant InadditiontoaskingtheAssistantforinforma tionsearchedforviaGoogle searching for weatherforecasts ormanagingtheGoogle cal ender9 etc a number ofin carfunctions can be controlledusing yourvoice Theseinclude media radio pho...

Page 125: ...ad mymessages Readouttext mes sagessenttothephone Raisethetemperature Raisesthe tem peratureinthepassengercompartment Playmusic Playsbackmusicinselected mediaapp LogginginwithaGoogleaccountmeans that theassistantwillbemorepersonalised when the carisonline Forexample it ispossibleto callcontactsstoredincontacts google com or enquireabout whatisenteredinGoogleCalen dar Relatedinformation Voice contr...

Page 126: ...126 Displaysandvoicecontrol ...

Page 127: ...Section05 Lighting ...

Page 128: ...nbeamflashcanbeused Dipped beamandpositionlamps Mainbeamcanbeactivated Mainbeamflashcanbeused Position Specification Daytimerunning lightsandposition lampsindaylight Dippedbeam andpositionlampsin weak daylight ordarkness orwhen thefrontand or rearfoglampis activated TheActivemainbeam functioncan be activated Mainbeam canbeactivatedwhen dipped beamisswitchedon Mainbeamflashcanbeused Active mainbeam...

Page 129: ...sresponsiblefor ensuringthatthecarisdrivenwitha beam patternsuitableforthetrafficsitua tionandinaccordancewithapplicable trafficregulations Adjusting light functions via the centre display Severallightfunctions canbeadjustedand acti vatedviathecentredisplay Thisappliesto active mainbeam homesafelightingand wel comelighting forexample 1 Tapon inthecentredisplay 2 Then taponMore 3 Select InteriorLig...

Page 130: ...hedonwiththerotating ring on the stalkswitch Stalkswitchrotatingringinpositionlamps posi tion Turnthe rotating ringtothe position the front and rearpositionlampsareswitchedon number platelightingisswitchedonatthe same time Ifthecarisindrivemode thedaytimerunning lights areswitchedoninsteadofthefront posi tionlamps Ifthe car isstationarybut running therotating ringcanbemovedtothepositionlamp positi...

Page 131: ...heheadlampschangeautomat ically to dippedbeaminweakdaylight or dark ness Stalkswitchrotating ringin AUTO position Ifthe stalkswitchrotatingring isinthe position thedaytimerunninglights DRL13 are switchedonwhenthecarisdrivenindaylight The carautomaticallychangeslighting from daytime runninglight todippedbeam in weak daylight ordarkness Changingtodippedbeam also takesplaceiftherearfoglampisactivated...

Page 132: ...k daylightordarkness Stalkswitchrotatingringin position Withthestalkswitch srotatingring in posi tion dippedbeam is alsoactivatedautomati cally ifthefront andrearfoglampsareactivated Withthestalkswitch s rotatingringinthe position dippedbeamisalwaysactivated when the carisstarted Tunneldetection The cardetectswhenitisdrivenintoa tunnel andswitchesfrom daytimerunninglightsto dippedbeam Note that th...

Page 133: ...tchbackwardsslightly to mainbeamflashposition Mainbeam comesonuntilthestalkswitchisreleased Mainbeam Mainbeamcanbeactivatedwhenthe steeringwheelstalkswitch srotatingring is inposition 2 or Activatemainbeam bymovingthestalkswitchforwards Deactivatebymovingthestalkswitchback wards Whenmainbeamhasbeenactivatedthe symbolilluminatesinthedriverdisplay Relatedinformation Lightingcontrol p 128 Active main...

Page 134: ...nateswith awhiteglow in the driverdisplay Whenmainbeamisactivated the symbolshinesblue Ifactivemainbeamisdeactivatedwhile main beamis onthelightingisimmediately reset to dippedbeam Activemainbeamdoesnot needtobe reactiva tedeverytimethecarisstarted Adaptivefunctionality The activemainbeamhasadaptivefunctional ity Inthiscase unlikewithconventional dim ming themainbeamcontinuestoshineonboth sides of...

Page 135: ... optimumbeampatternwhenconditions arefavourable Thedriveralwaysbearsresponsibility for manuallyswitchingbetweenmainand dipped beamwhentrafficsituationsor weatherconditionssorequire Using direction indicators The car sdirectionindicators areoperated with the left handstalkswitch Thedirectionindica tor lampsflashthreetimesorcontinuously dependingonhowfar upordownthe stalk switchismoved Directionindi...

Page 136: ...e bendinglightsfollowsteeringwheel movementstoprovideadditionalillumination in bendsandjunctionsandcantherebyprovide thedriver withimprovedvisibility The functionisactivatedautomatically whenthe carisstarted Intheeventofafaultinthefunc tion the symbolilluminatesinthedriver display atthesametimeasthedriverdisplay showsanexplanatorytext Thefunctionisonlyactiveinweakdaylightor darknessandonlywhenthec...

Page 137: ...hedonwhen the steeringwheelstalk switch srotatingring is inposition or Taponthebuttonto activateanddeactivate The symbol shinesinthedriverdisplaywhen the front fog lampsareswitchedon Thefront foglampsareswitchedoffautomati callywhenthe carisswitchedofforwhenthe rotating ringonthestalkswitchissetto the position Corneringlights The front fog lampsincludethecornering light function whichtemporarily i...

Page 138: ...fromcountrytocountry Rear fog lamp The rearfog lampisconsiderablystronger than anormal rearlightandshouldonlybeusedin reducedvisibilityduetofog snow smokeor dust so that otherroadusers haveanearly warningofavehicleahead Buttonforrearfoglamp Rear fog lampscanonlybeswitchedon when thesteeringwheelstalkswitch srotating ring isinposition or thesteering wheelstalkswitch srotating ring isinposition andt...

Page 139: ...e brakelightautomaticallycomesonduring braking The brakelightisilluminatedwhenthe brake pedalisdepressedandwhenthecar is braked automaticallybyoneofthedriversupport sys tems Thebrakelight alsocomesonduringregenera tivebraking ifthebrakingforceexceeds acer tain level Related information Emergencybrakelights p 140 Brakefunctions p 375 Bulb replacement p 519 Drivingsupport systems p 242 Lighting 139 ...

Page 140: ... Hazardwarningflashers p 140 Hazard warning flashers Hazardwarningflasherswarnotherroadusers by meansof allof thecar sdirectionindicators beingactivatedsimultaneously Thefunction canbe usedtogiveawarningintheeventof traffichazards Buttonforhazardwarningflashers Press the buttontoactivatethehazardwarning flashers The hazardwarningflashersareautomatically activated whenthecarbrakessopowerfully that ...

Page 141: ...ndstalkswitchforward towardtheinstrumentpanelandrelease 3 Get outofthecarandlockthedoor The symbol comesoninthedriver dis play toindicatethatthefunctionis acti vatedandouterlightingisswitchedon Positionlamp headlamp numberplate lightingandlighting inouterhandles Thelengthoftimethat homesafelighting remainsoncanbesetviathecentredisplay Related information Adjustinglight functionsviathecentredis pla...

Page 142: ...eepsthepositionlampsandnumber plate lightingon Thelightingstaysonforapproxi mately2minutesoruntilthecarislocked Relatedinformation Adjustinglightfunctionsviathecentre dis play p 129 Usinghomesafelighting p 141 Key p 208 Interior lighting The passengercompartmentisequippedwith several typesoflighting e g generalinterior lighting adjustabledecorilluminationand read inglighting Front rooflighting Lig...

Page 143: ...rox 2minutes Rearrooflighting Therearereadinglampsintherearpart of the carwhicharealsousedasgeneralinterior light ing Incarswithpanoramicroof thereare twolamp units oneachsideoftheroof Thereadinglampsareswitchedonoroffby pressing gentlyandbrieflyonthelamp The brightnessisadjustedbypressingthelampand keepingyourfingeronit Polestarsymbolintheroof APolestarsymbolisprojectedintheroofwhen the carisunlo...

Page 144: ...ched on when thecarisunlockedandswitched off when thecarislocked Thebrightnesscanbe pre ciselyadjustedusingthethumbwheel in the instrumentpanel Relatedinformation Adjustinginteriorlighting p 144 Lightingcontrol p 128 Usagemodes p 373 Passengercompartment interior p 480 Adjusting interior lighting The lampsinsidethecarcomeondifferently dependingontheusageposition Theinterior lighting canbeadjustedw...

Page 145: ...Section06 Windows glassand mirrors ...

Page 146: ...sthecar sradio antennaislocatedinsidethewindow Pinch protection for windows All powerwindowsinyourcarhavepinch pro tectionwhichisdeployediftheyareblocked by any object whileopening orclosing Intheevent ofblocking themovementstops and thenreversesautomatically to approx 50mm approx 2inches fromtheblocked posi tion orto fullventilationposition It ispossibleto forcepinchprotectionwhen closinghasbeenc...

Page 147: ...WARNING Ifthestarterbattery isdisconnected the automaticopeningandclosingfunction mustberesettoworkproperly A reset musttakeplaceforpinchprotectionto work Power windows Eachdoorhasacontrolpanelfortheelectri cally drivenpower windows Thedriver s door hascontrolsforoperatingallwindows Driver s doorcontrolpanel Window controls inthedriver s door Window controls inthepassengerdoor Controls for windows...

Page 148: ...e controlpanelinthepassengerdoor Thepowerwindowsareequippedwithpinch protection Ifanyfaultariseswiththepinch pro tection aresetsequencecanbetested Operating the powerwindows Operatingwithoutauto Moveoneofthe controlsgentlyupordown Thepowerwin dows moveupordownaslongasthecon trol is held inposition Operatingwithauto Moveoneofthecon trolsupor downto theendpositionand releaseit Thewindowrunsautomatic...

Page 149: ...rce Itmaynotbepossibletooperatewin dowsatlowtemperatures Rearview and door mirrors The rearview mirrorsanddoormirrorscan be usedto givethedriverbettervisibilitytotherear Interiorrearview mirror The interiorrearview mirrorisadjustedby angling it manually Therearviewmirror is equippedwithautomaticdimmingthatcanbe adjusted in thecentredisplay Doormirrors Thedoormirrorshavewide anglefields16 inthe out...

Page 150: ... position is selected Theinteriorrearviewmirrorcontainstwosen sors oneforwardfacing andonerearwardfac ing that worktogethertoidentifyandeliminate dazzlinglight Theforwardfacing sensor detects ambient light whiletherearwardfacingsensor detects thelight fromvehicleheadlightsbehind 1 Tapon inthecentredisplay 2 PressAssist 3 Select 4 Taponthebuttonformirrorsandselect the preferredsetting Dimmingsensit...

Page 151: ...inkedtothememory function buttonsforthepowerseat Using controlsfordoormirrors Controls fordoormirrors The door mirrorpositionsareadjustedwith the joystickinthedriver sdoorcontrolpanel The car s electricalsystemmustbeactive 1 Press theLbuttonfortheleft handdoor mir roror theRbuttonfortheright handdoor mirror Thelightinthebuttonilluminates 2 Adjust the positionwiththejoystickin the centre 3 Press th...

Page 152: ... mir rorisangleddown Whenreversegear is disen gaged thedoormirrorautomaticallystarts to returnafterapprox 3secondsandthen reaches itsoriginalpositionafterapprox 8 seconds Automaticanglingduringparking With thissetting thedoormirrorisautomati callyangleddownwhenreversegear is selected Thefoldedpositionispreset and can not be adjusted Thisissothatthedrivercan for example see theedgeoftheroadwhilepar...

Page 153: ...oldedout manually Panoramic roof The roofisanentirepanoramicroofin tinted glass in order todampincominglight heat and ultravioletradiation ThereisaPolestarsymbol at theroofconsolethat illumi nateswhenthecar is running Itcanthenbeseenfrom both insideandoutsidethevehi cle spassengercompartment Relatedinformation Windows glassandmirrors p 146 Windows glass and mirrors 153 ...

Page 154: ...rsinthedriver display whenthereisapprox 1litre 1qt ofwasher fluid remaining Relatedinformation Usingtherainsensor p 155 Usingwindscreenandheadlampwashers p 157 Usingtherainsensor smemoryfunction p 156 Fillingwasherfluid p 538 Settingthewiperbladestoserviceposition p 537 Replacingwindscreenwiperblades p 536 Usingwindscreenwipers p 154 Using windscreen wipers The windscreenwipersaredesignedto clean ...

Page 155: ...enwipersareoperating Using the rain sensor The rainsensorautomaticallystarts the wind screenwipersbasedonhow muchwaterit detects onthewindscreen Rainsensor sensi tivitycanbeadjustedwiththethumbwheel on the right handstalkswitch Right handstalk switch Rainsensorbutton Thumbwheelsensitivity frequency Whentherainsensor isactivated therain sen sor symbol isshowninthedriverdisplay Activating therainsen...

Page 156: ...nd bedamagedinanautomaticcarwash Switchofftherainsensorbeforewashing thecar Thesymbolinthedriverdisplay extinguishes Using the rain sensor s memory function The rainsensorautomaticallystartsthewind screenwipersbasedonhowmuchwater it detects onthewindscreen Activating deactivatingthememoryfunction The memoryfunctionfortherainsensorcanbe activatedinsuchawaythat therainsensor but ton doesnot needtobe...

Page 157: ...g Ifonlyapprox 1litre 1qt ofwasherfluid remains inthereservoirandthemessageWasher fluid Refillwasherfluid levellow togetherwith the symbol isshowninthedriverdisplay then thesupplyofwasherfluidto theheadlamps is switchedoff Thisistoprioritisecleaningthe windscreenandthevisibilitythroughit The headlampsareonlywashedifmainordipped beamisswitchedon Relatedinformation Using therainsensor p 155 Wiperbla...

Page 158: ...158 Windows glassandmirrors ...

Page 159: ...Section07 Seatsandsteering wheel ...

Page 160: ...sed loweredaswellas adjustedinlengthandthebackrest inclination canbechanged Thelumbarsupport can be adjustedupward downward forward back ward Seat adjustmentcanbemadewhenthe car is in Comfort orDrivemode Adjustmentcan alsobe performedwithinacertaintimeaftertheengine has beenswitchedoff Relatedinformation Front seats p 160 Adjusting thepowerfrontseat p 161 Storinga positionforseatanddoor mirrors p ...

Page 161: ...kwardby adjustingthecontrolforward backward Changethebackrestinclinationbyadjust ingthecontrolforward backward Onlyonemovement forward back up down canbemadeatatime Thebackrestsofthefrontseatscannot be low eredfullyforward Relatedinformation Frontseats p 160 Powerfrontseat p 160 Storingapositionforseatanddoormirrors p 162 Usingstoredpositionforseatandrearview mirrors p 163 Adjusting thelengthofthe...

Page 162: ...1 or 2 button Whenthepositionhasbeenstoredinthe selectedmemorybutton anacousticsig nalcanbeheardandthelight indicatorin theMbuttonextinguishes Ifnoneofthememorybuttonsisdepressed withinthreesecondsthenthe M button extin guishesandnostoringtakes place Theseat orthedoormirrorsmustbereadjusted beforea new memorycanbeset Relatedinformation Front seats p 160 Powerfrontseat p 160 Adjustingthepowerfront ...

Page 163: ... 160 Adjustingthepowerfrontseat p 161 Storinga positionforseat anddoormirrors p 162 Adjustingthelengthoftheseatcushion in the frontseat p 164 Adjustingthelumbarsupportinthe front seat p 164 Adjustingthepassengerseatfromthe driv er sseat p 165 Anglingadjustmentofthedoormirrors p 151 WARNING Becausethedriver s seatcanbe adjustedwiththeignitionoff children shouldneverbeleftunattendedinthe vehicle Mov...

Page 164: ... anddoormirrors p 162 Usingstoredpositionforseat andrearview mirrors p 163 Adjustingthelumbarsupport inthe front seat p 164 Adjustingthepassengerseatfromthe driv er sseat p 165 Adjusting the lumbar support in the front seat The lumbarsupport is adjustedusinga control ontheside oftheseatcushion Four waybuttonthat controlsthecar s four way lumbarsupport The lumbar supportcanbeadjustedforward backwar...

Page 165: ...eat The front passenger seatcanbeadjusted from thedriver sseat Activatingthefunction 1 Tapon inthecentredisplay 2 PressMore 3 PressSeats 4 ThenselectOninthefunctioninordertoacti vate Adjust passengerseat Fromactivationofthefunctionthedrivermust adjust thepassengerseatwithin10seconds If no adjustment is madewithinthis time the func tionis deactivated Thedriveradjuststhepassengerseat using the contr...

Page 166: ...olding sections withoneandtwo seatsrespectively Related information Front seats p 160 Childsafety p 49 Childseats p 49 WARNING Onlychildrenupto 125cm 4feet 1inch may travel onboostercushionsinthe rearseat Childrenmorethan125cm 4 feet 1 inch talltravellingonboostercush ionsmust sitinthefrontseat ofthecar 17 17 Different countries have different legal provisions relating to the type of child restrai...

Page 167: ...zontal position Folding upthebackrest The backrest isfoldedupto theupright position manually 1 Movethebackrest up back 2 Pushthebackfurtheruntiltheinhibitor engages 3 Adjust the centreseatheadrestraintif neces sary Relatedinformation Adjusting the headrestraintintherear seat p 168 WARNING Adjusttheseatandfixit beforedriv ingaway Takecarewhenadjusting the seat Adjusting it carelesslyorin an uncontr...

Page 168: ...ackrests tobefoldedallthewayforward Adjusting the head restraint in the rear seat Adjust the centreseat headrestraint according to the heightofthepassenger Adjustingthecentreseat headrestraint The centreseatheadrestraintsmustbe adjustedaccordingtotheheightofthepassen ger so that it coverstheentirebackof the head if possible Pushitupmanuallyasrequired To movetherestraintdown thebutton see the pictu...

Page 169: ...ng wheel controls and horn The steering wheelhousesthehornand con trolsfore g thedriver supportsystemsand voice control Keypadsinthesteering wheel Controlsfordriversupportsystems 18 Controlsforvoicecontrolandmenu mes sageandphonehandling Horn The hornislocatedinthecentreofthesteering wheel Related information Steeringlock p 170 18 Speed Limiter Cruise Control Adaptive Cruise Control Distance Warni...

Page 170: ...henthecaris lockedfromthe outside Ifthecarisleft unlockedthenthesteeringlockwillbe activated automatically afterawhile Deactivatingthesteering lock The steeringlock isdeactivatedwhen thecaris unlockedfromoutside Ifthecarisnotlocked thesteeringwheellockwillbedeactivated as long as the keyisinthepassengercompart ment andthecar isstarted Relatedinformation Steering wheel controls andhorn p 169 Adjust...

Page 171: ...el 2 Adjustthesteeringwheelto theposition that suitsyou 3 Pull theleverback tofix thesteeringwheelin place Iftheleverisstiff press thesteering wheellightly at the sametimeasyoumove the leverback Relatedinformation Steeringlock p 170 Steeringwheelcontrolsandhorn p 169 Adjusting the powerfrontseat p 161 WARNING Adjustthesteeringwheelandfix itbefore drivingaway Thesteeringwheelmust never beadjustedwh...

Page 172: ...172 Seatsandsteeringwheel ...

Page 173: ...Section08 Climate ...

Page 174: ...eat or thecentredisplayisinuse 19 Climatecontrolstartsautomaticallyduring fast charging Relatedinformation Climatezones p 175 Climatecontrol sensors p 175 Perceivedtemperature p 176 Usingvoicecontrol p 125 Parkingclimate p 193 Airquality p 176 Airdistribution p 179 Climatecontrols p 181 Usagemodes p 373 NOTE Ifnecessary theclimatecontrolcanbe usedtocooldownthemediasystemin thecentredisplay Inthese...

Page 175: ...econtrolsystemhasanumberof sensorstohelpcontroltheclimateinthe car Do not coverorblock thesensorswithclothing or other objects Sensor location Sunsensor ontheuppersideoftheinstru ment panel Moisturesensor inthecasingbythe inte riorrearview mirror Temperaturesensorforthepassenger compartment bythephysicalbuttons in the centre console Outsidetemperaturesensor intheright handdoormirror With the Inter...

Page 176: ...aningsystemensure that the airquality inthepassengercompart ment ishigh Materialsinthepassengercompartment Theinteriorofthe passengercompartmentis designedto bepleasantandcomfortable even for people withcontactallergiesandforasthma sufferers Testedmaterialshavebeendevelopedin order to reduce thequantityofdustinthepassenger compartmentandto contributetomaking the passengercompartmenteasiertokeepcle...

Page 177: ...doesnotindicatethattheair qualityisgood Itonlyindicatesthatthe conditionsforgoodairqualityhavebeen met Clean Zone Interior Package CleanZoneInteriorPackage CZIP comprisesa seriesof modificationsthat keepthepassenger compartment evenclearerfromallergyand asthma inducingsubstances Thefollowingisincluded An enhancedfanfunctionthatmeans that the fanstartswhenthecarisunlockedwith the remotecontrolkey T...

Page 178: ...77 Clean ZoneInteriorPackage p 177 Passengercompartment filter p 179 NOTE Theairqualitysensormustalwaysbe enabledtoensurethebest airinthepas sengercompartment Inacoldclimaterecirculationislimited so astopreventmisting Intheeventofmisting thedefrost func tionsforwindscreen sidewindowsand rearwindowshouldbeused Activating and deactivating the air quality sensor The air qualitysensor ispartofthefully...

Page 179: ...renttypesofpassenger compartmentfilter Makesurethat the correctfilterisfitted Air distribution The climatecontrolsystemdistributes the incoming airviaanumberofdifferentvents in thepassengercompartment Automatic andmanualairdistribution Withauto regulatedclimaterunningthe air dis tributiontakesplaceautomatically Ifnecessary theairdistributioncanbecontrolledmanually Adjustableair vents Some of the a...

Page 180: ...matecontrol Relatedinformation Airdistribution p 179 Opening closingandaimingtheair vents p 180 Opening closing and aiming the air vents Someairventsinthepassengercompartment canbe opened closedandaimedindividually If the car souterventsareaimedatthe sidewin dows thenmistingcanbeeliminated If the car souterventsareaimedinwardsthen in ahot climate acomfortableenvironment is obtainedinthepassengerco...

Page 181: ...verandpas sengerside 20 Controlsforheateddriverandfrontpas senger seats ventilatedseatsandheated steeringwheel Climateview incentredisplay Open the climateviewinthecentredisplayby swipinguponthehomeview Mainclimate Inadditiontotheclimaterow sfunctions other mainclimatefunctionscanalsobecontrolled underMainClimate Controls formax defroster Controlsforairconditioning Controlsforairrecirculation Cont...

Page 182: ...mate p 174 Activatinganddeactivatingheated front seat p 183 Activatinganddeactivatingheated rear seat p 184 Activatinganddeactivatingventilated front seat p 185 Activating anddeactivatingtheheatedsteer ing wheel p 185 Activatingautoclimatecontrol p 186 Activatinganddeactivatingairrecirculation p 187 Activating anddeactivatingmaxdefroster p 188 Activatinganddeactivatingtheheatedrear windowand doorm...

Page 183: ...orwhootherwisehaveprob lemsoperatingthecontrolsforthe heatedseats Activating and deactivating automatic start of heated front seat The seatscanbeheatedinordertoincrease comfort for driverandpassengerswhen it is cold It ispossibletoset whetherautomaticstart of heatedseatsshouldbeactivated deactivated whenthedrivergetsinto thecar 21 Withauto maticstartactivated heatingwill start in low ambient tempe...

Page 184: ...sicalheated seat buttonontheleft handorright handside on thetunnelconsoleatthebackto switch the heaton offandtogglebetweenthethree heatlevels ThelevelchangesandtheLEDsinthe but tonshowthesetlevel Relatedinformation Climatecontrols p 181 WARNING Heatedseatsmustnotbeusedbypeople who find it difficulttoperceivean increase intemperatureduetoalack of sensationorwho otherwisehaveprob lemsoperatingthecon...

Page 185: ...heventilationOn Offand tog glebetweenthethreeventilationlevels Thelevelchangesandthebuttonshows thesetlevel Related information Climatecontrols p 181 Activating and deactivating the heated steering wheel The steering wheelcanbeheatedinorderto increase comfortforthedriverwhenit is cold 1 Taponthedriversideseatbuttoninthe cli mate rowinthe centredisplayto show the controlsforthesteeringwheelheating ...

Page 186: ...ating auto climate control Withautoclimate controlactivated multiplecli mate functionsarecontrolledautomatically 1 Opentheclimateview inthecentredisplay by swiping uponthehomeview 2 Give a shortorlongpresson AUTO Short press airrecirculation air condition ing andairdistributionarecontrolled auto matically Longpress airrecirculation air condition ingandairdistributionarecontrolledauto matically tem...

Page 187: ...cu lationwhenmaxdefrosterisactivated Ifthesystem sairqualitysensor detectsthattheoutdoorairiscontami nated theairintakeisclosedandair recirculationisactivatedautomatically Activating and deactivating time setting for air recirculation Air recirculationshutsoutbadair exhaust gases etc fromoutsidethecarbytheclimate control system reusingtheair inthepassenger compartment It ispossibleset whethertheai...

Page 188: ...axdefroster Physicalbuttoninthecentreconsole Pressthebutton Max defrosterisactivated deactivated and thebuttonilluminates extinguishes While maxdefrosterisactivated thetemperature inthedifferentclimatezonesisnot synchronised Activatinganddeactivatingmaxdefroster from centredisplay 1 Opentheclimateviewinthecentredisplay by swipinguponthehomeview 2 Pressthebuttonformax defroster Maxdefrosteris activ...

Page 189: ...centreconsole Pressthebutton Heatedrearwindowanddoormirrors are activated deactivatedandthebuttonillu minates extinguishes Activatinganddeactivating heatedrear window anddoormirrorsfromcentredisplay 1 Opentheclimateviewinthecentredisplay by swipinguponthehomeview 2 Pressthebuttonforheatedrearwindowand doormirrors Heatedrearwindowanddoormirrors are activated deactivatedandthebuttonillu minates exti...

Page 190: ...der Auto Rear Defrostertoactivate deactivateautomatic startofheatedrearwindow anddoormirrors Relatedinformation Activatinganddeactivatingtheheated rear windowanddoormirrors p 189 Usagemodes p 373 Regulating fan level for front seat The fan canbeset toseveraldifferent automati callycontrolledfanspeedsforthefrontseat 1 Opentheclimateviewinthecentredisplayby swipinguponthehomeview 2 Tap onthedesiredf...

Page 191: ...atureseparatelyfortheindividualcli matezones Deactivatingsynchronisationoftemperature 1 Taponthetemperaturebuttoninthemiddle of the climaterowinthecentredisplay to openthecontrol 2 Taponthesynchronisationbuttonabove the temperaturecontrols The temperaturecannowbesetsepa ratelyforthe individualclimatezones Set temperatureisnowshownseparatelyon the driver sandpassengersideinthecli materowinsteadofon...

Page 192: ...callycontrols starting andswitchingoffasrequired 1 Opentheclimateview inthecentredisplay by swipinguponthehomeview 2 Tapontheairconditioningbutton Theairconditioning isactivated deacti vatedandthebuttonilluminates extin guishes Relatedinformation Climatecontrols p 181 NOTE Close allsidewindows foraircondi tioning toworkoptimally It isnot possible toactivatetheaircon ditioningwhenthefancontrolisinO...

Page 193: ...anonlybestartedwithdirect start fromthecentredisplay The functionutilises severalsystemsin different cases Ina coldclimate theparking heaterwarms up thepassengercompartmenttoacomfortable temperature Theairconditioning inahotclimate cools the passengercompartmenttothe comfort temperature Heatedrearwindowanddoormirrors are automaticallyactivatedasrequired During preconditioninginahotclimate conden s...

Page 194: ...ning todirect start the preconditioning Relatedinformation Parkingclimate p 193 Preconditioning p 193 Rangeforelectricoperation p 392 Usagemodes p 373 NOTE Preconditioningisavailablewhenthe high voltagebatteryissufficiently charged but runningpreconditioning withoutthecarconnectedtoanelec tricalsocket affectsthecar srange The car s doorsandwindowsshould beclosedduringthepreconditioning ofthepassen...

Page 195: ...le Parkingclimatecontrolistemporarilydisengaged If theprob lempersistsforsometime contact Polestar Support tocheck thefunction Parkingclimate unavailableCharge leveltoolow Parkingclimatecontrolcannotbeactivated if theState of Charge SoC ofthehighvoltagebattery is too lowtostartthe parkingheater Start thecar Limitedparking cli mate Charge leveltoo low The runningtimeforparking climatecontrolislimit...

Page 196: ...he parkingclimate spreconditioningisactivated andthepassengercompartment needs to be heatedup Itswitchesoffautomaticallywhenthe car is started Batteryandcharging Theheaterispoweredbythecar shigh voltage battery Ifthechargelevelofthehighvoltage batteryistoolow thentheheaterisswitched off automaticallyandthedriverdisplayshows a message NOTE Makesurethatthereisenoughchargein thehighvoltagebatteryifth...

Page 197: ...Section09 Key locksandalarm ...

Page 198: ...ng ofdoors p 199 Lockingandunlockingfrominsidethe car p 205 Alarm p 237 Keyless locking and unlocking Withthekeylesslockingandunlocking function just having thekeywithyouinyourpocket or bagisenoughto unlockthedoorsandtailgate Thecar islockedor unlockedbytouchingthe door handle Relatedinformation Keylesslockingandunlockingofdoors p 199 Keylesstailgateunlocking p 200 Closing andlockingthetailgatewit...

Page 199: ...elocking Ifnoneofthedoorsisopenedwithin2minutes ofunlocking theyarelockedautomatically This functionpreventsthecarfrombeingleft unlockedunintentionally Related information Lockingandunlocking settings p 200 Keylesstailgateunlocking p 200 Keylesslockingandunlocking p 198 NOTE Oneofthecar skeysmust bewithin range forlocking andunlocking to work Beawarethat thesystemmaybeacti vatedinconnectionwithcar...

Page 200: ...onthetailgate s handleinordertounlock The handleispositionedbeneaththetailgate Pressgentlyontherubberisedpressureplate beneaththetailgate shandle Thetailgateisnowunlocked Relatedinformation Closingand locking thetailgatewiththebut ton p 201 Keylesslockingandunlockingofdoors p 199 Keylesslockingandunlocking p 198 Keyrange p 212 Keylessopeningandclosingofthetailgate withafoot movement p 203 WARNING ...

Page 201: ...fthetailgate can closeandlockthecar automatically Closing Taponthe buttonontheundersideof the tailgate The tailgateclosesautomaticallyand remainsunlocked Closingandlocking Taponthe buttonontheundersideof the tailgate The tailgateclosesautomaticallyandthe car is locked27 Cancel closing Press thebuttonontheinstrument panel Press thekey sbutton Tapontheclosing buttonontheundersideof the tailgate Pres...

Page 202: ...rushingwhen openingandclosing Checkthatthereisnobodynearthe tailgatebeforestartingtoopenor closeit asacrushinjury mayhave severeconsequences Alwaysoperatethetailgatewith caution Donot openthepretensionedsprings They arepretensionedtoahighpres sure and maycauseinjuryifopened NOTE Duringmanualtailgateoperation open orcloseit slowly Donotuseforceto open closeitifthereisresistance It maybedamagedandst...

Page 203: ...tion isthereforedeleted Relatedinformation Closingandlockingthetailgatewiththe but ton p 201 NOTE Itisnotpossibleto set aloweropening positionthana half opentailgate Ifthe systemhasworkedconstantly fortoolong itwillswitchoffinorderto preventoverloading It canbeused againafterapprox 2minutes Keyless opening and closing of the tailgate with a foot movement The tailgatecanbeopenedandclosedby mov ing ...

Page 204: ...Interruptopeningorclosingwithafoot move ment Makeoneforwardkickingmotionwhile the tailgateisopeningorclosinginorderto stop itsmovement Thekeydoesnotneedtobeneartothe car to interrupttailgateopeningorclosing Ifthetailgate is stoppedwhenitisalmost closed the nextactivationwillopenthe tailgate Relatedinformation Keylesslockingandunlocking p 198 Keyrange p 212 NOTE Oneofthecar s keysmustbewithin range...

Page 205: ...htheirpacemaker Thisistopre ventinterferencebetweenthepace makerandthekeylesssystem Locking and unlocking from inside the car The doorsandtailgatecanbelockedand unlockedfrominsideusing thecentral locking controlsinthedriver sdoor Dependingonthesettingsinthekey eitherall doors or onlytheselecteddoorwillbe unlocked Front doors Locking andunlockingbuttonwithindicator lampinthedriver sdoor Locking Tap...

Page 206: ...vatinganddeactivatingthechild lock p 207 Unlocking the tailgate from the inside of the car The tailgatecanbeunlockedfrominsideby pressing thebuttonontheinstrument panel Briefpressonthe buttonontheinstru ment panel Thetailgateisunlockedandcanbeopened fromoutsideusingthehandleunderthe tailgate Long pressonthe buttonontheinstru ment panel The tailgateopens Relatedinformation Locking andunlockingfrom ...

Page 207: ...nside Electricchildlock Buttonforactivationanddeactivation Lampilluminated thelockisactivated Lampextinguished thelockisdeactivated Whenthe childlockisactivated therear windowscanonlybeopenedusingthebut tons in thedriver sdoor doorscannotbeopenedfromtheinside Ifthe child lockisactivatedwhenthecaris switchedoff thefunctionwillcontinuetobe activatedthenext timethecar isstarted Symbols andmessages Sy...

Page 208: ...veamanualchildlock Key The carissuppliedwithtwokeysandakey tag Key or key tag KeyTag The keysare notusedphysicallywhen starting as the carhaskeylessstarting Itissufficient for a keyto bepresentinthecartoallow thecarto start These keyscanbelinkedto differentuserpro files to savepersonalpreferencesinthe car The key sbuttons The keyhasfourbuttons oneontheleft hand sideandthreeontheright handside 208 ...

Page 209: ...agworksinthesamewayas the regu larkeyasregardskeylessstarting andlocking andunlocking Thekeyiswaterprooftoadepthofapprox 10 metres 30feet forupto 60minutes It has no detachablekeybladeandthebatterycannot be replaced Interference Keyfunctionsforkeylessstartingandkeyless lockingandunlockingcanbedisrupted by elec tromagneticfieldsandscreening Ifthereisstillinterference usethekey s detachablekeybladet...

Page 210: ...y canbeusedto lock and unlockthedoorsandthetailgatesimultane ously Locking withthekey Pressthekey buttontolock thecar Alldoorsmustbe lockedto beableto activate the locksequence Ifanyofthedoorsorthetail gateisopen thesewillonlybelockedand alarmedwhentheyareclosed Thealarm s movement detectorsareactivatedwhenthe doorsandthe tailgateareclosedandlocked Lockingwhenthetailgateisopen Unlocking withthekey...

Page 211: ...ve thekeyinthecargo areawhenthetail gateisclosedandthecariscompletely locked30 Alwaystrymovingcloserto thecarand makinganotherunlockattempt Unlocking the tailgate with a key Itispossibleto unlockjustthetailgateusing a button onthe key Briefpressonthe buttononthekey Thetailgateisunlockedbut remains closed The side doorsarestilllockedandthealarm is armed Thelockandalarmindicatoronthe instrument pane...

Page 212: ...ongsidesandapprox 1 metre 3feet fromthetailgate Ifthekeyisremovedfromthecar Ifthekeyisremovedfromthe car whentheengineisrunning the warn ingmessage Carkeynot found See Manualisshowninthedriver display andanacousticremindersoundswhen the last doorisclosed The messageextinguisheswhenthekeyis returnedto thecar followedbyapress of the right handkeypad s Obutton orwhen thelast door isclosed Relatedinfo...

Page 213: ...changingthebattery Holdthekeywith thefrontvisibleand the Polestarlogofacingtherightway slide the buttonbythekeyringtotheright Slide the frontside sshellafewmillimetresupwards Theshellwillthencomefreeandcan be liftedoffthekey Turn the key movethebuttontotheside and slidetheback shellafewmillimetres upwards Theshellwillthencomefreeandcan be liftedoff the key Use ascrewdriverorsimilar to turnthebat t...

Page 214: ...lidethebatteryforwards sothatitfastensunderthetwo plastic catches Pressthebatterydownso thatitfastens undertheupperblackplasticcatch Refit the battery coverandturnit clockwise untilthemarking alignswiththe CLOSE text Repositiontherearside sshelland press it downuntilaclicking soundcanbeheard Thenslidetheshellback Afurther click willindicatethattheshellis properlypositionedandsecurely attached 214 ...

Page 215: ...leakingordamagedmay cause chemicalburnsoncontact with theskin sowearprotectivegloves when handlingdamagedbatteries Keepbatteries out ofthereachof children Do not leavebatteries lyingaround inplaceswheretheycouldbeswal lowedbychildrenorpets Batteriesmust not bedismantled short circuitedorthrownintonaked flames Donotchargenon rechargeable batteriesasthismaycausean explosion Checkthatthereisnodamaget...

Page 216: ...ORTANT ContactPolestarSupportifyourKey Tagbatteryisexhausted Thekeyhas tobedeletedfromthecarasitcanstill beusedforbackupstarting Avoidtouchingnewbatteriesandtheir contactsurfaceswithyourfingersas thismayimpairtheirfunction Makesurethatexhaustedbatteries aredisposedofinamannerwhichis kindtotheenvironment NOTE Allbatterieshavea limitedservicelife andmusteventually bereplaced The service lifeofthebat...

Page 217: ...checkedvia inthecentre display Relatedinformation Key p 208 Detachable key blade The keycontains adetachablekeyblade of metal withwhichanumber offunctionscanbe activatedandsomeoperationscarried out Contact Polestar Support whenordering new key blades Thekeyblade sapplicationareas Usingthekey sdetachablekeyblade the driver sdoorcanbeopenedmanually if centrallocking cannotbeactivatedwiththe standard...

Page 218: ...scharged for example Unlocking The alarmistriggeredwhenthecarisunlocked with the key blade Pullout thefrontdoorhandleontheleft handside to its endpositionso thatthelock cylinderbecomevisible Insert the keyinthelockcylinder Turnclockwise45degreesso that the key blade is pointing straightback Turnthekey back45degreestoitsstarting position Remove thekeyfromthelock cyl inderandrelease thehandlesothat ...

Page 219: ...oorhandlemust beopened Relatedinformation Detachablekeyblade p 217 Activatinganddeactivatingalarms p 238 Replacingthebatteryinthekey p 213 Key p 208 NOTE Whenthedoorisunlockedusingthe keybladeandisthenopened the alarmistriggered NOTE Adoor slock reset onlylocks that particulardoor not alldoorssimul taneously Amanuallylockedreardoorwiththe childlockactivatedcannotbe openedfromeithertheinsideorthe o...

Page 220: ...ng place thekey onthekeysym bolin thecupholder andtryagain Related information Key p 208 Orderingadditionalkeys p 217 Type approval for the key system Typeapprovalforthecar skeysystem can be seeninthefollowing tables For detailedinformationontypeapproval goto polestar com Locksystemkeylessstart PassiveStart and keyless locking unlocking PassiveEntry CEM labelforthekeysystem Forsupplemen tary typea...

Page 221: ...rmsto the essentialpropertyrequirements and otherrelevant provisions containedindirective 2014 53 EU Thefulltext ofthe EU declaration ofconformitycanbefoundat polestar com Manufacturer APTIVServices DeutschlandGmbH AmTechno logieopark1 D 42119Wuppertal Germany TheUnited ArabEmi rates ER37847 15 DA0062437 11 Indonesia Nomor 38301 SDPPI 2015 Jordan TRC LPD 2014 250 Malaysia RDBV 25A 1118 S 18 4228 R...

Page 222: ...Country Area Typeapproval Namibia TA 2016 02 Russia Serbia P1614120100 South Africa TA 2014 1868 222 Key locksandalarm ...

Page 223: ...06643 Modelo HUF8423MS Esteequipomento operaem carátersecundárioistoénãotem direitoaproteção contrainterfer ênciaprejudicial mesmodeesta çõesdomesmo tipo enãopode causarinterferênciaasistemas operandoemcaráterprimário CU Cus toms Union Kazakh stan Rus sia Key locks and alarm 223 ...

Page 224: ...rective2014 53 EU ThefulltextoftheEUdeclaration ofconformitycanbefoundat polestar com Wavelength 433 92MHz Maximumradiatedtransmission power 10mW Manufacturer HufHülsbeck FürstGmbH Co KG SteegerStr 17 42551Velbert Germany Philip pines ESD 1919938C TheUni tedArab Emirates Ghana NCA Approved ZRO M8 7E3 138 224 Key locksandalarm ...

Page 225: ...5073 SDPPI 2019 PLGID 8093 Morocco AGREEPARL ANRT MAROC Numérod agrément MR20402 ANRT2019 Dated agrément 10 07 2019 Moldova Nigeria Connectionanduseofthiscom municationequipment ispermit tedbytheNigerianCommunica tionsCommission Oman Key locks and alarm 225 ...

Page 226: ...Country Area Typeapproval Paraguay HUF8423MS Serbia И00519 Singa pore ComplieswithIMDAStandards DA103787 South Africa TA 2019 772 226 Key locksandalarm ...

Page 227: ...方得繼續 使用前項合法通信 指依電信法 規定作業之無線電通信 低功率射 頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業 科 學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設 備 之干擾 Ukraine CправжнімHuf Hülsbeck FürstGmbH Co KG заявляє що типрадіообладнання відповідає Технічному HUF8423MS регламентурадіообладнання повнийтекст деклараціїпро відповідністьдоступний на веб сайтіза такою адресою Fordetailedinformationontype approval goto polestar com Робочачастота 433 92 ГГц Key locks and alarm 227 ...

Page 228: ...Country Area Typeapproval Vietnam Belarus Zambia A Only applies to Indonesia 228 Key locksandalarm ...

Page 229: ...6950 19 06643 Modelo HUF8432MS Este equipo operaemcaráter secundário isto énão temdireito a proteçãocontra interferênciaprej udicial mesmodeestaçõesdo mesmotipo enão podecausar interferência a sistemasoperando emcaráterprimário CU Cus toms Union Kazakh stan Rus sia Key locks and alarm 229 ...

Page 230: ...rective2014 53 EU Thefull textoftheEUdeclaration ofconformitycanbefoundat polestar com Wavelength 433 92MHz Maximumradiatedtransmission power 10mW Manufacturer HufHülsbeck FürstGmbH Co KG SteegerStr 17 42551Velbert Germany Philip pines ESD 1919939C TheUni tedArab Emirates Ghana NCAApproved ZRO M8 7E3 139 230 Key locksandalarm ...

Page 231: ...072 SDPPI 2019 PLGID 8093 Morocco AGREEPAR L ANRTMAROC Numérod agrément MR20403 ANRT2019 Dated agrément 10 07 2019 Moldova Nigeria Connectionanduseofthiscom municationsequipment ispermit tedbytheNigerianCommunica tionsCommission Oman Key locks and alarm 231 ...

Page 232: ...Country Area Typeapproval Paraguay HUF8432MS Serbia И00519 Singa pore ComplieswithIMDAStandards DA103787 South Africa TA 2019 773 232 Key locksandalarm ...

Page 233: ...得繼續使 用前項合法通信 指依電信法規 定作業之無線電通信 低功率射頻 電機須忍受合法通信或工業 科學 及醫療用電波輻射性電機設 備之 干擾 Ukraine Cправжнім HufHülsbeck FürstGmbH CoKG заявляє що типрадіообладнання відповідає Технічному HUF8432MS регламенту радіообладнання повнийтекст декларації про відповідністьдоступний на веб сайтізатакоюадресою Fordetailedinformationontype approval go to polestar com Робочачастота 433 92 ГГц Key locks and alarm 233 ...

Page 234: ...Country Area Typeapproval Vietnam Belarus Zambia A Only applies to Indonesia Related information Key p 208 234 Key locksandalarm ...

Page 235: ...einstrument panel Thelockandalarmindicatorshowsthe status of thelockingsystem Alongflashindicateslocking Shortflashesindicatethatthecarislocked Rapidflashesafterdisarmingthealarm indi catethatthealarmhasbeentriggered Front door Anilluminatedindicatorlampinthelock button of eitherfront doorindicates thatalldoorsare locked Ifanydoorisopened thelampwillextin guishinbothdoors Reardoor Anilluminatedind...

Page 236: ...romtheinside Doublelockisactivatedwhenlockingwith a key or withkeylesslockingandtakesplace witha delayof approx 10secondsafterthedoorshave locked If adoorisopenedwithinthedelaytime thenthesequenceisinterruptedandthealarm isdeactivated The carcanonlybeunlockedwithakey keyless unlocking or the PolestarConnectwhen double lockisactivated Thedriver sdoorcanalsobeunlockedwith the detachablekeyblade Ifth...

Page 237: ...s oruntilthealarmisswitchedoff Ifthe cause of alarmactivationisnotrectified thealarmcycleisrepeatedupto10times31 Movementandtiltsensors Movement andtiltdetectors react to move ments inside thecar32 e g ifthewindowisbro kenor if anyonetriestotowthecaraway To avoidtriggeringthealarmunintentionally Close allwindowswhenleavingthe car If the climatecontrol isused aimthe airflow so that itdoes notpoint ...

Page 238: ...letodeactivatethealarm without a working key Deactivatethealarmwithout afunctioningkey Thecar canbeunlockedanddisarmedevenif thekey doesnotwork e g ifthekey s battery is dead 1 Openthedriver sdoorwiththedetachable key blade Thealarmistriggered 2 Place thekeyonthekeysymbolinthe backup reader inthetunnelconsole scupholder Thealarmisdeactivated Relatedinformation Alarm p 237 Locking andunlockingwitht...

Page 239: ...cedalarmlevel Activatingreducedalarmlevel 1 Tapon inthecentredisplay 2 PressMore 3 SelectLocking 4 ActivateReducedguard Ifthecarisunlockedandthenlockedagain the reducedalarmlevelmustbereactivated Relatedinformation Lockingandunlockingsettings p 200 Alarm p 237 NOTE Theelectricalsocketsareactivefora maximumof10minutesafterlockingwith reducedalarmlevel Key locks and alarm 239 ...

Page 240: ...240 Key locksandalarm ...

Page 241: ...Section10 Driversupport ...

Page 242: ...t Relatedinformation Speed dependentsteering force p 243 Electronicstabilitycontrol p 244 Road SignInformation p 248 Cruisecontrolfunctions p 254 OvertakingAssistance p 276 Laneassistance p 284 Assistanceatriskofcollision p 292 RearCollisionWarning p 305 BLIS p 306 DriverAlertControl p 310 Warningandauto brakewhilereversing p 312 ParkAssist p 315 Parkassistcamera p 321 Radarunit p 329 Camera unit ...

Page 243: ...istanceTemporarily reduced isshown as well as thissymbolinthedriver dis play Whilethepowersteering isworkingat reduced power thedriversupport functionsand steering assistancesystemsarenot available Change thesteeringforcelevel 1 Tapon inthecentredisplay 2 PressDrive 3 Choosethepreferredsettingforsteering Steeringwheelresistanceselectioncan only be accessedifthecarisstationaryorismovingat lowspeeda...

Page 244: ...ng Thefunctioncanalsopreventthedrivingwheels fromspinningagainsttheroadsurface during acceleration Engine Drag Control Engine Drag Control EDC35 canpreventinvol untarywheellocking e g aftershifting downor enginebraking whendrivinginlow gear on slip peryroadsurfaces Involuntary wheellockingwhiledriving can amongstother things impairthedriver sability to steerthecar Trailer StabilityAssist36 The fun...

Page 245: ...ability Control in sport mode The stabilitysystem ESC39 isalwaysactivated it cannotbeswitchedoff However the driver canselectECSSportmode whichallows fora moreactivedriving experience With Sportmodeselected interventionsfrom thesystemarereducedandthecarisallowedto skidmoreandgreatercontrolthannormal is thustransferredtothedriver WhenSportmodeis selected thefunction can beconsideredasdeactivated de...

Page 246: ... the system is backinitsnormalmodeagain 1 Tapon inthecentredisplay 2 PressDrive 3 Select toactivateordeactivate ECS Sportmodecannotbeselectedwhen one of the followingfunctionsisactivated Speedlimiter Cruisecontrol Adaptivecruisecontrol PilotAssist Relatedinformation ElectronicStabilityControlinsportmode p 245 Electronicstabilitycontrol p 244 Symbols and messages for electronic stability control A ...

Page 247: ...porarilyreduceddue to excessive braketemperature thefunction is reactivatedautomaticallywhenthebrakes have cooled ESCServicerequired The systemisdisengaged Stopthecarinasafe place switchofftheengineandstart it again Atextmessagecanbeclearedbybriefly press ingthe button locatedinthecentre of the steeringwheel sright handkeypad Ifyoustillseea message pleasecontact Pole starSupport Relatedinformation...

Page 248: ...mitationsofRoadSignInformation p 254 WARNING Thefunctionissupplementarydriver support intendedto facilitatedriving andmakeitsafer it cannot handleall situationsinalltraffic weatherand roadconditions Thedriverisadvisedtoreadallsec tionsintheManualthatrelatetothis functionto learnaboutfactorssuch as its limitationsandwhatthedriver shouldbeawareofbeforeusingthe system Driver supportfunctionsarenot as...

Page 249: ...8 Automaticspeedlimiter p 260 LimitationsofRoadSignInformation p 254 NOTE If theautomaticspeedlimiterfunction isactivated roadsigninformationis showninthedriverdisplayevenifthe RoadSignInformationfunctionisnot activated To remove roadsigninformationfrom thedriverdisplay youmustdeactivate both theautomaticspeedlimiterand RoadSignInformation Whenthe automaticspeedlimiter functionisactivatedbutRoadSi...

Page 250: ...ving towardsano entryroadif the functionfor acousticwarning forroadsigns is activated 49 Speedlimit orendofmotorway Whenthefunctiondetectsan indirect speed limit sign statingtheendofthecurrentspeed limit e g at theendofamotorway a symbol may beshownwiththecorrespondingroad sign inthedriver display Normal speedlimitsignsaredisplayedinnor malcasesevenifanindirectspeedlimitsignhas been passed indirec...

Page 251: ...chthedifferent speedsapply Theroadsectionmaybe particu larlysusceptibletoaccidentsinrainand or fog forexample Anadditionalsignrelatingtorainis onlyshown ifthe windscreenwipersareinuse Ifa traileris connectedtothecar selectricalsys temand youpassaspeedsignwiththe addi tionalsign trailer theindicatedspeedwill appear onthedriverdisplay Somespeedlimitsonlyapply afteracertaindistance or at a certaintim...

Page 252: ...limit areaunlessthedriverreducesthespeed Anotherwarningisavailableonlywhen the driver hasreducedthespeedbyat least5km h 3 mph andthenexceedsthespeedlimitagain orwhen thecarreaches anew differentspeed limit area Warningforspeedcamera Roadsigninformationcan give informationonspeedcameras aheadinthedriverdisplay52 Ifthe car exceedsadetectedspeedlimit with thespeedwarning functionactivated a speed war...

Page 253: ... inthecentredisplay 2 PressAssist 3 Tapon forroadsigninformationand select the desiredsetting Youcanchoosetodo thefollowing Activatespeedwarning Adjust thelimit for SpeedWarning54 Activating acousticwarninginconnection with speedwarning55 Activating acousticwarninginconnection with speedcamerawarning56 Related information RoadSignInformation p 248 Warningforspeedlimitationandspeedcam era fromroads...

Page 254: ...lein combinationwithmapdata Somebicycleracktypesconnectedto thepowersocketfortrailerscanbe interpretedasconnectedtrailersby theRoadSignInformationsystem The driverdisplaymayshow incorrect speed informationinsuchcases Thisfunctionusesthecar scamera and orradarunits whichhavecertain generallimitations Cruise control functions There are severaldriversupportsystemsthat canassist youwhiledrivinginorder...

Page 255: ...ample motorways and long straight main roadsin smoothtraffic flows Theadaptive cruisecon trolhelpsthe driverto maintain an even speed combined withapre selectedtime intervalto the vehicle ahead PilotAssistcan helpthe driver to drivethecar betweenthe lane sside markingsusing steering assis tanceaswellas tomaintainan evenspeed combinedwith apreselected timeintervalto thevehicle ahead A Speed Limiter...

Page 256: ...ored speed Fromactivemode Increasesthe storedspeed Reducesstoredspeed Whenthespeedlimiterisselected active theautomaticspeedlimitercan be selectedtoo Whenadaptivecruisecontrol is selected active PilotAssist canbe selectedtoo Reducesthetimeintervaltovehicles ahead Increasesthetimeintervaltovehicles ahead Relatedinformation Cruisecontrolfunctions p 254 Selecting andactivatingthecruisecontrol functio...

Page 257: ...be selected inthecentredisplaybeforetheycanbe activatedusingthesteering wheelbutton This appliesto speedlimiter SL63 automaticspeed limiter ASL64 cruisecontrol CC65 adaptive cruisecontrol ACC66 andPilotAssist 1 Select thedesiredfunctionwiththebuttonfor cruise controlfunctionsinthecentredisplay underAssist Thebutton ssymbolchangesdepending on thefunctionselected andthesymbol in the driverdisplay is...

Page 258: ... h 20mph orhigher Adaptivecruisecontrol Thedriver sseatbeltmustbebuckled and the driver sdoormustbeclosed Theremustbeavehicle the target vehicle within reasonabledistanceinfrontof the car orthecurrentspeedmustbeat least 15 km h 9mph Pilot Assist Thedriver sseatbeltmust bebuckledand the driver sdoormustbeclosed The lane sedge markingsmust beclearand must bedetectedbythecar Theremustbeavehicle the t...

Page 259: ...secontrol thedriverregulates the speedusingtheacceleratorpedalbut is preven tedfromaccidentally exceedingastoredmaxi mumspeedbythe speedlimiter Temporaryacceleration The speedlimitercanbetemporarilyoverridden whentheacceleratorpedalisfullydepressed without thespeedlimiterfirst having tobe set in standbymode e g tobeabletoquickly accel erate the caroutofasituation Inwhich case proceedasfollows 1 Fu...

Page 260: ...imum speedto the speedshownontheroadsigns Thefunctionhasadynamic symbolthatchangesappear ancewhenthefunctionis active The colour ofthesymbolindicatesthe status of thefunction Symbol Meaning Illuminated Automaticspeedlimiteris active Grey Automaticspeedlimiteris selected butinstandbymode Extin guished Automaticspeedlimiterisinac tive Othercruisecontrolis selected Speedinformationfromroadsigns Theau...

Page 261: ...9 Settingthestoredspeedforcruisecontrol functions p 280 WARNING Evenifthedriverclearlysees the speed relatedroadsign thespeed informationfromtheRoadSignInfor mationto automaticspeedlimiter functionmaybeincorrect insuch casesthedrivermustintervenehim herselfandaccelerateorbraketoa suitablespeed Thefunctionissupplementary driversupport intendedtofacilitate driving andmake it safer itcannot handleall...

Page 262: ...uisecontrolfunctions p 254 Selectingandactivatingthecruisecontrol function p 257 Deactivatingcruisecontrolfunctions p 259 Standbymodeforcruisecontrol p 263 Settingthestoredspeedforcruisecontrol functions p 280 WARNING Thefunctionissupplementarydriver support intendedto facilitatedriving andmakeitsafer it cannot handleall situationsinalltraffic weatherand roadconditions Thedriverisadvisedtoreadalls...

Page 263: ...gearselectorismovedto theN position Thedrivermaintainsaspeedhigher than the storedspeedformorethan1minute Thedrivermustthencontrolthespeedhimself herself Atemporaryincreaseinspeedwiththe acceler atorpedal e g duringovertaking does not affectthesetting thecarreturnstothe last storedspeedwhentheacceleratorpedal is released Automaticstandbymode Automaticstandbymodemaybeactivated if anyofthefollowingo...

Page 264: ...of large speeddifferences or ifthevehicle in front brakes suddenly Duetothelimitations of the radarunit brakingmaycome unex pectedly ornot atall followthevehicleaheadinthesame lane ata timeintervalsetbythedriver Iftheradarunit cannot seeanyvehicleahead thecarwill insteadmaintainthespeedstoredbythe driver Thisalso takesplaceifthespeedofthe vehicleaheadincreasesandexceeds the storedspeed Steeproadsa...

Page 265: ... inheavyrain snow inpoorvis ibility onwinding roadsoronslip roads WARNING Thefunctionissupplementary driver supportintendedto facilitate driving andmakeitsafer itcannot handleall situationsinalltraffic weatherandroadconditions Thedriverisadvisedtoreadallsec tionsintheManualthat relateto this functionto learnaboutfactorssuch asitslimitationsandwhatthedriver shouldbeawareofbeforeusingthe system Driv...

Page 266: ...occur Anyofthesystemsonwhichadaptive cruise controlisdependentstopsworking e g sta bilitycontrol anti skid ESC80 Thedriveropensthedoor Thedrivertakesofftheseatbelt Theenginespeedistoolow high Oneormorewheelslosetraction The braketemperatureishigh Theparkingbrakeisapplied Thecameraand orradarunitsarecoveredby e g snow orheavyrainfall cameralens radio waves areblocked Thespeedisbelow5km h 3mph andAC...

Page 267: ...gthestored selected speed AdaptiveCruiseControl Service required Thesymbolisextinguished The systemdoesnot functionasitshould Con tact PolestarSupport Adaptivecruisecontrolissettostandbymode Radarsensorfront Sensor blockedSeeManual Cleanthesurfaceofthegrilleinfrontofthe radar unit Atextmessagecanbeclearedbybriefly press ingthe button locatedinthecentre of the steeringwheel sright handkeypad Ifyous...

Page 268: ... PilotAssistregulatesthespeedwithaccelera tionand braking It isnormal forthebrakesto emit alowsoundwhentheyarebeing used to adjust the speed Pilot Assist attemptsto regulatethespeedsmoothly Insituations that demandsuddenbrakingthedrivermust brakehimself herself Thisapplies in casesof large speeddifferences or ifthecarinfront brakes suddenly Duetothelimitationsofthe cameraandradarunits braking mayc...

Page 269: ...alertthedrivertothefact thatsteering assistancehasbeendeactivatedtemporarily Roundbendsandwhentheroadsplits Pilot Assistinteractswiththedriver who should thereforenotwaitforthesteeringassistance fromPilot Assistbutshouldalwaysbe prepared to increasehis herownsteeringinput espe cially in bends When the carapproachesanexit or ifthelane splits the drivershouldsteertowardsthe desiredlanesothatPilotAss...

Page 270: ...oredspeedforcruisecontrol functions p 280 Warningfromcruisecontrolfunctions in the eventofa riskofcollision p 278 Automaticbraking withcruisecontrol func tions p 282 Changeoftargetwithcruisecontrolfunctions p 279 OvertakingAssistance p 276 WARNING Pilot Assiststeeringassistanceisauto maticallydeactivatedandisresumed without priorwarning Do not waitforalllevelsofwarning and assistancefromthesystems...

Page 271: ...s roadsidebarriers tem poraryobstacles trafficcones safetybarriers etc arenot detected Alternatively theymaybe WARNING detectedincorrectlyaslanemark ings withasubsequentrisk ofcon tact betweenthecarandsuch obstacles Thedrivermust ensure him herselfthatthecarisatasuita bledistancefromsuchobstacles Thecamera andradarsensordoes not havethecapacitytodetectall oncomingobjectsandobstaclesin traffic envi...

Page 272: ...nedataworkshop contactPole starSupport NOTE PilotAssistcannotbeactivatedifa trailer bicyclerackorsimilariscon nectedtothecar selectricalsystem Thisfunctionusesthecar scamera and orradarunits whichhavecertain general limitations Display view for adaptive cruise control and Pilot Assist85 The following illustrativeexampleshows how adaptivecruisecontrol ACC86 andPilotAssist canbe showninthedriverdisp...

Page 273: ...bymode meansthat thefunctionis selected inthecentredisplaybutnotactivated Thesymbolinthedriverdisplayisextinguished andPilot Assist doesnotthenregulate the speedorthedistancetothevehicleahead or provide steering assistance Standby modeondriverintervention Pilot Assist isdeactivatedandset tostandby mode ifanyofthefollowingoccur The foot brakeisused The gearselectorismovedto theN position The direct...

Page 274: ...t Assist no longerhasavehicletofollow Related information PilotAssist p 268 WARNING Withautomaticstandbymode thedriver iswarnedviaanacousticsignalanda messageinthedriverdisplay Thedrivermustthenregulatethecar s speed applythebrakesasneededand maintainasafedistancetoothervehi cles Symbols and messages for Pilot Assist89 A numberofsymbolsandmessagesregarding Pilot Assistcanbeshown Herearesome exam p...

Page 275: ...ctthedriver s hands on the steeringwheel Placeyourhandsonthesteering wheel andactivelysteerthecar Radarsensorfront Sensor blockedSee Manual Cleanthesurfaceofthegrilleinfrontof the radar unit Atextmessagecanbeclearedbybriefly press ingthe button locatedinthecentre of the steeringwheel sright handkeypad Ifyoustillseea message pleasecontact Pole starSupport Relatedinformation PilotAssist p 268 Polest...

Page 276: ...RNING Beawarethatthisfunctioncanbeacti vatedinmoresituationsthanduring overtaking e g whenadirectionindi catorisusedtoindicateachangeof laneorexittoanotherroad thecar willthenacceleratebriefly WARNING Thefunctionissupplementary driversupportintendedtofacilitate drivingandmakeitsafer itcannot handleallsituationsinalltraffic weatherandroadconditions Thedriverisadvisedto readall sec tions in theManua...

Page 277: ...ingdoes not proceed thetimeintervalreturnstothe preset Related information OvertakingAssistance p 276 Adaptivecruisecontrol p 264 PilotAssist p 268 Standbymodeforadaptivecruisecontrol p 266 StandbymodeforPilotAssist p 273 WARNING When usingtheOvertaking Assistance System thedrivershouldbeawarethat theremaybeundesiredaccelerationif theconditionssuddenlychange Somesituationsshouldthereforebe avoided...

Page 278: ...ruisecontrolandPilot Assist use approx 40 ofthecapacityofthefoot brake If thecarneedstobebrakedmoreheavily than thedriversupportiscapableofandthe driver doesnotbrake thewarninglampand acoustic warningareactivatedtoalert thedriver that immediateinterventionisrequired Relatedinformation Drivingsupportsystems p 242 Adaptivecruisecontrol p 264 PilotAssist p 268 WARNING The driversupportsystemsonlywarn...

Page 279: ...edisengagedand set in standby mode whenthespeedisbelow5 km h 3mph and thedriversupportsareuncertainwhether the targetobjectisastationaryvehicleor another object suchasaspeedbump whenthespeedisbelow5 km h 3mph and thevehicleaheadturnsoffsothat the driver supportsnolongerhaveavehicleto follow Relatedinformation Drivingsupportsystems p 242 Adaptivecruisecontrol p 264 Pilot Assist p 268 WARNING When t...

Page 280: ...ring wheelbutton 1 thespeedstored will be thecar s speedwhenthebuttonisdepressed providedthedriver sfootisontheaccelerator pedalat themoment whenthebutton is depressed Atemporaryincreaseinspeedwiththeacceler atorpedal e g during overtaking does not affect the setting thecarreturnstothe last storedspeedwhentheacceleratorpedal is released Possiblespeed Note thatthelowestprogrammablespeedis 30km h 20...

Page 281: ...ions inorder toallowthecartofollowthevehicle in frontsmoothlyandcomfortably Atlow speed whenthedistancesareshort theadaptive cruisecontrolincreasesthetimeinterval slightly Relatedinformation Drivingsupport systems p 242 Adaptivecruisecontrol p 264 Pilot Assist p 268 WARNING Onlyusea time windowthat suitsthe currenttrafficconditions Thedrivershouldbeawarethatshort timewindowslimit theamount oftime ...

Page 282: ...clights driving is automati callyresumedifthestopsdonotexceed approx 3seconds ifittakeslongerbeforethe vehicleinfrontstartsmoving againthenthe driversupportfunctionissetinstandby mode withautomaticbraking The functionisreactivatedinoneofthe fol lowing ways Pressthesteering wheelbutton Depressthe accelerator pedal Thefunctionresumesfollowingthevehicle aheadifitstartsmovingforwardwithin approx 6seco...

Page 283: ...ontrol p 264 PilotAssist p 268 Brake functions p 375 WARNING Asignificantincreaseinspeedmayfol lowwhenthespeedisresumedwith the steeringwheelbutton Driver supportsystemsonlywarnof obstacleswhichtheircameraand radarunitshavedetected hencea warningmaynotbegiven oritmaybe givenwithacertaindelay Neverwaitforawarningorinterven tion Applythebrakeswhenthesit uationrequires NOTE Thedriversupportscanholdth...

Page 284: ...mesavailableagain when the roadiswideenough Acamerareadsthesidelinesoftheroad lane Lane assistancesteersthecarbackinto itslane Lane assistancewarnswithsteeringwheel vibrations Dependingonsettings laneassistanceacts in accordancewiththefollowing Steering assistanceactivated When thecar isapproachingalaneline thefunction will activelysteerthecarback into itslane by applying a slight torquetothesteer...

Page 285: ...n Relatedinformation Drivingsupport systems p 242 Activatinganddeactivatinglaneassistance p 286 Selecting assistanceoptionforlane assis tance p 287 LimitationsofLaneassistance p 287 Symbolsandmessagesforlaneassistance p 288 Displaymode forlaneassistance p 289 Difference betweenPilot Assist andlane assistance p 290 WARNING Thefunctionissupplementarydriver supportintendedtofacilitatedriving andmakei...

Page 286: ...or deactivatethis function However steering interventionwillalwaysbeactiveforunbroken lines Activateordeactivatethe functionusingthisbuttonin thecentredisplayunder Assist Buttonindicationon thefunctionisacti vated Extinguishedbuttonindication the function isdeactivated Relatedinformation Laneassistance p 284 Selectingassistanceoptionforlaneassis tance p 287 LimitationsofLaneassistance p 287 92 Lan...

Page 287: ...ions poorroadsurface a very sporty drivingstyle poor weatherwithreducedvisibility roads withunclearornon existent sidemark ings sharpedgesorlinesotherthanthe lane sside markings asthesteeringservo forspeed dependent steering wheelresistanceisworkingat reduced power e g whencoolingdue to overheating The functionisunableto detect barriers railsor similar obstaclesatthesideofthecarriageway Relatedinf...

Page 288: ...ofthecamerato scantheroadwayinfront ofthe carisreduced Apply steeringLane KeepingAid Steeringassistancedoesnotfunction ifthedriver doesnot have his her handsonthesteering wheel Follow theinstructionandsteerthecar Atextmessagecanbeclearedbybriefly press ingthe button locatedin thecentre of the steeringwheel sright handkeypad Ifyoustillseea message pleasecontact Pole starSupport Relatedinformation L...

Page 289: ... white Laneassistanceisscanningoneorboth lane lines Unavailable Unavailable thelanelinesinthesymbol are extinguished The Lane assistancecannotdetectthe lane lines thespeedistoolowortheroadistoonar row Indicationofsteeringassistance warning Steering assistance warning thesymbolturns coloured Lane assistanceindicatesthat thesystem is giv ing a warningand or attempting to steerthecar backinto thelane...

Page 290: ...ist Pilot Assistcan helpyoutosteeryour car betweenthe lanemarkings aswellasto main tainapreset speedandtimeintervalto the vehi cleahead Thefunctioncanalsohelpto main tainanadvantageouspositioninthelaneusing thelane slanelines What doesPilotAssist do Canhelpto keepthecarwithinitslaneby assistingsteering insomecases Canhelpto maintainapreset speed or the distance tothevehicleaheadbymeans of accelera...

Page 291: ...ngthecar back into itslaneand orprovidingwarningsusing acousticsignalsorsteeringwheelvibration HowdoIknowwhenlaneassistanceis opera tional Symbolsinthedriver sdisplayinthecar show thestatusofthefunction Anextinguishedsymbolinthe driver sdisplaymeans thatthe functionisrunning butthe conditionsforLKAhavenot beenmet Awhitesymbolinthe driver s displaymeansthatthe condi tionsforLKAhavebeen met andthatt...

Page 292: ...trisk ofcollision99 canassistthe driver to avoidacollisionviaawarning auto maticbraking andsteeringassistance Functionoverview Light signalintheeventofarisk ofcollision Warningsignalintheeventofarisk of colli sion Distancemeasurement withthecamera unit and radarunit The driver orpassengersarenotnormally aware ofthe function itonlyintervenesina sit uationwhereacollisionisimmediatelyimmi nent The fu...

Page 293: ...nter vention Automaticbrakingtakesplace only afteroratthesametimeasthecollision warn ing When automaticbrakinghaspreventeda colli sionwithastationary object thecarremains stationaryinanticipationofpositiveaction by thedriver Ifthecarhasbeenbrakedtoavoid collision witha slowervehicleinfront its speed is reducedtomatchthatofthevehicle infront Thedrivercanalwaysinterruptabraking inter vention byfirml...

Page 294: ...s and regulations NOTE Itisalwaysthedriverwhodecideshow muchthecarshouldsteer thecarcan never takecommand Obstacle detection with assistance at risk of collision Assistance at riskofcollision100 candetect vehi cles cyclistsandpedestrians Thefunctioncandetectpedestrians cyclists or vehiclesthat arestationaryormoving in the samedirectionasthecarandareahead The functioncanalsodetectpedestriansorcycli...

Page 295: ...ffectedby such thingsasclothes thebackgroundand the weather Withpoorcontrastthepedestrian may eitherbedetectedlateornot at all which may meanthatwarningsandbrakingarelate or omitted The functioncanalsodetectpedestrians in the darkif theyareilluminatedbythecar s head lamps Relatedinformation Assistanceatrisk ofcollision p 292 Limitationsforassistanceatriskofcollision p 297 WARNING The warningandapp...

Page 296: ...lisionorreducethecollision speed Ifthe speeddifferencebetweenthedriver s car and the obstacleisgreaterthanthefollowing specifiedspeeds theautomaticbrake function cannot preventacollisionbutitcanmitigate the consequencesofacollision Vehicles For avehiclein front brakeassistance can reduce thespeedbyupto60km h 37mph cyclists Fora cyclist brakeassistancecanreducethe speed byupto50km h 30mph Pedestria...

Page 297: ...sivemanner the function doesnotintervene evenifacollisionisunavoid able Activeandawaredrivingbehaviour can thereforedelayacollisionwarning andinterven tioninordertominimiseunnecessary warnings Limitationsofsteeringassistance Incertainsituationsthefunctionmayhave lim itedfunctionalityandfailtointerveneinthe fol lowingcases forexample for small vehicles suchasmotorcycles ifthemajority ofthecarhasste...

Page 298: ...tion WARNING Warningsandbrakeinterventions couldbeimplementedlateornotat allifa trafficsituationorexternal influencesmeanthatthecamera unit andradarunit cannot detect pedestrians cyclistsorvehiclescor rectly For vehiclestobedetectedatnight their headlampsandrearlampclus termustbeswitchedonandshining clearly Warningsforstationaryandslow moving vehiclescouldbedisen gageddueto darknessorpoorvisi bili...

Page 299: ...1 Tapon inthecentredisplay 2 PressAssist 3 Tapon forassistanceatrisk ofcollision andselectthedesiredsetting Whenwarningsareperceivedasbeingtoo fre quent thensensitivitycanbereduced which reducesthenumberofwarnings butalso meansthatthefunctionwarnsatalaterstage Thesettingwithlatestwarningshouldtherefore only be usedinexceptional cases suchas in dynamicdriving Relatedinformation Assistanceat riskofc...

Page 300: ...moreeffective Assistance at risk of collision in crossing traffic Assistanceatrisk ofcollision105 canhelp the driverwhenturningandcrossingthepath of anotheroncomingvehicleat anintersection Sector in whichthefunctioncandetect oncomingcrossingvehicles Forthefunctionto detect anoncoming vehicle on acollisioncourse theoncomingvehicle must firstenterthesectorinwhichthe function can analyse thesituation...

Page 301: ...rifting overto theoncominglane Thefunctioncanassist adistracteddriver who does not noticethatthecarismoving across into the oncoming lane The functioncanassistbyguiding the car back toitsownlane Oncoming vehicles Your car The functionisactivewithinthespeed range 60 140 km h 37 87mph onroadswithclearly visiblelanemarkings lines Ifthecar is abouttoleaveitsownlane while an oncomingvehicleisapproachin...

Page 302: ...hesametime either from behindor intheblindspot The functioncanassistbysteering the car back toitsown lane Othervehicleintheblindspot Your car The functioncanevenassistifthedriverinten tionally changeslanes using directionindicators without noticing thatanothervehicleis approaching Thefunctionisactivewithinthespeedrange 60 140km h 37 87mph onroadswith clearly visible lanemarkings lines Thelampsinth...

Page 303: ...efunctionhastwolevelsfor intervention Steeringassistanceonly Steeringassistancewithbrakeintervention Interventionwithsteering assistance Interventionwithsteering assistanceandbrak ing Brakeinterventionhelpsinsituationswhere steering assistancealoneisnotsufficient The brake forceisadaptedautomaticallydepending onthesituationatthetimeofroadrun off 109 Collision Avoidance Driver support 303 ...

Page 304: ...tanceat riskofcollision p 297 Symbols and messages for assistance upon risk of collision A numberofsymbolsandmessagesregarding assistanceatrisk ofcollision110 control can be shown inthedriverdisplay Herearesome examples Symbol Message Specification Automaticinterven tionCollisionAvoid ance When the functionisactivated amessageisshown to thedriver indicatingthatthesystemhas beenacti vated Windscree...

Page 305: ...ediatelyiftheaccelerator pedal isdepressed This functionisactivatedautomatically each timetheengineisstarted Relatedinformation Drivingsupportsystems p 242 LimitationsofRearCollisionWarning p 306 WhiplashProtectionSystem p 30 WARNING Thefunctionissupplementarydriver supportintendedtofacilitatedriving andmakeit safer itcannothandle all situationsinalltraffic weatherand roadconditions Thedriverisadv...

Page 306: ...tainmarkets RCWdoesnotgive awarningwiththedirectionindicators duetolocaltrafficregulations insuch cases thispartofthefunctionisdeac tivated Thisfunctionusesthecar scamera and orradarunits whichhavecertain generallimitations BLIS The BLIS113 functionisintendedtohelpthe driver detect vehicles diagonallybehindand to the side ofthecarsoastoprovideassistancein heavy trafficonroadswithseveral lanes in t...

Page 307: ...forBLIS p 309 WARNING Thefunctionissupplementarydriver supportintendedtofacilitatedriving andmakeit safer itcannothandle all situationsinalltraffic weatherand roadconditions Thedriverisadvisedtoreadallsec tions intheManual thatrelateto this functionto learnaboutfactorssuchas its limitationsandwhat thedriver shouldbeawareofbeforeusingthe system Driversupportfunctionsarenotasub stituteforthedriver s...

Page 308: ...henbeilluminated Relatedinformation BLIS p 306 LimitationsofBLIS p 308 Limitations of BLIS The BLIS115 functionmayhavelimitations in cer tainsituations Keepthesurface indicatedclean onboth the left andright handsidesofthecar Examplesof limitations Dirt iceandsnowcovering thesensorsmay reducethefunctionsanddeactivatealerts TheBLISfunctionisdeactivatedautomati callyifa trailer bicyclerackorsimilar i...

Page 309: ...ired The systemdoesnotfunctionas it should Contact PolestarSup port Blind spotsystemoffTrailer attached BLISandCrossTrafficAlert havebeendeactivated asa trailerhas been connectedtothecar selectricalsystem Atextmessagecanbeclearedbybriefly press ingthe button locatedinthecentre of the steeringwheel sright handkeypad Ifyoustillseea message pleasecontact Pole starSupport Relatedinformation BLIS p 306...

Page 310: ...detectstheedgemarkingspainted on thecarriagewayandcomparesthealignment of theroad withthedriver ssteeringwheel move ments The carisbeing drivenerraticallyinthelane Ifdrivingbehaviourbecomes noticeablyinconsistent the driverisalertedbythis symbol inthedriverdisplay combined withanacousticsignal andthe textmessage Timefor abreak DriverAlert Thewarning is repeatedafteratimeifdriving behaviourhas not ...

Page 311: ...accordancewithcurrenttrafficrules andregulations AnalarmfromDriverAlert Control should betakenveryseriously asa sleepydriverisoftennot awareof his herowncondition Ifthealarmsoundsoryoufeel fatigued Stopthecarsafelyassoonaspossi ble andrest Studieshaveshownthat it isjustas dangeroustodrivewhiletiredasitisto driveundertheinfluenceofalcoholor otherstimulants Activating and deactivating Driver Alert C...

Page 312: ...manage toactintime TheRearAuto Brake RAB andCrossTraffic Alert CTA functionsareonly activeif the car rollsbackwardsorifreversegearhasbeen selected Ifobstaclesaredetected 1 A warning signalandtheparkingassistance graphicilluminatetoindicatethepositionof theobstacle 2 If the driverdoesnotpayattentionto the warningand acollisionisunavoidable the car isauto brakedandanexplanatorytext mes sageisshownfo...

Page 313: ...obstaclesduring reversing Thefunction ssensorscannot detect moving traffic throughotherparkedvehiclesor bulky obstacles Herearesomeexamplesofwhen approachingvehiclescannottherefore be detecteduntiltheyareveryclose The carisparkeddeepinsideaparking slot Inanangledparkingslot thesensorsmaybe completelyblockedononeside Blindsector Sectorinwhichthe functioncandetect However asyourcarslowlyreverses the...

Page 314: ...naccord ancewithcurrenttrafficrulesandreg ulations NOTE Thefunctionsusethecar sdetectorsand radarunits whichhavecertaingeneral limitations Activating and deactivating warning and auto brake during reversing The drivercanchoosetodeactivateauto brake withRear AutoBrake RAB andCross Traffic Alert CTA Thewarningsignalcanbe deacti vatedseparately Warningsignal Activateordeactivatethe warning signalusin...

Page 315: ...rhasbeenstationary for approx 2seconds Theacousticsignal for obstaclesbehindisalso activewhenthe car is stationary At a distance withinapprox 30cm 1foot from anobstaclebehindorinfrontofthecar thetone is constantandtheactivesensorfieldclosestto the carsymbolisfilled At a distancewithinapprox 25cm 0 8foot froman obstacletothesides thetonepulses intensivelyandtheactivesectorfieldchanges colour fromOR...

Page 316: ...thanappropriatedis tancetoothervehicles andinaccord ancewithcurrenttrafficrulesandreg ulations NOTE Withtheexceptionofthesectornearest tothecarsymbol audiblewarningsare onlygivenforobjectsdirectlyinthepath ofthecar Park Assist Pilot front rear and along the sides ParkAssist Pilot PAS118 hasdifferent behav iour dependingonwhichpart ofthecar is approachinganobstacle Forwards The warning signal hasac...

Page 317: ... thesides The warning signalpulsesintensively atless than approx 25cm 0 8feet fromanobstacle Parkingassistancesidesensors areactivated automatically whentheengineisstarted They are active atspeedsbelow 10km h 6mph Themeasuring rangeisapprox 25cm 0 8feet from the sides However thedetectionrangeofthesidesen sorsincreasessignificantlywhenthesteering angleof thefront wheelsisincreased and obstaclesof ...

Page 318: ...nce The park assist function PAS119 canbeacti vatedor deactivated The front andsideparkingassistancedetectors areactivatedautomaticallywhentheengine is started Thereardetectorsareactivatedif the car rollsbackwardsorwhenreversegear is engaged Activateordeactivate the functionusingthis buttonin thecameraview Buttonindicationon thefunctionisacti vated Extinguishedbuttonindication the function isdeact...

Page 319: ... therear areoff andsoyouwillnot bealer ted toanyobstacles IMPORTANT Objectse g chains thinglossypolesor low barriersmaybeinthe signal shadow andarethentemporarily not detectedbythesensors thepulsating tonemaythenunexpectedlystop insteadofchangingover to theexpec ted constant tone The sensorscannotdetecthigh objects suchasprojectingloading docks In suchsituations payextraatten tionandmanoeuvre repo...

Page 320: ...sors are deactivated so therearenoacousticwarnings for obstacles objects CleaningneededPark AssistSystemsensors blocked One ormoreofthefunction ssensorsareblocked checkandcorrectassoonaspossible ParkAssist System unavailableService required The systemdoesnotfunctionas it should Contact Polestar Support Atextmessagecanbeclearedbybriefly press ingthe button locatedin thecentre of the steeringwheel s...

Page 321: ...port systems p 242 Parkassist cameralocationsandsurveillance areas p 322 Parkassistlinesforparkassistcamera p 324 Sensorfieldsforparkingassistancesystem p 326 Activatepark assistcamera p 327 Symbols andmessagesfor Parkassist cam era p 328 ParkAssist p 315 Warningandauto brakewhilereversing p 312 Limitationsforcameraunit p 341 Limitationsforradardevice p 329 WARNING Theparkingsensorshaveblind spots...

Page 322: ...dancewithcurrenttrafficrules andregulations Park assist camera locations and surveillance areas The park assist cameras PAC123 candisplaya composite360 viewandseparateviewsfor eachofthefourcameras rear front leftor right cameraview Thecameras canbeactivated automaticallyor manually 360 view Camera buttonsforeachdirectionofview Thesebuttonsdisappearafterashort time with out touchingthescreen The 36...

Page 323: ...itytothesides e g when leav inga garage Itisactiveatspeedsupto25km h 16 mph following which thefrontcamerais switchedoff Ifthecar doesnotreach50km h 30mph and thespeedfallsbelow22km h 14mph within 1 minuteaftertheforward facing camera has beenextinguished thecameraisreactivated Thesides The side camerasarepositionedineach door mirror Thesidecamerascanshow what isalongeach sideofthecar Related info...

Page 324: ...rectlytosteeringwheelmovements showing thedriverthepaththecarwilltake also when thecaristurning Theseparkassistlinesincludethecar s most protrudingparts e g doormirrorsand corners Parkassistlinesin360 view 360 viewwithparkassistlines With the 360 view parkassistlinesare shown behind infront of andatthesideofthe car depending onthedirectionoftravel Whendriving forwards Frontlines Whenreversing Side...

Page 325: ...is plays theareabehindthecar Beaware ofthe sidesandfrontofthecarwhen manoeuvringinreverse The sameappliesviceversa note what happenstotherearpartsofthe carwhenthefrontcameraviewis selected Notethattheparkassistlinesshow the shortest route Therefore payextra attentionto thecar ssidessothatthey do not goagainst oversomething whenthesteeringwheel isturned whendriving forwardorthatthefront sweeps agai...

Page 326: ...ce to the obstacle decreases fromAMBERthrough ORANGEto RED Field colourreverse Distanceinmetres feet Yellow 0 6 1 5 2 0 4 9 Orange 0 3 0 6 1 0 2 0 Red 0 0 3 0 1 0 Field colourfor wards Distanceinmetres feet Yellow 0 6 0 8 2 0 2 6 Orange 0 3 0 6 1 0 2 0 Red 0 0 3 0 1 0 For RED sensorfields thepulsatingacoustic signal changesovertoaconstanttone Related information ParkAssist p 315 Parkassistcamera p...

Page 327: ...parking camera withthisbuttonintheupper part ofthecentredisplay Thescreentheninitially shows thelastusedcamera view However aftereachengine start the previouslyshownsideview isreplaced by the 360 viewandthepreviouslyshown zoomedrearviewis replacedbytherearview Buttonindicationon thefunctionis acti vated Extinguishedbuttonindication thefunction isdeactivated Automatic deactivationofcamera Thefront ...

Page 328: ...edeacti vated so there arenoacousticwarningsand field marks forobstacles objects The camera isdisengaged CleaningneededPark AssistSystemsensors blocked One ormoreof thefunction ssensors are blocked checkandcorrect as soonaspossible ParkAssist System unavailableService required The systemdoesnotfunctionasitshould Contact Polestar Support Atextmessagecanbeclearedbybriefly press ingthe button located...

Page 329: ...efollowing examplesoflimitations Blockedunit The areainfrontoftheradarunitmustbe cleanedona regular basis andkept freefrom decals objects dirt etc thesecoulddisrupt the radar basedfunctions Thismayresultfunc tionsbeingreduced beingswitchedoffcom pletelyorgivingincorrectfunctionresponses Wet snoworiceonthegrilleinfrontoftheradar unit maydisruptradar basedfunctions This mayresultfunctions beingreduc...

Page 330: ...nundetected Inbends theradarunitmaydetect adiffer entvehiclethanintendedorloseadetected vehiclefromview Donotfitanythinginfrontoftheradar unit such asauxiliarylamps decals etc sincethese may disruptradar basedfunctions Thismay result functionsbeingreduced beingswitched off completelyorgivingincorrectfunction respon ses Relatedinformation Radar unit p 329 Recommendedmaintenanceforradarunit p 331 Po...

Page 331: ...tradarunits Locationofrearradarunits To ensurebestpossiblefunctionality thesur facesinfront ofthesensorsmustbekept clean Do not affix anyobjects tapeorlabels in the areaofthesensors Relatedinformation Radar unit p 329 Limitationsforradar device p 329 Limitationsforcameraunit p 341 PolestarSupport p 9 IMPORTANT Driver supportcomponentsmustonly be maintainedata workshop contactPole starSupport Drive...

Page 332: ...s infront ofthecar andthatthecar s cameraandradar basedfunctionsmaybe dis rupted The followingtablepresentsexamplesof possi ble causesforamessagebeingshown along with the appropriateaction Cause Action Thesurfaceinfrontoftheradarunit is dirtyor coveredwithiceorsnow Cleanthesurfaceinfrontoftheradar unit Thickfogandheavyrainorsnow block the radarsignals No action Sometimestheunitdoesnotwork duringhe...

Page 333: ... Brazil Este equipamentonãotemdireitoàproteçãocontra interferênciaprejudicialenãopodecausarinterfer ênciaemsistemasdevidamenteautorizados 06354 19 12386 Esteequipamentonão tem direitoàproteção contra interferência prejudicialenão podecausarinterfer ência em sistemasdevidamenteautorizados 03563 17 05364 129 Adaptive Cruise Control 130 Blind Spot Information Driver support 333 ...

Page 334: ... 248 223 0600 Hereby Hella KgaA Hueck Co Declaresthat the radio equipment typeRS4 is incompliancewith Directive2014 53 EU The full text oftheEUdeclarationofconformity is available atthefollowing internetaddress www hella com vcc Technicalinformation Frequencyrange 24 05 24 25GHzTransmissionpower 20dBm maximum EIRP ManufacturerandAddress Manufacturer Hella KGaA Hueck Co Address RixbeckerStraße75 59...

Page 335: ...the gran teddesignationnumberwill becomeinvalid 本製品は 電波法に基づく特定無線設備の技術基準 適合証明などを受けております 認証番号 R215 JRA003本製品の改造は禁止されています 適合 証明番号などが無効とな ります ThisdeviceisgrantedpursuanttotheJapanese Radio Law underthegrantIDn R204 750001 This device shouldnotbemodified otherwisethe gran teddesignationnumberwill becomeinvalid 本製品は 電波法に基づく特定無線設備の技術基準 適合証明などを受けております 認証番号 R 204 750001 本製品の改造は禁止されています 適合証明番号などが無効とな ります Jo...

Page 336: ...e este equipo o dispositivonocauseinterferenciaperjudi cialy 2 este equipoodispositivodebe aceptar cual quier interferencia incluyendolaquepuedacausar suoperaciónnodeseada Radar decorto alcance RS4 Hella KGaA Hueck Co IFETEL RLVHERS17 0286 La operacióndeesteequipoestasujeta alas siguientes doscondiciones 1 esposiblequeeste equipo o dispositivo no causeinterferencia perjudi cialy 2 esteequipo odisp...

Page 337: ...ment is permitted bytheNigerianCommunications Commission Oman RegisteredNo R 7713 19 DealerNo D172338 RegisteredNo R 3957 17 DealerNo D080134 Paraguay NR 2019 07 I 0397 Serbia И01119 И01117 Singapore DA 106706 DA 103238 South Africa TA 2019 1378APPROVED TA 2016 3407APPROVED Driver support 337 ...

Page 338: ...可 公 司 商號或使用者均不得擅 自變更頻率 加 大功率 或變更原設計之特性及功能 低功率射頻電機之使 用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信 經發現有干擾 現象時 應立即停用 並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使 用 前項合法通信 指依電信法規定作業之無線電通 信 低功率射頻電機須忍受合 法通信或工業 科學 及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾 CCAB17LP0470T5 警語經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機 非經許可 公 司 商號或使用者均不得擅 自變更頻率 加 大功率 或變更原設計之特性及功能 低功率射頻電機之使 用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信 經發現有干擾 現象時 應立即停用 並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使 用 前項合法通信 指依電信法規定作業之無線電通 信 低功率射頻電機須忍受合 法通信或工業 科學 及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾 338 Driversupport ...

Page 339: ...ресою https www veoneer com en regulatory Цим HELLAGmbH Co KGaA заявляє що радіотехнічне обладнання типу RS4 відповідає Технічномурегламенту радіотехнічного обладнаннятаДирективі 2014 53 ЄС Повний текстдекларації про відповідність доступний за адресою www hella com vcc Частотнийдіапазон 24 05 24 25 ГГц Потужність передачі 20 дБм макс EIRP Vietnam 77V12FLR C0173191017AF04A2 Zambia ZMB ZICTA TA 2019...

Page 340: ...tar herebydeclaresthat allradioequipment is in compliance withtheessential requirementsandotherrelevantprovisions of Directive 2014 53 EU ContactPolestarSupportfordetailedinforma tionontypeapproval Related information Radarunit p 329 PolestarSupport p 9 340 Driversupport ...

Page 341: ...rt etc thesecoulddisrupt the camera basedfunctions Thismay result functionsbeing reduced beingswitchedoff completelyorgiving incorrectfunction respon ses High temperature At veryhightemperaturesthecamera unit can be temporarily switchedoffforabout15minutes after the engineisstartedsoastoprotectthe unit selectronics Thecameraunitrestarts automaticallywhenthetemperaturehas fallen sufficiently Damage...

Page 342: ...adsurface dirty roadsurfacesorunclearlanemarkings can also significantlyreducecamerafunctionwhen it is used toscanthecarriagewayto detect pedes trians cyclists largeanimalsandother vehicles Abicyclerackorotheraccessoriesfitted on the rearofthecarmayobscurethecamera s view Blindsectors There are blind sectorsbetweenthe cameras fields ofvision Intheparkingcamera s360 view obstacles objectsmay vanish...

Page 343: ...era unit Inorderthatthecameraunitshallfunction cor rectly it must be keptclearofdirt iceandsnow andbecleanedregularlywithwaterand car shampoo The markedareamust becleanedona regular basisandkeptfreefrom decals objects dirt etc thesecoulddisruptthecamera based functions Thismay resultfunctionsbeing reduced beingswitchedoffcompletely orgiv ing incorrectfunctionresponses To ensurebestpossiblefunction...

Page 344: ...usesforamessagebeingshown along with the appropriateaction Cause Action Thewindscreensurfaceinfrontofthe cameraunitisdirtyorcoveredwithiceor snow Cleandirt iceandsnowfromthewindscreensur face in front ofthe cameraunit Thickfogandheavyrainor snow block thecameraview No action Sometimestheunit doesnot workduring heavy rainorsnowfall Waterorsnowfromtheroadsurface swirlsupandblocksthecameraview No act...

Page 345: ...parkingcamera Relatedinformation Cameraunit p 341 Limitationsforcameraunit p 341 PolestarSupport p 9 WARNING Payparticular attentionwhen reversing asthis symbolisdis playedwhena trailer bicycle rackorsimilaris attachedandconnectedtothecar s electricalsystem Extinguishedsymbolindicatesthat theparkassistsensorstotherearare off andsoyouwillnotbealertedto anyobstacles Driver support 345 ...

Page 346: ...346 Driversupport ...

Page 347: ...Section11 Electricoperationand charging ...

Page 348: ...bechargedbymeansofsmoothbraking Importanttoknow Carwithoutpower Bearinmindthatimportantfunctions such as theservobrakesandpowersteeringare limited whenthecariswithoutpower Exteriorenginenoise High voltagecurrent Do not touchanythingthatisnotclearlydescri bedintheManual Relatedinformation Chargingthehighvoltagebattery p 349 Start andswitchoffpreconditioning p 194 Highvoltagebattery p 504 Rangeforel...

Page 349: ...t and thechargingtimecanthereforebereduced The maximumchargingpowerisnormally achieved whenthechargelevelofthehighvoltage bat teryis0 80 Whenthechargelevelincreases thepowerwillbereducedinorderto reduce wear Thetimeittakesforthehighvoltagebattery to bechargedisdependentonthechargingpower thatisused Charging cablehandleandcharginginput socket Charging cablehandleandcharginginput socket Chargingstat...

Page 350: ...es highvoltageelectriccurrent Any dam ageto thissystem or to thehighvolt age batterymayresultinariskofover heating fireorseriouspersonalinju ries Ifthecarisflooded catchesfire is involvedinacollision etc contact PolestarSupport Prior to thisinspec tion thecar shouldbeparkedoutdoors at a safedistanceawayfrombuildings or readilyflammablematerials Thehighvoltage batterymustonlybe replacedbyanauthoris...

Page 351: ...erismainlyusedforbatterycharging butis also usedforpreconditioningthecar Whenthe car sbatteriesare charging the12Vbattery is also charged Amperageforfastcharging directcurrent Chargingpower kW ChargingtimeA minutes 50 120 150 40 A Applies at 0 80 State Of Charge SoC provided that the temperature of the battery is between 20 35 C 68 95 F Fuse Normallyseveral230Vconsumersare included ina fuse circui...

Page 352: ...nt which resultsinalongerchargingtime Thechargingtimeisextendedifpre conditioninghasbeenselected The timerequireddependsmainlyonthe outsidetemperature Fastchargingwithupto 150kWpower outputispossibleundergoodcondi tionsforhigh voltagebatteryand chargingstation Thechargingpower islimitedtowardstheendoffast charging Charging cable The charging cableisusedtochargethecar s highvoltage battery Specific...

Page 353: ...cturer s instructionsforusingthecharging cableand itscomponents WARNING The chargingcableanditsassociated parts must not beswampedor immersedinwater IMPORTANT Thechargingcableisusedtocharge the car s highvoltagebattery The charging cablehasbeendesignedto meet Polestar s safety standard Usea Polestar recommendedcharging cablethatguaranteesitsfunctionand safety Polestarisnotresponsiblefor thesafetyo...

Page 354: ...attery Ground fault breaker in charging cable The controlunit forthechargingcablecharging cable hasabuilt ingroundfaultbreaker that protects thecarandtheuser fromelectric shockscausedbysystemfaults Control unit LED133 lamp LED lamp Ifthe control module s built ingroundfault breakeristrippedthentheLEDlampilluminates with redconstant glow checkthe230Vsocket alternatingcurrent Relatedinformation Char...

Page 355: ...ets Thiscouldcause fireorseriousinjury Never connectthechargingcableto acableextension ContactPolestarSupportforinfor mationonmaintenanceorreplace mentofthehighvoltagebatteries Donotuseachargingcableother thantherecommendedone Anexternaltimermustnotbeused betweenthechargingcableandthe electricalsocket Oneoranynumberofadapters mustnotbeusedbetweenthe chargingcableandtheelectrical socket IMPORTANT T...

Page 356: ...gsunlightshinesdirectlyonthecontrol unit Monitoringattheplug Ifthetemperatureatthepowersource to which thechargingcableisconnectedistoo high the chargingcurrentisreduced Ifthetemperature exceeds acriticallevel chargingisstopped completely Related information Chargingcable p 352 Chargingstatusinthecharging cable s con trolunit p 362 IMPORTANT Ifthetemperaturemonitoringhasauto maticallyloweredthecha...

Page 357: ...r a replacementcablerecommendedbyPolestar The car shighvoltagebatteryischarged witha chargingcablebetweenthecaranda 230V socket134 alternating current orchargingsta tion mode3 Takeout thechargingcable Notethat thecar mustbeswitchedoffpriorto charging Connectthechargingcableto a230V socket Neveruseanextensioncable Set thecorrectcharging current forexist ing230Vsocket inthecentredisplay Openthecharg...

Page 358: ...leisautomaticallylockedinthecharging inputsocket 3 Follow theinstructionsinthecharging sta tion sinterface toauthorisethecharge Chargingbeginswhenthechargingstation hasexecutedanisolationtest Thiscan take about a minute Whencharging hasstarted theLEDlamp in the charginginputsocketflasheswith a green glow Thedriverdisplayandthecen tre displayshowtheremainingestimated charging timeor whethercharging...

Page 359: ...ing cablehasabuilt incir cuit breaker Chargingmust only takeplacewithgroundedand approvedsockets Childrenshouldbesupervisedwhen inthe vicinityofthechargingcable whenitispluggedin Highvoltageinthechargingcable Contactwithhighvoltagecancause deathorseriouspersonalinjury Donotusethechargingcableifitis damagedinany way Adamagedor inoperativecharging cablemust onlyberepairedbyaanauthorised workshop Con...

Page 360: ...gingcablefrom the230V socket alternating current whilechargingisinprogress thereis thena riskofdamaging the230V socket Alwaysstopchargingfirst beforeunpluggingthechargingcable fromthecar scharginginput socket andthenfromthe230Vsocket NOTE Polestarrecommendsacharging cableinaccordancewithIEC62196 andIEC61851whichsupportstem peraturemonitoring ChargingstationsthatsupportCCS arenormallyclearlymarkedC...

Page 361: ... LEDlightA Yellow Waiting modeB waiting for chargingto start Flashing amber Thechargingprocessisabout tobeinterrupted Green ChargingcompleteC Flashing green Charging inprogressD LED lamp s glow Specification Red Afault hasarisen Blue ScheduledChargingactivated A Illuminates in white since the charging cable is not connected to the car B For example after a door has been opened or if the charging c...

Page 362: ...charging cable s control unit Theindicatoronthechargingcable scontrol unitshowsthestatusofongoingcharging Controlunitwithindicator Control unitLED136 lamp LED lamp 136 LED Light Emitting Diode 362 Electricoperationandcharging ...

Page 363: ...ewithin 10sec onds take thechargingcableoutofthe charg inginput socket andthesocket Reconnectthe charging cabletothecharginginputsocket and thesocket 4 Iftheproblempersists pleasecontact Polestar Support Flashes white Chargingin progress The car selec tronicshave started charg ing Charging in progress Wait until thebatteriesarefullycharged Illuminates inred Chargingis notpossi ble Temporary fault ...

Page 364: ...hehighvoltagebattery p 349 Chargingstatusinthecar scharging input socket p 361 Chargingstatusinthecar sdriverdisplay p 365 Charginginthecar scentredisplay p 366 Stophighvoltagebatterycharging p 367 364 Electricoperationandcharging ...

Page 365: ...natingcurrent Blue Theframeofthedriverdisplayisshown withabluepulsinglight ScheduledChargingactivated Yellow Theframeofthe driverdisplayisshown withanamberpulsing light Charging iswaitingtostartorpaused charging A The voltage in the socket may vary depending on market Related information Chargingthehighvoltagebattery p 349 Symbolsandmessagesrelatingto electric operationindriverdisplay p 369 Chargi...

Page 366: ...ngthechargingcable Tapon inthecentredisplayto interrupt ongoingcharging Chargingisinterrupted when thechargingcableisunlocked Settingtheamperage Whenchargingwithalternating current it is possiblesettheamperageusingtheplus or minussign Thecurrentamperagefor charging isshowninthecentredisplay Relatedinformation Chargingthehighvoltagebattery p 349 Chargingstatusinthecar scharging input socket p 361 C...

Page 367: ...fromthecar scharging input socket reconnectitandfollowtheinstructions in the chargingstation suserinterface Fast charging directcurrent Stopchargingusingthebuttonnextto the charginginputsocket viathebuttoninthe cen tre display or byfollowingtheinstructions in the chargingstation suserinterface Releasethe charging cablefromthecar scharging input socket andconnect it tothechargingstation s storage s...

Page 368: ...y returnsnexttimechargingstarts 4 Unplugthechargingcablefromthecar s charginginputsocket 5 Foldthebackrestuptouprightposition Relatedinformation Openingandclosingthecharginginput sockethatch p 357 Chargingcable p 352 Chargingthehighvoltagebattery p 349 Start highvoltagebatterycharging p 357 Charging inthecar scentredisplay p 366 Folding the backrestintherearseat p 167 WARNING Before usingthemechan...

Page 369: ...ccurwiththecar selectric drive a symbolandamessageareshownin the driver display Herearesomeexamples Symbol Specification Faultinthe12Vbattery Readmessageindriverdisplay Contact Polestar support Faultinthedrivesystem Readthe messageinthedriverdisplay Contact Polestar support Temporaryfaultinthepowertrain Readthemessageinthedriverdisplay Informationonthe highvoltagebattery s battery level Readthe me...

Page 370: ... ChecktheStateOfCharge SOC continuously andrestoretoasuitableStateOfCharge SOC ifitisbelow20 Ifstoragelongerthan3monthsisplanned it is recommendedthatthecarhasconstant AC chargingconnectedwithmaximumState Of Charge SOC setat40 or50 Check contin uouslythattheACchargingisworking Relatedinformation Starthighvoltagebatterycharging p 357 Batterymeter p 75 Highvoltagebattery p 504 Chargingthehighvoltage...

Page 371: ...Section12 Starting anddriving ...

Page 372: ...Fastentheseatbelt Adjusttheseat steering wheeland mirrors Makesurethatthebrakepedalcan befullydepressed WARNING Never usemorethanonematata timeinthedriverarea Beforedriv ing removethe originalmatinthe driverareaifanothertypeoffloor mat shallbeused Alltypesofmat must beattachedsecurely inthe floor smountingpoints Makesure that thebrakepedalandaccelerator pedal do not becometrappedinthe floormatasth...

Page 373: ...rmanually 1 Activatingtheparkingbrake 2 Press 3 PressMore 4 SelectPoweroff ThecarisnownotinDrivemode Torestartthecar presstheplay pause button underthecentredisplay Related information Usagemodes p 373 Gearpositions p 385 Startingthecar p 372 Usage modes The carhasthreedifferent usagemodes that makevariouscarfunctionsavailable The carissetautomaticallyindifferentmodes Passive Comfort andDrive Thet...

Page 374: ...laycanbeused Theinfotainment systemstartsautomatically thesameas whendriving Theclimatesystemstartsautomatically thesameas whendriving Powerseatscanbeadjusted Electricwindows Bluetooth navigation phoneand windscreenwipers can be used 12 Vsocketinthecargoareacanbe used TheUSBports canbeused Drive Whenthedriversitsinthedriverseat andengagesa gear Allfunctionsareavailableandthecarcanbe driven A Comfo...

Page 375: ...ootbrake ispart ofthebrakesystem Thecar isequippedwithtwo brakecircuits Ifa brake circuitisdamaged thebrakepedalwill engagedeeper Higherpressureonthe pedal will thereforebeneededtoproducethe normal braking effect Ifthefoot brakeisusedwhenthecar is switched off greater pedal pressureis requiredto brake the car Anti lockbraking system Thecar hasanti lockbrakes ABS138 which preventsthewheelsfromlocki...

Page 376: ...ticschangedServ icerequired Thebrakepedal needsto be depressedpastthenormalbraking positionusingahigherpressureto brakethecar Relatedinformation Brakeassistance p 377 Brakingonwetroads p 377 Brakingongrittedroads p 378 Brakesystemmaintenance p 378 Brakelights p 139 Regenerativebraking p 384 WARNING The brakeservoonlyworks whenthe carisrunning If both thewarning lampsfor brake fault andABSfault ill...

Page 377: ...ds When driving fora prolongedperiodof timein heavyrain withoutbraking thebrakingeffect maybedelayedslightlywhennextusingthe brakes This mayalsobethecaseafteracarwash It is thennecessarytodepressthebrakepedal more forcefully Youshouldtherefore maintain a greater distance tothevehiclesinfront Brake thecarfirmlyafter drivingonwet roads or usingacarwash Thiswarmsupthebrake discs enablingthemtodry fas...

Page 378: ...ads p 377 Brake system maintenance Checkbrakesystemcomponents regularly for wear To keepthecarassafeandreliableas possible Polestar sserviceintervalsasspecified in the Status andWarrantybookletshouldbe fol lowed Afterreplacing brakelinings andbrake discs braking effect isonlyadaptedaftertheyhave been wornin for afewhundredkilometres miles Compensateforthereducedbraking effect by depressingthebrake...

Page 379: ...akefault p 381 Activating and deactivating the parking brake Use the parkingbraketopreventthecar from rollingfromstationary Anactivatedparking brakelocksbothrearwheels Activatingtheparking brake The parkingbrakebuttonislocatednextto the gearselector Pressthebutton The symbolinthedriverdisplayilluminates when the parking brakeisactivated Automaticactivation The parkingbrakeis activatedautomatically...

Page 380: ...essedforthecar to beabletodriveintheselecteddirection IfInchingisOFFthecarwillnotdrivefor wards Symbolinthedriverdisplay Symbol Specification Constantglow theparkingbrakeis activated Flashing afaulthasarisenwith parkingbrake Readthemessagein thedriverdisplay Relatedinformation Activatinganddeactivatingtheparking brake p 379 Inching p 389 Braking whenstationary p 382 Intheeventofaparking brakefault...

Page 381: ...astobeparkedbeforeapossible fault canbe rectified thecarmustbesecuredtopre ventit from rolling away The carcanbesecuredbyparkingonlevel groundand Blockoneormoreofthewheelsusing suita ble objectsaschocks Turnthefrontwheelstowardsthekerbor similar Replacing thebrakelinings Therear brakeliningsmust bereplaced ata workshopduetothedesignoftheelectrically operatedparkingbrake contactPolestarSup port Sym...

Page 382: ...l timesduringdriving andworksonallinclines ToactivateHold makesurethat the driverhasbuckledtheseatbeltand or that thedriver sdooris closed gear positionD or Ris selected DeactivateHold Thefunctionisreleasedwhenthedriver drives off having selectedagearanddepressedthe accelerator pedal The parking brakeisactivatedautomatically if the driverunbucklestheseatbeltand or opens thedriver s door if the fun...

Page 383: ...ontrol andsteerthecar In orderto avoidormitigateapossiblefurthercolli sionwithavehicleoranobject inthevehicle s path the autobrakingsystemisactivatedauto matically andbrakes thecar inasafemanner Brakelightsandhazardwarninglightsareacti vated duringbraking Whenthecarhas stopped the hazardwarning lightscontinuetoflash and the parkingbrakeisapplied If braking isnotappropriate e g ifthere is arisk ofb...

Page 384: ...egenerationwiththeacceleratorpedal Releasetheacceleratorpedal Thecarbrakeswiththeselectedbraking actionandchargingisindicatedinthe driverdisplay Regenerationwiththebrakepedal Depressthebrakepedal Thecarbrakesandchargingisindicated in thedriverdisplay Relatedinformation Settinglevelforbrakingaction p 385 Powermeter p 76 NOTE Thebrakelightscomeonifthebraking force exceedsacertainlevel 384 Startingan...

Page 385: ...ingaction Off Nobrakingforce isappliedandthe carrollsfreely Low Somebrakingactionisapplied Standard Highbrakingaction Relatedinformation Regenerativebraking p 384 Gear positions Selectanappropriategear positiondepending on the directioninwhichthecar isto travel Changinggear Change thegearpositionbypushingthespring loadedlever forwardsorback Thebrakepedal must bedepressedtobeabletochange gear Gear ...

Page 386: ...belton 2 Depressthebrakepedal 3 Movethelever onestepforwardor one step back Thecar nowrolls freelywhenthebrake pedal is not depressed Driveposition D 1 Put the seatbelt on 2 Depressthebrakepedal 3 Movethelever allthewayback The carcannowbedriven Relatedinformation Gear selectorinhibitor p 387 Symbolsandmessagesforthegearbox p 388 Parkingbrake p 379 Activatinganddeactivatingtheparking brake p 379 S...

Page 387: ...rent gearpositions To switchgearposition thebrakepedal has to be depressed The lever canalways bemovedback and forth but the brakepedalhasto bedepressed to change gearposition Messageinthedriverdisplay Ifthegearselectorisinhibited amessageis showninthedriverdisplay e g Press brake pedalto activategearlever Relatedinformation Gearpositions p 385 Starting and driving 387 ...

Page 388: ...raryfaultinthepowertrain Readthemessageinthedriverdis play Relatedinformation Gearpositions p 385 Gearselectorinhibitor p 387 All wheel drive All wheeldrive AWD140 meansthatthecaris drivingall fourwheelsatthe sametime which improvestraction Theelectricmotor thatdrivestherearwheels enableselectricall wheel drivefunctionality Relatedinformation Gearpositions p 385 140 All Wheel Drive 388 Startingand...

Page 389: ...alenergy Relatedinformation Generalinformationonelectricoperation p 348 Gearpositions p 385 Rangeforelectricoperation p 392 Inching Inching canfacilitateprogressat lowspeed e g intrafficqueuesorincarparks Whenthefunctionisactivethecar will move slowlyintheselectedtraveldirectionwithout theacceleratorpedalbeingused Activating inching Fromstationary thebrakeoraccelerator pedal must bedepressedinorde...

Page 390: ...r s factory settingwhichisabalancebetweenSport and Comfort Comfort TheComfortmodeprovidessofterdamping thatminimisesroaddisruptionwhilemaintain ingcontrol Relatedinformation Adjustingthedampingsetting p 390 Adjusting the damping setting Itispossible toadjust thesettings oftheshock absorbersfordriving under otherconditionsor onspecificroadsurfaces Positioning adjusting knobs There arefouradjustingk...

Page 391: ...eattheprocedurefortheother damper Adjusting thedampingsetting rear The rubber coverispositionedontopofthe adjusting knob Turntheadjusting knobclockwiseorcounter clockwiseto changetheadjustmentposition 1 Removetheprotectiverubbercovercovering the adjustingknob 2 To get toadjustment position0 turnthe adjustingknobclockwiseuntilitreachesthe stop 3 Turntheadjustingknobcounterclockwiseto select thepref...

Page 392: ...ingdriven Thecertifiedvalueforthecar smileageonelec tric powershouldnotbeinterpretedasan expectedrange Thecertificationvalue should primarilybeusedtocomparevalues for differ ent carsobtainedduring specifictestcycles Range inthedriverdisplay When the car comesoutofthefactory or after a factoryreset therangeisbasedonthe certified value Whenthecarhasbeendrivenawhile therange isbasedonhistoricaldrivin...

Page 393: ...ment climatecontrolacti vated 35 C 95 F outsidetemperatureand pas sengercompartment climatecontrolacti vated 10 C 14 F outsidetemperatureand pas sengercompartment climatecontrolacti vated The graphshowstheapproximaterelationship betweenconstantspeedandrange wherea lower constant speedhasapositiveeffecton range Ahigheroutsidetemperatureanddeactivated climatecontrolare alsomorefavourableforthe range...

Page 394: ...clesandobjects in order to avoid braking Thebatteryisrechargedunderbraking by brakinggentlyusingthebrakepedal releasingtheacceleratorpedaland making surethatregenerativebrakerecovery is settoStandard Highspeedresultsinincreasedenergy con sumption becausethewindresistance increaseswithspeed Inacoldclimate reduceelectricalheating of windows mirrors seatsandsteering wheel if possible Avoiddrivingwith...

Page 395: ...drivingitisimportant toperform cer tainchecksofthecarinorder to ensure that it canbedrivensafely Checkthefollowinginparticularbeforea cold season Theconditionofthebatteryandcharge level must beinspected Coldweatherplaces greaterdemandsonthebatteryandits capacityisreducedbythecold Usewasherfluidwithantifreezetoavoidice forminginthewasherfluidreservoir Slippery drivingconditions Polestarrecommendsch...

Page 396: ...st pointbeforestartingtodrive throughthewater Extracautionshould be exercisedwhenpassingthroughflowing water Do not drivefasterthanwalkingpace Do notstopthe carinthewater Driveforward carefullyorreversethecarbackout of the water Rememberthatwavescreatedbyoncoming trafficmayriseabovethelevelforthefloorof the car Avoiddrivingthroughsaltwater corrosion risk Whenthewaterhasbeenpassed depress the brake...

Page 397: ...tactcanbeswitchedoffautomatically soasnottodischargethe12Vbattery Thetowballneedstobecleanedregu larlyandlubricatedwithgreaseto pre ventwear NOTE Thetowballmustnotbelubricated whenusingatowballhitchwithavibra tiondamper Thisisalsoapplicablewhenfittinga bicyclerackthatisclampedinto posi tionaroundthetowball Ifthecarisequippedwithatowbar thereisnorearmountingforatowing eye Towbar specifications Towb...

Page 398: ...tailgate Abuttonforretracting and extendingthehitchislocatedonthelefthand sideat theback of thecargoarea Anindica torlampinthebuttonmustshinesteadily for the extensionfunctiontobeactive 2 Pressthebuttonandreleaseit holding it downfortoolongmaycauseextensionnotto start The hitchisextendedandmoves down into anunlockedposition theindicatorlamp flashes Thehitchisreadytocontinue to a lockedposition 398...

Page 399: ...ctionnotto start Thehitchautomaticallydropsdowninto an unlockedposition theindicatorlampby thebuttonflashes 2 Lockthehitchby movingitbackto its recessedposition whereitislocked Theindicatorlampnowshinessteadilyif thehitchisrecessedcorrectly Relatedinformation Drivingwithatrailer p 401 Towbar p 397 WARNING Followwithcaretheinstructionsfor retractingandextendingthetowbar Do nottapontheextend retract...

Page 400: ...tion Waitatleast2secondsbeforethetow barismovedtolockedposition Ifthe towbardoesnotremaininlockedposi tion waitfora couplemoreseconds andtryagain Donotkickthetowbar Thetowbarmustalwaysberetracted whennotinuse NOTE Power savemodeisactivatedaftera whileandthe indicatorlampisextin guished Thesystemisreactivatedby closing thetailgate andthenreopeningit Thisis applicablewhenbothextending andretracting ...

Page 401: ...permit tedspeedsandweights Maintainalowspeedwhendriving with a trailerupa long steepslope Avoiddrivingwithatrailerinthecase of inclinessteeperthan12 Trailerweights Whendrivinginhillyterrainandahotclimate Undercertainconditions theremaybe a risk of overheatingwhendriving withatrailer If the electricmotoranddrivesystemoverheat a warningsymbolisilluminatedinthedriver dis playand amessageisshown Parki...

Page 402: ...edincorrectly e g toofar back thereisariskoffishtailingevenatlower speeds Factorscausing fishtailing may for example includethefollowing A suddenstronggust ofwindfrom theside affectsthecarwiththetrailer Thecarwiththetrailerdrivesalong an unevensurface orintoapothole Violent steering wheelmovements Oncethecar hasbeguntofishtail it may bediffi cult orimpossibleto stopitdoingso This makes the vehicle...

Page 403: ...hecking trailer lights When connectingatrailer checkthat all lights onthetrailerwork beforedeparture Directionindicatorsandbrakelights on trailer If one ormoreofthetrailer sdirection indicator orbrake lightbulbsisbroken thedriverdisplay showsa symbolandamessage Other lights on thetrailerhavetobecheckedmanuallyby the driver priorto departure Symbol Message Righttrailerturnindicatormalfunc tion Left...

Page 404: ...ofthebicyclerackpluscargo must not exceed75kg 165pounds Thebicyclerack maybeusedformax three bicycles Thecar sdrivingcharacteristicsareaffected whena bicyclerackismountedonthe towbar e g because of increasedweight reducedacceleration reducedgroundclearance alteredbraking Recommendationswhenloadingbicycles onto the bicycle rack Thegreaterthedistancebetweenthecentreof gravityof thecargoandthetowball...

Page 405: ...m The carneeds to beintowingmodeto allow towing thisisset viathecentredisplay Towing types Towing typeisselectedwhentowingmode is activated Towingwithassistancefromarecovery vehicle The carishitchedupontoarecoverytruck whichthenrecoversthecarwithoutanywheels rolling Relatedinformation Activatinganddeactivatingtowingmode p 407 Fitting andremovingthetowing eye p 406 IMPORTANT Towingshouldonlytakepla...

Page 406: ...or similarto priseoutthecover Foldoutthecoverentirelyandtakeitoff Screw in thetowingeyeuntilit reaches its end stop Screw the eyeinfirmly Forexample thread throughthe wheel boltwrenchanduse it as a lever Removing thetowingeye Unscrew andremovethetowingeyeafter use andreturnittothefoam block Finishby refitting thecoverontothebumper Relatedinformation Towing p 405 Activatinganddeactivatingtowingmode...

Page 407: ...w at speeds higher than30km h 18mph eveniflocal regulationsallowit Recovery For recovery thecaristakenawaywith the help ofanother vehicle Calla recoveryserviceforrecoveryassistance To recover thecarcanbetoweduponto a recovery vehicleplatformifthecarisintowing mode Alternatively thecarcanbelifted directly uponto arecoveryvehicleplatform Related information RoadsideassistancewithPolestar Connect p 4...

Page 408: ...therinformation Visithomelink comorcall008000466 354 65 orthetollnumber 496838907277 144 Related information UsingHomeLink p 411 ProgrammingHomeLink p 409 TypeapprovalforHomeLink p 412 NOTE Savethe originalremotecontrolsfor futurereprogramming e g whenchang ingtoanothercarorforuseinanother vehicle It isalso recommendedthat theprogram ming for thebuttonsisdeletedwhenthe car issold 143 HomeLink and ...

Page 409: ... Testbypressingtheprogrammedbutton twicetoseewhethertheprogrammingis working Otherwise continuewiththe fol lowingsteps 4 Locate programmingbutton145 onthe receiver for thegaragedoororsimilar Itis normallylocatedclosetotheantenna s bracketonthereceiver 5 Depressandreleasethereceiver sprogram mingbuttononce Theprogrammingmust becompletedwithin 30 secondsofthe buttonbeingdepressed 6 Pressandreleaseth...

Page 410: ...ARNING WhileprogrammingHomeLink the garagedoororgatebeing programmed may activate Forthisreason makesure thatnobodyisinthevicinityofthedooror gatewhileprogrammingisinprogress Thecarshouldbeoutsidethegarage whilea garagedooropenerisbeingpro grammed NOTE Theabilityofsomeremotecontrolsto programHomeLink isimprovedat a distanceofapprox 15 20cm approx 6 12inches NOTE Ifthebuttontobereprogrammedis not p...

Page 411: ...edformorethan 20 sec onds thereprogrammingisstarted Theoriginalremotecontrolscanstillbe used in parallelwithHomeLink Related information HomeLink p 408 ProgrammingHomeLink p 409 TypeapprovalforHomeLink p 412 WARNING IfHomeLink isusedtocontrola garagedoororgate ensurethat nobodyisnearthedoororgatewhileit isinmotion DonotuseHomeLink foranygarage doorthatdoesnot havesafetystop and safetyreverse NOTE ...

Page 412: ...interferencethat maycause undesiredoperation Europe GentexCorporationherebydeclaresthatHomeLink Model UAHL5complies with theRadioequipmentdirective2014 53 EU Wavelengthwithinwhichtheradioequipmentfunctions 433 05MHz 434 79MHz 10mWE R P 868 00MHz 868 60MHz 25mWE R P 868 70MHz 868 20MHz 25mWE R P 869 40MHz 869 65MHz 25mWE R P 869 70MHz 870 00MHz 25mWE R P Certificateholderaddress GentexCorporation 6...

Page 413: ...Section13 Audioandmedia ...

Page 414: ...rdistraction p 25 Audio settings Sound reproductionqualityispreset but can be adjustedaswell Volume The volumeisnormally adjustedwiththevol umecontrolbelowthecentredisplayor withthe right handsteering wheelkeypad This applies for example duringplaybackofmusic radio ongoingphonecallsandactivetrafficmes sages When adjustingthevolume anexpandable menuopensinthecentredisplay Thevolume for incoming cal...

Page 415: ...rsion Thisgivesaccessto thelatest updatesandfunctions Appsshutdown Ifanappshutsdownunexpectedly try thefol lowing reopentheapp checkifthereisanupdateavailable forthe app restartthesystem switchoffthecar wait a fewsecondsandstartitagain uninstallandreinstalltheapp Ifthefaultpersists contact PolestarSupport Related information Audioandmedia p 414 Downloadingapps p 416 Approvaloftermsandconditionsand...

Page 416: ...pps p 415 Usagemodes p 373 Connectaccounttouserprofile p 121 Deletingapps p 416 Storagespaceonharddisk p 430 NOTE Theappsometimesneedsto accessvari ousthings suchasyouraddressbookor positioningdata sothatit canworkas intended Inthiscase youwillbeasked to approvethis Deleting apps Itispossible toremoveinstalledapps149 1 Openappview 2 Taponandholddowntheappto bedeleted so that a wastepaperbasketisdi...

Page 417: ... inthelistofradio channelsfor better reception Related information Startradio p 417 Settingradiofavourites p 418 Start radio The radio appcanbestartedviathecentre dis playor withvoicecontrol Starting fromthecentredisplay 1 Start theradio appfromthehomeview150 or appview 2 Select thepreferredradio channelfromthe list ofavailableradiochannels orfrom your favourites Startingwithvoicecontrol It isalso...

Page 418: ...hichis accessed byexpandingtheNowplayingfieldto full screen mode Relatedinformation Radio p 417 Startradio p 417 RDS radio RDS Radio DataSystem means thatthe radio automatically changestothestrongest trans mitter RDSprovidestheability to receive e g trafficinformationandtosearchforcertainpro grammetypes RDSlinksFMtransmittersinto anetwork An FMtransmitter insuchanetworksends infor mationthat gives...

Page 419: ...yback p 419 Downloadingapps p 416 Media playback Regardlessofthemediaappused aNowplay ingfieldisshowninthecentredisplay Among otherthings itispossibletopauseand change trackintheNowplayingfield Additional settingsarepossibleiftheNowplaying field is expandedtofullscreenmode Open the NowPlayingview Tapon thearrowintheNow Playingfield to expandthefieldtotheNow Playingview This view givesaccesstomores...

Page 420: ...ctivateBluetoothonthephone 2 Ifno phoneis connectedto thecar goto theappview settings atthebottom andtaponBluetooth Pairnewdevice Ifa phonewasconnectedearlier goto the appview settings atthebottom and tap onBluetooth AvailableBluetoothdevicesarelisted The list isupdatedasnewdevicesare detected 3 Taponthenameofthephonetobecon nected 4 Checkthat thespecifiednumbercode in the carmatchesthatinthephone...

Page 421: ...mthecarandreconnect Disconnecting a Bluetooth connected phone Itispossibleto disconnectaphoneconnected to Bluetooth anditwillthennolonger becon nectedtothecar Whenthephoneisoutofrangeofthecarit is automaticallydisconnected Ifdisconnection occursduring anactivecall thenthecall will becontinuedonthephone It is alsopossibletodisconnectthephone by manuallydeactivatingBluetooth Disconnectviathecentredi...

Page 422: ...nectingaBluetooth connected phone p 421 Removingdevicesconnectedto Bluetooth p 422 Removing devices connected to Bluetooth Itispossible toremovephonesfrom thelistof registeredBluetoothdevices forexample 1 Openappview 2 Taponsettings inthebottomofthedis play 3 PressBluetooth 4 Tapon the arrowafterthephone sname 5 PressUnpairdevice The phoneisnolongerregisteredtothe car Relatedinformation Phone p 42...

Page 423: ...thesymbolsthatrepresentthem Missedcalls Missedcallsareshowninthehomeview where itisalsopossibletocallback Missedcalls are alsoshowninthenotificationviewatthe top of thecentredisplay Switchingoffthemicrophone Tap onMuteto switchoffthemicrophone The persononthecallwillnothearwhatis being saidin thecar Toggling betweencarandphonespeakers TaponSpeakerto togglethesoundbetween the speakers inthecarandth...

Page 424: ...isconnecting andreconnectingthephone Relatedinformation Phone p 420 Connectingaphonetothecar p 420 VoicecontrolwithGoogleAssistant p 124 Managing contacts When aphoneisconnectedtothecar contacts canbe manageddirectlyinthecentredisplay Whena phoneisconnectedtothecarusing Bluetoothandisselectedasphonedevice con tactsareshowninthephoneappunder their owntab Before thecontactsareshowninthecar shar ing ...

Page 425: ...telephone charger Itispossibleto chargeaphoneonthe rubber padunderthecentredisplaywithouthaving to use aphonecable Wirelessphonechargerinfrontofgearlever Removeallotherobjectsfromthecharging padand placethephoneinthemiddleofit Phonechargingisstartedandthe sym bol isshowninthecentredisplay Ifthe phonedoesnotcharge Checkthatthechargingpadisactivated Checkthatthecharging padisclearofother objects Che...

Page 426: ...her medicaldevices Ifyouhaveone itisrec ommendedtoconsultwithyourdoctor beforeusingthewirelesscharging sys tem IMPORTANT AvoidstoringcardswithNearField Communication NFC suchasdebit cardsforcontactlesspayment togetherwiththephone Thistypeof card canbedestroyedwhencharging isinprogress Keepyourphoneandcharging pad away fromotherobjectswhilecharg inginordertopreventoverheating NOTE Somephonesmaygeth...

Page 427: ... Магок юнганг 10 ро Гангсео гу Сеул 07796 Корея Frequencyrange111кГц Максимальна потужність РЧ 42 дБмк А м справжнім Ел Джі ЕлектроніксІнкзаявляє що тип радіообладнання WC510MVV20відповідає Технічному регламенту радіообладнання повний текстдекларації про відповідність доступний на веб сайті за такою адресою www lg com global support cedoc cedoc імпортер ВіннерІмпортс Україна Вул Дачна 5 А с Капіта...

Page 428: ...ld beinstalled andoperated with a minimumdistanceof15cmbetweentheradiator andyour body IDéclarationd avertissementISED Sonfonctionnement estsoumisauxdeux conditions suivantes 1 Cetappareil nedoit pasprovoquerd interferences nuisibles et 2 Cetappareildoit acceptertouteinterferencerecue ycomprisles interferences pouvantentrainerunfonctionnement indesirable Leschangementsoumodificationsnon expresseme...

Page 429: ...Relatedinformation Wirelessphonecharger p 425 Audio and media 429 ...

Page 430: ... hard disk Itispossibletoviewhowmuchfreespace there isonthecar sharddisk Checkavailablespaceby 1 Openappview 2 Taponsettings inthebottomofthe dis play 3 ContinuetoStorage Relatedinformation Apps p 415 430 Audioandmedia ...

Page 431: ...Section14 Polestar Connect ...

Page 432: ...asabuilt inmodemforcommunication withPolestarAssistanceandthePolestar app GNSS GlobalNavigationSatelliteSystem is usedtolocatethecar ContactingPolestarAssistance TocontactPolestarAssistance usethe car s CONNECTbutton Relatedinformation PersonalinformationandPolestarConnect p 438 Approvaloftermsandconditionsand data collection p 21 PolestarSupport p 9 NOTE TheSOSbuttonmustonlybeusedinthe event of a...

Page 433: ...starSupport p 9 PolestarConnect p 432 PolestarConnectmarkets p 435 EmergencyassistancewithPolestar Connect p 433 RoadsideassistancewithPolestarConnect p 434 PolestarConnectabroad p 436 Emergency assistance with Polestar Connect PresstheSOS buttontocontact theemergency callcentreinanemergencysituation To call forhelpincaseofillness externalthreats to thecarorpassengers theemergencycall centrecanbea...

Page 434: ...ourroadsideassistanceagreement PolestarConnectcanhelpyougetback on the road evenifyourRoadsideAssistance agree menthasexpired Inthiscase youwill be asked topaythecostfortheservicethatissent out to you Relatedinformation PolestarConnect p 432 AutomaticcollisionalarmwithPolestar Connect p 433 EmergencyassistancewithPolestar Connect p 433 PolestarConnectabroad p 436 PolestarSupport p 9 NOTE TheSOS bu...

Page 435: ...33 EmergencyassistancewithPolestar Connect p 433 RoadsideassistancewithPolestarConnect p 434 PolestarConnectmarkets p 435 Polestar Connect markets A list ofwhichmarkets havePolestarConnectis presentedhere Belgium Canada China Germany Netherlands Norway Sweden UK USA Latest information Polestar Connectisbecomingavailable in an increasing numberoflocations ContactPole starSupportforthelatestinformat...

Page 436: ...istorywillbedeleted Inthe event ofchangeofownershipit is impor tant to reset personal settingsanduser data in the cartotheoriginalfactorysettings Thisis performedviathesettingsmenuinthecentre display Polestar IDispersonalanddoesnotneedtobe changedordeletedwhenthecar issold Change ofownerwhenchangingcountry Whena carispurchasedandimportedtoa dif ferent country theownershouldmake it aprior ityto vis...

Page 437: ...ct standbybattery isusedasabackup battery sothat thesystemcanstillbeused The standby batteryhasalimitedservice life Whenthebatteryneedsserviceorreplacement a message PolestarConnect Servicerequired isshowninthedriverdisplay If you stillseethemessage pleasecontactPole star Support Relatedinformation Messagesinthe driverdisplay p 104 PolestarConnect p 432 Polestar Connect 437 ...

Page 438: ...slastsixlocations Otherinformationthatcanbelinked to the customerincludesphonecallswith people in thevehicle theservicecentrethat supplied theserviceandrecordscreatedbythe serv icecentreoperator Who mayhaveaccess to thepersonal data Polestarusessubcontractorsinordertopro vide the service Thesesubcontractors work on behalf ofPolestarandmayonlyprocess per sonaldatato theextent requiredinordertopro v...

Page 439: ...eup this may bebecausethecarhasnotbeenusedfora while To save thebatterywhenthecarisnotusedfor anylength oftime setthePolestar Connect sys temto standby YourPolestarConnectsubscriptionissetto expire soon 45days beforeyourPolestarConnect subscrip tionisset toexpire the PolestarConnectsub scriptionexpiressoonmessagewillbe shown in thecar s display PolestarConnecthas beendisabled IfthePolestarConnects...

Page 440: ...he subscriptionisreactivated Youwill notbeabletousethePolestar Connect serviceswhenyoursubscriptionhasexpired Though theemergencyservicesviathe SOS buttonandautomaticcollisionalertwill continue tofunction TousePolestarConnectagain you willneedtorenewyoursubscription Roadsideassistancecosts Roadsideassistancecostsareincluded for the first3yearswhenyoubuyanewPolestar After thistime freeroadsideassis...

Page 441: ...Section15 Navigation ...

Page 442: ...onnected totheInternet Voicecontrol Mapscanalsobecontrolledwithyour voice usingGoogleAssistant156 Relatedinformation Connectaccounttouserprofile p 121 UsingGoogleMaps p 443 GoogleMapsindriverdisplay p 444 DestinationsinGoogleMaps p 444 GettingdirectionswithGoogleMaps p 445 VoicecontrolwithGoogleAssistant p 124 WARNING Observe thefollowing Direct allyourattentiontotheroadand makesurethat allyourcon...

Page 443: ...termediate destinations Shortcuts Thenavigationsubview hasthreeshortcuts eachofwhichinitiatesasearchinMaps Chargingstation Restaurant Parking WhenaroutehasbeenenteredinMaps the shortcut forparkingisreplacedwitha shortcut forterminatingtheongoingguidance Relatedinformation Getting directions withGoogleMaps p 445 DestinationsinGoogleMaps p 444 GoogleMapsindriverdisplay p 444 Voice controlwithGoogleA...

Page 444: ...onswithGoogleMaps p 445 Driverdisplaysettings p 74 Destinations in Google Maps Itispossible toenterseveral destinationtypes in Maps Different destinationtypescanbeentered inthe search field Besides addresses itispossible to entera specificdestination suchasamuseum andaskfordirectionstogetthere Itisalso pos sible to executemoregeneralsearches e g for chargingstations restaurantsandhotels and thense...

Page 445: ...nt159 Formoreinformation go tog co mapsincar Related information DestinationsinGoogleMaps p 444 GoogleMapsindriverdisplay p 444 SettingsinGoogleMaps p 447 VoicecontrolwithGoogleAssistant p 124 WARNING Observethefollowing Directallyourattentionto theroadand makesurethat allyourconcentration is ondriving Followapplicabletrafficlegislationand drivewithgoodjudgment Duetoweatherconditions or timeof yea...

Page 446: ...functionsmentionedareonlyexamples For thelatest informationonwhichfunctionsare availableaswellashowtheywork go to g co mapsincar Trafficinformation If the trafficismovingslowly orangeor red lines areshown dependingonhowslow thetrafficis moving Ifthe carlosesitsInternetconnection the colouredlinesdisappearafterafew minutes asthe informationisnolongeruptodate Upda tedtrafficinformationis displayedag...

Page 447: ...tionandnotthenext manoeuvre Alternativeroute Set so thatroadtollsandmotorways forexam ple are avoidedinroutedescriptions Satellite map Set whethersatellitemapshouldbeshown Other settings Volumeforvoiceguidance Turn the volumecontrolunderthecentre dis play orthesteering wheel sright handkeypad Anexpandablemenuisopenedinthecentre display Setthevolumeforvoiceguidance Languageandunits Ifyouwant to use...

Page 448: ...sure accesstomapsinGoogleMapseven whenthecarhaspoorornoonlineconnection map dataissavedautomatically Maps automaticallydownloadsmapsbasedon the car s current positionandpatternsofmove ment Thesemapscanbeusedwhenthecar hasno online connectioninorderto providemapdatatothecar ssafety and navi gation functions provideaccesstoMapsinareaswith limited orno onlineconnection It isalso possible to selectama...

Page 449: ...illasktheuser for approval Thelatestversionensuresthat youhave the lat estupdatesandfunctions ToupdateMaps yourcarneedstobeconnectedto the Internet andanactiveGoogleaccounthasto be linked to theuserprofile WhenanupdateisavailableforMaps a notifica tionwillbedisplayedwhereyoucanchoose to update Related information GettingdirectionswithGoogleMaps p 445 SettingsinGoogleMaps p 447 Connectaccounttouser...

Page 450: ...450 Navigation ...

Page 451: ...Section16 Wheelsandtyres ...

Page 452: ...ardtowintertyres The last fourdigitsinthesequencemeantheweekand year ofmanufacture Thisisthetyre s DOT marking DepartmentofTransportation andthisisstatedwithfourdigits forexample 0717 Thetyreisthenmanufacturedin week07 year2017 Tyreage All tyresolderthan6years oldshould be checked byanexpert eveniftheyseem undam aged Tyresageanddecompose evenif they are hardlyeverornever used Thefunction can there...

Page 453: ...thetyres p 456 Systemfortyrepressuremonitoring p 459 Emergencypuncturerepairkit p 472 Dimensiondesignationfortyre p 454 Approvedwheelandtyresizes p 551 Recommendationsforloading p 487 WARNING Adamagedtyremayleadtolossof control overthecar WARNING Wheelrim sizeandtyresizeforyour Polestararespecifiedtomeetstrin gent requirementsforstability and drivingcharacteristics Unapproved combinationsofwheelri...

Page 454: ...swinter tyres162 wherea lowerspeedratingmay be used Ifsucha tyreisselected thecar must not bedrivenmorequicklythanthetyreis rated for Forexample carswithQratingtyresmust be drivenatspeedsnotexceeding 160 km h 100 mph Theroadconditionsandapplicable road traffic rulesdeterminehow quicklythe car can bedriven not thespeedratingofthetyres Q 160 km h 100mph usedonly onwinter tyres T 190 km h 118mph H 21...

Page 455: ...ationfortyre p 454 Approvedwheelandtyresizes p 551 Tyres rotation direction Tyreswitha treadpatternwhicharedesignedto onlyturn inonedirectionhavethedirectionof rotation markedwithanarrow The arrowshowsthetyre sdirectionofrotation Thetyremustalwaysrotateinthesame directionthroughoutitslifespan Ifthetyresarefittedincorrectly thecar s brakingcharacteristicsandcapacityto force rainandslushoutofthewaya...

Page 456: ...se anddrivingcharacteristics Checkthetyrepressuresmonthly Use the rec ommendedtyrepressureforcoldtyresinorder to maintaingoodtyreperformance Tyre pres surethat istoo low or toohighmaycause unevenwear onthetyres Coldtyres Thetyre pressuremust becheckedwhenthe tyres arecold Tyres areconsideredcold when theyhavethesametemperatureasthe sur roundingair Thistemperatureisnormally reached whenthecarhas be...

Page 457: ...ralphenomenon Thetyrepressuremust thereforesometimesbeadjustedinorder to maintain therecommendedtyrepressure Use the recommendedtyrepressureforcold tyres in order tomaintaingoodtyreperform ance andeventreadwear 1 Removethecapfrom thevalveonone tyre andthenpressthetyrepressuregaugefirmly downonto thevalve 2 Inflate thetyrestothecorrectpressure see thedecalonthedoorpillaronthedriver s side showing t...

Page 458: ...e Somesparetyresrequireahighertyre pressurethanothertyres Checkinthe tyrepressuretableoronthetyrepres surelabel Recommended tyre pressure The tyre pressure label onthedriver s sidedoor pillar showswhichpressuresthetyres should have at differentloadsandspeedconditions Tyre pressurelabellocation The decaldisplaysthedesignationfor the fac tory fittedtyresonthecar aswellasload limits andtyrepressure I...

Page 459: ...speedbetween thedif ferent wheelsviatheABSsysteminorderto be able to determine whethertheyhavethecorrect tyre pressure Ifthetyrepressureistoo low the tyre sdiameterischangedand asaresult so is itsrotationspeed Bycomparingthetyres with eachotherthe system candetermine whether one ormoretyreshavepressurethatistoo low Generalinformationonthetyremonitoring sys tem Inthe informationbelow thetyremonitor...

Page 460: ...rwarnoflow tyre pressuremaybeaffected ATPMSsystemfaultcanoccurforseveral rea sons suchasafterchangingto aspare tyre or changingtyresorwheelsthatprevent TPMS fromfunctioningcorrectly Always checktheindicatorsymbolfor TPMS afterchangingoneormoretyresinorder to ensurethenewtyreorwheelisworkingcor rectlywithTPMS Tobearinmind Alwayssaveanewtyrepressurein the sys tem afterchangingawheeloradjustingtyre p...

Page 461: ...aving anew tyre pressure Perform thefollowingproceduretostore a new tyrepressureasa referencevalueinthe system 1 Switchoffthecar 2 Inflatethetyrestothecorrectpressure see thedecalonthedoorpillaronthedriver s side showingtherecommendedpressurefor fac toryfittedtyres 3 Startthecar 4 Tapon inthecentredisplay 5 PressMore 6 PressCarstatus 7 PressStorepressure Amessageisshownifstoringfails Relatedinform...

Page 462: ...ph arerequiredforthesystemto become active 1 Tapon inthecentredisplay 2 PressMore 3 TaponCarstatustoview thetyrepressure status Relatedinformation Savingnewreferencevaluefortyre pressure monitoring p 461 Rectifying awarningforlowtyrepressure p 463 Systemfortyrepressuremonitoring p 459 Tyre pressuremonitoring messages p 464 165 Indirect Tyre Pressure Monitoring System ITPMS 462 Wheelsandtyres ...

Page 463: ...endedtyrepressure p 458 Adjustingtyrepressure p 457 Savingnewreferencevaluefortyre pressure monitoring p 461 Seetyrepressurestatusinthecentre display p 462 Systemfortyrepressuremonitoring p 459 Inflatingtyreswithcompressorfromthe puncturerepairkit p 477 WARNING Incorrect tyrepressuremayleadto tyrefailure whichcouldresult inthe driver losingcontrolofthecar Thesystemcannotindicatesudden tyre damagei...

Page 464: ...ute Thesystemisnot workingcorrectly contact PolestarSupport Related information Systemfortyrepressuremonitoring p 459 Savingnewreferencevaluefortyrepressure monitoring p 461 Rectifyinga warningforlowtyrepressure p 463 PolestarSupport p 9 Changing wheels Wheel changesmustalwaysbeperformedcor rectly Instructionsonhow toremoveandfita wheel andwhatisimportant toremember are providedbelow Check thatthe...

Page 465: ...ough so that thewheeltobeloosenedcanrollfreely 1 Cleanthesurfacesbetweenwheeland hub 2 Put onthe wheel Tightenthewheelbolts thoroughly Do not uselubricantonthethreadsof the wheel bolts 3 Lower thecarsothatthewheelscannot rotate 4 Tighten thewheelboltscrosswise Itis impor tant thatthewheelboltsaretightenedprop erly Tightento140Nm 103foot pound Checkthetighteningtorquewithatorque wrench 5 Depending ...

Page 466: ...not attachedequallyastightly IMPORTANT Whenthejack isnotinuse itmust be storedinitsplaceinthefoam blockin the front cargoarea Thejackincludedwiththecarisonly designed foroccasional short term use such as whenchangingawheel aftera puncture Onlythejackbelong ing to thespecificmodelistobeused to jackupthecar Ifthecaristobe jackedupmoreoften orfor alonger timethan isrequiredjusttochange a wheel useofa...

Page 467: ...ngwheels p 464 Jack p 467 Wheelbolts p 468 Emergencypuncturerepairkit p 472 Fittingandremovingthetowingeye p 406 Jack The jackcanbeusedtoraisethecar forexam ple to changethe wheel When the jackisnotinuse it must bestored in itsplace in the storagecompartmentunderthe bonnet Thejackneedstobecrankedtogether to the correct positioninordertohavespace Relatedinformation Changing wheels p 464 Tool kit p ...

Page 468: ...itha torque wrench Do not uselubricant onthethreadsofthewheel bolts Locking wheelbolts To loosenortightenthelockablewheel bolts turnthe wrenchinthelockboltuntil it fully engages inthecodegrooves Always start with the lockable wheelboltsifthewheelshallbe removed Whenfittingthewheel finishwiththe lockscrew Whenthewheelwrenchisnotinuse it mustbe stored in itsplaceinthestoragecompartment under the bon...

Page 469: ...adviceonthemost suitable rimsandtyretypestouse Tipsfor changing towintertyres When summerandwinterwheelsare changed markwhichsideofthecartheyweremounted on for exampleLforleftandRforright Studded tyres Studded winter tyresshouldberuningentlyfor 500 1000km 300 600miles so thestuds settle properlyintothetyres Thisgivesthetyre and especiallythestuds alonger servicelife Treaddepth Road conditionswithi...

Page 470: ...nsmustonlybeusedonthe front wheels alsoapplies to all wheeldrive cars You cangetmoreinformationonsnowchains fromPolestarSupport Relatedinformation Winter driving p 395 PolestarSupport p 9 WARNING Use Polestargenuinesnowchainsor equivalentchainsdesignedforthecar model andtyreandrimdimensions Only single sidedsnowchains arepermitted Ifyouarenot sure aboutthesnow chains contact PolestarSupport Thewro...

Page 471: ...hainsand tyres Drivingwithsnowchainsmayhave a negativeeffectonthecar sdriving cha racteristics Avoid fastorsharpturns aswellasbrakingwithlockedwheels Sometypesofchainthatarefirmlyten sionedaffectbrakecomponentsand mustthereforeNOTbeused Punctures Activatethehazardwarning flashersif thecar hasa punctureinatraffickedenvironment Thinkaboutsafety Ifpossible movethe car out of dangerfromtraffic Callroa...

Page 472: ...placed if the bottle s expirydatehaspassed seethe decal on thebottle Treattheoldbottleasenvironmen tallyhazardouswaste Related information Usingapuncturerepairkit p 473 Inflatingtyreswithcompressorfrom the puncturerepairkit p 477 Tyres p 452 NOTE Thesealing fluidis effectiveatsealing tyreswithtreadpunctures butshould not beusedto sealtyreswithsidewall punctures Do not usetheemergency puncturerepai...

Page 473: ...ng sealedinatraffickedlocation If the puncturewascausedbyanailor simi lar allowthistoremaininthetyre Ithelps to seal thehole 2 Detach thedecalformaximumpermitted speed that is affixedononesideofthecom pressor Affixitvisiblyonthewindscreen as aremindertoobservethespeedlimit You should notdrivefasterthan80km h 50mph afterthe emergencytyrerepairkit has beenused 3 Checkthat the switchisinposition 0 Of...

Page 474: ...osefromthetyrevalve andrefitthedustcaponthetyre 13 Fit the protectivecapontheairhosein order to avoidleakageoftheremaining sealing fluid Placetheequipmentinthe cargo area 14 As soonaspossible driveatleast3km 2 miles at amaximum speedof80km h 50mph sothat thesealingfluidcanseal thetyre andthenperformafollow up check 15 Follow upinspection Connect theair hoseonthetyrevalve and screw in thevalveconne...

Page 475: ...othe respiratorytract theskin thecentral nervoussystem andtheeyes Precautions Store out ofthe reachofchildren Harmfulifingested Avoidprolongedorrepeatedcon tact withtheskin Ifsealingfluidhas comeinto contactwithyourclothes removethem Wash thoroughlyafterhandling Firstaid Skin Washaffectedareasofskin withsoapandwater Getmedical attentionifsymptomsoccur Eyes Flushwithplentyofwaterfor least15minutes ...

Page 476: ...he journey shouldnotbecontinued Call roadside assistanceforrecoveryto a tyrecentre ContactingPolestarSup portisrecommended Sealantwillspurtoutofthepuncture duringthefirstfewrotationsofthetyre Makesurethatnobodyisstanding nearthecarandgetsthesealingfluid splashedontothemwhenthecaris drivenaway Thedistanceshouldbeat least2 metres 7feet WARNING Checkthetyrepressureregularly Maximummileagewithtyrescon...

Page 477: ...ressurespecified on thetyrepressurelabelonthedriverside door pillar Releaseairusing thepressurereducing valveifthetyrepressureistoohigh 6 Switchoffthecompressor Detachthe air hoseandtheelectricalcable 7 Refitthedustcaponthetyre Relatedinformation Recommendedtyrepressure p 458 Usingapuncturerepairkit p 473 Emergencypuncturerepairkit p 472 WARNING Donotleavechildren inthecarwithout supervisionwhenth...

Page 478: ...478 Wheelsandtyres ...

Page 479: ...Section17 Loading storage and passenger compartment ...

Page 480: ... Storagecompartmentinthedoorpanel cup holderinthecentreseatbackrest storage pocket onthebackofthefront seatand USB portsinthetunnelconsole Related information Electricalsockets p 484 USBports p 482 Usingtheglovebox p 486 Sunvisors p 486 Tunnel console p 481 WARNING Keeplooseobjectssuchasphones cam eras remotecontrolsforaccessories etc intheglovecompartment or other compartments Otherwisetheymay in...

Page 481: ...enthefront seats Cup holder Storagecompartment withremovablecup holderunderthearmrest Thearmrest can beadjustedforlengthandopenswitha press ofthebutton Climate controlsfortherearseat sclimate controlfunctionsandtwo USBports type C Relatedinformation Passengercompartmentinterior p 480 USBports p 482 Electricalsockets p 484 Climatecontrols p 181 Loading storage and passenger compartment 481 ...

Page 482: ...dunderthetunnelconsole scup holder Avoidleavingcoins keysand othermetalobjectsinthecupholder sincethismaytriggerthealarm TheUSBportscanbeusedtochargea phoneortablet forexample USB ports There are two USBports typeC under the cen tredisplay There arealso twoUSBports type C inthe rear partofthetunnelconsole USBports typeC frontseat USBports typeC intunnelconsole rearseat TheUSBportscanbeusedtocharge...

Page 483: ...accessory and fold upthecoverwhentheport isnotin use or isleftunsupervised TechnicalspecificationforUSB Cport TypeCport Version3 1 Voltagesupply5V Currentsupplymax 3 0A Related information USBports p 482 Reducedalarmlevel p 239 Usagemodes p 373 WARNING Positiontheaccessoryso thatitisnot atriskofinjuringthedriverorpassen gersintheeventofheavybrakingor collision NOTE Accessoriesthatareconnectedtothe...

Page 484: ...orthis suchascoolerboxes Inorderfor thesockettosupplycurrent thecar must beinComfortorDrivemode Thesocket isswitchedoffautomaticallywhen the driverleavesthecar Ifthecarremains unlockedorislockedwithreducedalarm level the socket isactivefor approximatelya further 10minutes Using12 Vsockets 1 Folddownthecoverinfront ofthesocket and connect theplug for theaccessory 2 Disconnecttheplugfortheaccessorya...

Page 485: ...k ing ULmarkingoranequivalent safetymarking Never allowsockets connectorsor accessoriestocomeintocontact withwaterorotherliquids Do not touchorusethesocketifitappears tobedamagedorhascomeinto contactwithwaterorotherliquid Donotconnectjunctionsockets adaptersorextensioncablesto the socketasthesecanoverridethe socket ssafetyfeatures Failuretofollowtheadvicegiven abovecanleadtosevereorfatalelec trics...

Page 486: ...rcompartment interior p 480 Availableinformation p 8 IMPORTANT Retractthehookfullybeforeclosingthe glovebox otherwiseitmaybreak Sun visors There are sunvisorsintheroofinfrontofthe driver seat andthefrontseatpassenger seat whichcanbe foldeddownandangled out tothe sidewhennecessary The mirrorlightcomesonautomaticallywhen thecoverisopened Thereisa holderforcardsortickets for exam ple onthesunvisor Re...

Page 487: ...for loading There are anumberofthingsthatareimportant to bear in mindwhenloading thecar Payload dependsonthecar skerbweight The totalof theweight ofthepassengersand all accessoriesreduces thecar spayloadbya cor respondingweight Loadingthecargoarea Goodthingsto rememberwhenloading Positiontheloadfirmlyagainsttherear seat s backrest Heavyobjectsshouldbeplacedaslow as possible Avoidplacingheavy loads...

Page 488: ...commendedbyPolestarshould be used The aimof thisistoreducetherisk ofdamage to the car andtomaintainsafetywhiletravelling Carefullyfollowthemountinginstructionsup pliedwiththeloadholder Distributethe loadevenlyovertheload hold ers Placetheheaviest loadatthebottom Checkregularlytoensurethattheloadhold ersandloadaresecuredproperly Lash the load securelyusingbungees If the loadextendsbeyondthefrontoft...

Page 489: ...atch inthe cargo area Openupthecovertobeableto usethe bag hooks Securethebagsinanappropriate posi tionusingtheelasticbandsupplied Ifthe bags have handlesandareofanappropriateheight hangthemfrom thehooks Intheglovebox Thereisalsoa fold outhookintheglovebox that canbeusedto hangabag on Related information Recommendationsforloading p 487 Usingtheglovebox p 486 IMPORTANT Amaximumweightof5kg 11 lbs may...

Page 490: ...raps Through load hatch in the rear seat The hatchinthe rearseat backrestcanbe openedin ordertotransport long narrow objectssuchasskis 1 Inthe cargoarea takeholdofthehandle for thehatchandfolddownthehatch 2 Foldtherear seatarmrestforward 3 Adjust the centre seatheadrestraint upwardssothatthesteeltubesdonot block thehatchopening Iftheprivate lockingfunctionisused the through loadhatchmustbeclosed R...

Page 491: ...ge and removeit Storetheremovedparcelshelfinaplace where itwill notbedamaged Relatedinformation Luggagecompartment andcargo area p 487 First aid kit The first aidkitcontainsfirstaidequipment Storethefirstaidkitinanappropriateplace in the cargoarea e g inthemeshpocket on the right handside Relatedinformation Luggagecompartmentandcargoarea p 487 Loading storage and passenger compartment 491 ...

Page 492: ...edunderthe floor inthefrontcargoarea Remove thewarningtrianglefrom the case unfold it andputtheendstogether Foldout thewarningtriangle ssupportlegs Follow the regulationsfortheuseofa warning triangle Positionthewarning trianglein asuita bleplace withregardtotraffic Put thewarningtriangleandcaseback into the front cargoarea afteruse Relatedinformation Hazardwarningflashers p 140 Opening andclosing ...

Page 493: ...Section18 Maintenanceand service ...

Page 494: ...nspectionandrepairarerequiredthen only an authorisedworkshopdesignatedbyPolestar maycarryoutthework Chargingcablewithcontrolunit Relatedinformation Bookserviceandrepair p 495 Connectionofequipment tothecar s diag nosticsocket p 23 Servicingtheclimatecontrolsystem p 501 Brakesystemmaintenance p 378 WARNING Donotcarryoutanyrepairsofyourown onyourcar Electricalcablesand orcom ponentsthathavedetachedm...

Page 495: ...rdata transfer betweenyourcarandthe workshop Yourworkshopvisitwillbe simpler andmore efficientwhenthetransfer of diagnos ticinformationandsoftwarecantakeplacevia theworkshop s network During a workshopvisit yourservicetechnician maywant toconnect yourcar to theworkshop s networkviaWi Fitoperformfault tracingand softwaredownload Forthistypeofcommuni cation thecar onlyconnectsto aworkshop s network ...

Page 496: ...appearinthecentredisplay whentheupdateisdone aswellasinthe event ofanyerrors Intheeventthat theinstallation fails thecar ssystems areresettothe last installedversion Updatingwhilecharging Any chargingofthecarwillbeinterruptedin the event of system updateifthebattery levelis not too low Dependingonchargingsource the chargingwill be resumedafterinstallation Informationoncontents To see more informat...

Page 497: ...oonaspossibleinordertoavoid therisksthatmaybeassociatedwith oldsoftware Intheevent ofanyprob lemwithsystemupdates contact PolestarSupport Functionalityafterupdatingmayvary dependingonmarket model model yearandoptions Maintenance and service 497 ...

Page 498: ...ing changed inalocationwherethereislots of traffic forexample 2 Ensurethattheparkingbrakeisactivated 3 Chockinfrontofandbehindthewheels that remainontheground Use forexample heavywoodenblocksorlargestones 4 Place the jack or theliftingarmsinthe desig natedlocationsonthecar schassis The tri angle markingsintheplasticcoverindicate the locationsofthejacking liftingpoints There are two jacking pointso...

Page 499: ...ricatedandthat it isfreefromdirt Checkthat thejackis resting ona firm levelsurfacethat isnotslippery andis not slanted Neverpositionanything between thegroundandthejack nor betweenthejackandthecar sjack ingpoint Passengersmust leavethecar when it israisedonthejack Ifawheel hastobechangedinan environment wherethereislots of traffic forexample passengers must remaininasafeplace Use ajack designedfor...

Page 500: ...tructionssuppliedwiththeequipment Thenormalcarjackisonlydesignedfor occasional short termuse suchaswhen changinga wheelafterapuncture Ifthe caris tobejackedupmoreoften orfora longertimethanisrequiredjustto changeawheel useofagaragejackis recommended Inthisinstance follow theinstructionsforusethat comewith theequipment 500 Maintenanceandservice ...

Page 501: ...rigerantR134a This systemmustonlybeservicedand repairedbyanauthorisedworkshop Theairconditioning systemcontains pressurisedrefrigerant R1234yf In accordancewithSAEJ2845 Techni cianTrainingforSafeServiceandCon tainmentofRefrigerantsUsedin MobileA CSystem serviceandrepair oftherefrigerantsystemmust onlybe performedbytrainedandcertified techniciansinordertoensurethe safetyofthesystem Opening and clos...

Page 502: ...Whenthebonnethasstoppedagainst the bonnetlock pressdownonthebonnet with bothhandsaccordingtothedescription in the illustrationinordertofullycloseit Do not load theouteredgesofthebonnet Bonnet not completelyclosed Bonnet completelyclosed Related information Luggagecompartmentandcargoarea p 487 Door andseatbeltreminder p 37 PolestarSupport p 9 Fillingwasherfluid p 538 502 Maintenanceandservice ...

Page 503: ...rt Coolant The coolantensuresthatthesurplusheatisdis tributedinthecircuit suchastoheatthe high voltage batteryorthepassengercompartment Prescribedgrade Ready mixedcoolant approvedbyPolestar Contact Polestar Support assoonaspossible in theeventofamessagefor coolant leveltoo low or too high Relatedinformation Polestar serviceprogramme p 494 WARNING Swallowing coolant is hazardous itmay cause damaget...

Page 504: ...voltage battery For operationwiththeelectricmotor thecaris equippedwithabatterylocatedinthe car s chassis Thisis maintenance freeandrecharge able andisoflithium iontype Only authorisedworkshoppersonnelare allowedto handle highvoltagebatteryparts Thecar cannotbestartedifthehighvoltage bat teryisdischarged Ifboththe12Vbatteryand the highvoltage battery aredischarged both batteries havetobecharged It...

Page 505: ...lsys temanddrive electricalequipment inthecar Thehigh voltagebatteryisusedwhen operating theelectric motor It isa12V AGMbattery AbsorbedGlassMat dimensionedtosupportthefunctionofthe car s electricalsystem Neverdisconnect thebatterywhen thecaris switchedon Checkthatthecablestothebattery are cor rectly connectedandproperlytightened Location 12Vbatteryspecifications Batterytype H6AGM Voltage V 12 Col...

Page 506: ...shesintotheeyes seekmedi calattentionimmediately Neversmokenearthebattery Ifthe12 Vbatteryisdisconnected the automaticopeningandclosingfunc tionmustberesettoworkproperly A resetmusttakeplaceforpinchprotec tiontowork IMPORTANT Ifthebatteryisclampedinposition usingatensionband makesurethat thetensionbandisalwaystightened properly IMPORTANT If the batteryisreplaced makesure youreplaceitwithabatterywi...

Page 507: ...nformationinthe Manualforthecar Store the batteryoutofthe reachofchildren Thebatterycontainscorro sive acid Avoidsparksandnaked flames Risk ofexplosion Mustbetakenfor recycling Relatedinformation Batteries p 504 High voltagebattery p 504 12 Vbattery p 505 Recyclingthebatteries p 508 Maintenance and service 507 ...

Page 508: ... tectedby anumberoffusesinordertoprotect thecar selectrical system fromdamage by short circuitingoroverloading Ifanelectrical componentorfunctiondoesnot work it maybebecausethecomponent sfuse was temporarilyoverloadedandfailed If the samefusefailsrepeatedlythenthereis afaultin the circuit Contacting PolestarSupportfor a checkisrecommended Locationofcentralelectricalunits Under thebonnet Under theg...

Page 509: ...icalsystemfrom damageby short circuitingoroverloading 1 Lookinthefusediagramtolocatethefuse 2 Pull outthefuseandcheckfromthesideto see whetherthecurvedwirehasblown 3 If thisisthe case replaceit withanew fuse of the samecolourandamperage Relatedinformation Fuses andcentralelectricalunits p 508 Fuses underthebonnet p 510 Fusesunderglovebox p 514 PolestarSupport p 9 WARNING Neveruse aforeignobject or...

Page 510: ...er the bonnet Fuses underthebonnetprotect engine and brakefunctions amongotherthings Onthe insideofthecovertherearetweezers that facilitatetheprocedurefor theremovaland fitting of fuses 510 Maintenanceandservice ...

Page 511: ...icro Valve batterycoolingsystem 5 Micro Control module front spoilerandfront grille ventilation control 10 Micro Micro Micro Micro Right handheadlamp 20 Micro Left handheadlamp 20 Micro Airbags seatsensor collisionmodule 5 Micro Acceleratorpedalsensor 5 Micro Poweredwhenthecar selectricalsystem is switched on Engine con trolmodule Transmissioncomponents Electric steeringservo Central electronicmod...

Page 512: ...odule ECM 5 Micro Chargingunit OnBoardCharger 15 Micro Converterforcontrolofthesupplyto the front axle s electric motor 5 Micro Horn 20 Micro Siren 5 Micro Windscreenwipers 30 MCaseA MCaseA MCaseA MCaseA Brakemodule 30 MCaseA MCaseA Rightheadlamp Leftheadlamp 30 MCaseA MCaseA MCaseA Towbarcontrolmodule 25 MCaseA Towbarcontrolmodule 40 MCaseA MCaseA MCaseA MCaseA 512 Maintenanceandservice ...

Page 513: ...yheatedwindscreen right hand side 40 MCaseA Electricallyheatedwindscreen left hand side 40 MCaseA Monitoringunit 5 Micro Left handheadlamp 20 Micro Right handheadlamp 20 Micro A This type of fuse should be replaced by a workshop contact Polestar Support Related information Fusesandcentralelectricalunits p 508 Replacingafuse p 509 Fusesunderglovebox p 514 IMPORTANT Donottrytoopenthepanelaroundthe s...

Page 514: ... glovebox Fuses underthegloveboxprotect amongst otherthings electricalsockets displays and doormodules On the insideofthecovertherearetweezers that facilitatethe procedurefortheremovaland 514 Maintenanceandservice ...

Page 515: ...system front 40 MCaseB Poweroperatedtailgate 25 MCaseB Powerseat left 20 MCaseB Powerseat right 20 MCaseB MCaseB Right handreardoormodule 20 Micro Left handreardoormodule 20 Micro Left handfrontdoormodule 20 Micro Rearlights 15 Micro Right handfrontdoormodule 20 Micro Seatheater rear 15 Micro Safetymodule ASDM Activesafety domain master 5 Micro Calculationmodule 5 Micro Sunsensor 5 Micro Steeringl...

Page 516: ...e Infotainment 15 Micro DiagnosticsocketOBDII 10 Micro Alcohollock Extendedaccessorymodule 5 Micro Electric loweringofheadrestraints left 15 Micro Electric loweringofheadrestraints right 15 Micro Rearwindowdefroster 30 MCaseB Seatbeltpretensionermodule left hand side 40 MCaseB Seatbeltpretensionermodule right hand side 40 MCaseB Micro Micro Coolantpump 7 5 Micro Steeringwheelmoduleforheatedsteerin...

Page 517: ...ra 5 Micro Fuse forspecialvehicle 5 Micro Airbagandseatbeltpretensionercontrol module 5 Micro Micro Wake up electronicshiftingmodule 5 Micro Micro Interior lighting Dimming ofrearviewmirror Rain and light sensor Con trolpanelsinreardoorsandcargo area Transponderforroadtax 7 5 Micro Micro Front facingcamera 5 Micro Alcohollock 5 Micro Wirelessmobilecharger USBsocket 7 5 Micro Maintenance and servic...

Page 518: ...pplicable to certain variants B This type of fuse should be replaced by a workshop contact Polestar Support Related information Fusesandcentralelectricalunits p 508 Replacingafuse p 509 Fusesunderthebonnet p 510 518 Maintenanceandservice ...

Page 519: ...helamphousingwhenthe lamphasbeenswitchedonforatime Cleaning the interior Onlyuse cleaningagentsandcarcare products recommendedbyPolestar Cleanregularly and deal withstainsstraight away Vacuuming is importantpriorto usingcleaningagents Related information Cleaningthecentredisplay p 520 Cleaningthedriver display p 521 Cleaningfabricupholsteryandheadlining p 522 Cleaningtheseatbelts p 523 Cleaningfab...

Page 520: ...orwhichtheywereintended Cleaning the centre display Dirt stainsand greasefromfingerscan affect thecentre display sperformanceandreadabil ity Cleanthescreenfrequentlywithamicrofibre cloth 1 Turnoffthecentredisplaywithalong press on the homebutton 2 Wipethescreenwiththemicrofibrecloth supplied oruseanothermicrofibrecloth of equivalent quality Wipethescreenwith a cleananddry microfibreclothwithsmall ...

Page 521: ...osol spray solvents alcohol ammoniaor cleaningagentcontainingabrasive Neveruseabrasivecloths papertow elsortissuepaper sincetheymay scratchthecentredisplay Cleaning the driver display Gently wipethe display scover glasswith a cleananddrymicrofibrecloth Ifnecessary lightly moistenthemicrofibrecloth Neverusecleaningagent Aspecialdetergent can beusedinmoreseverecases Contact PolestarSupportformoreinf...

Page 522: ...gthecentredisplay p 520 Cleaningleatherupholstery p 524 Cleaningtheseatbelts p 523 Cleaningfabricfloorcarpetsandinlay mats p 523 Cleaninginteriorplastic metalandwood parts p 525 WARNING Never spraycleaningagentonthesides oftheseats whenthesideairbags arefit ted Dry theseinsteadusingaclothmois tenedwiththe cleaningagent IMPORTANT Never scrapeorrubastainasthismay destroy theupholstery Neverusestainr...

Page 523: ...commended Cleanregularly and dealwith stainsstraightaway Vacuumingisimportant prior to usingcleaningagents Removeinlaidcarpetsforseparatecleaning of thefloorcarpet andtheinlaidcarpets Eachinlay mat issecuredwithpins 1 Removetheinlaymatbygrippingeachpinin themat andliftingstraightup 2 Use avacuum cleanertoremovedustand dirt 3 A textiledetergent isrecommendedfor stains onthefloorcarpetaftervacuuming...

Page 524: ...lbepreserved Contact Pole star Supportforrecommendationsforproducts for cleaningandtreatingleatherupholstery in order to maintaintheprotectivesurface of the leather Cleaning theleatherupholstery 1 Apply the leathercleanertoadampsponge andsqueezeuntilafoamiscreated 2 Use the spongeonthestaininacircular motion 3 Thoroughlydampenthestainusingthe sponge allowthespongetoabsorbthe stain without scrubbin...

Page 525: ...mendedfor cleaninginteriorpartsandsurfaces Contact PolestarSupportforinformationonsuitable cleaningtools Do notscrapeorrubstains Neverusestrong stain removers either Relatedinformation Cleaningtheinterior p 519 Cleaningthecentredisplay p 520 Cleaningfabricupholstery andheadlining p 522 Cleaningtheseatbelts p 523 Cleaningfabricfloorcarpets andinlay mats p 523 Cleaningleather upholstery p 524 IMPORT...

Page 526: ...ever thecar canbe waxed duringthistime Donotpolishorwaxthecarin direct sunlight thesurfacebeingpolished should bea maximumof45 C 113 F Wash anddrythecarthoroughlybefore you beginpolishing orwaxing Cleanoffasphalt andtarstainsusingtarremoverorwhitespi rit Morestubbornstainscanberemoved using finerubbing pastedesignedforcar paintwork Polishfirstwithapolishandthenwax withliq uid orsolidwax Followthei...

Page 527: ...g the carbyhand Avoidwashing thecarindirectsunlight This can causethedetergentorwax todry and haveanabrasiveeffect Removebirddroppingsfrom thepaintwork assoonaspossible Theycontainsubstances that damageanddiscolourpaintwork very quickly Forexample usesoftpaperor spongesoakedinplenty ofwater Contact PolestarSupport forinformationonhowto removeanystains Washtheunderbody includingwheelhous ingsandbum...

Page 528: ...cleaning agentsbutusewaterandanon scratchingspongeinstead Never usepolishingagentwith abrasiveproperties onthepanor amicroof Neverusewaxontherubbermould ingsaroundthepanoramicroof Remembertoremovedirt fromthe drainholesinthedoorsandinthesills afterwashingthecar NOTE Outsidelightingsuchasheadlamps andrearlampsmaytemporarilyhave condensationontheinsideofthelens Thisisnormal allexteriorlightingis des...

Page 529: ...p 532 Cleaningwheelrims p 533 Rustproofing p 533 IMPORTANT Makesurethatdoors windowsand hatchesareclosedforhigh pressure washing Never polishamatte paintedemblem Polishingwillleadto theemblem becomingshiny IMPORTANT Do not usepaint cleaner grinding agents polishingproductsorsheen preservation e g waxforhigh gloss paintwork Theseproductsareonly intendedforglossysurfaces Shiny spotswillappeariftheya...

Page 530: ...ecarwash 4 Driveintotheautomaticcarwash 5 SwitchtogearpositionN Thecarisreadyfortheautomaticwash Relatedinformation Cleaningtheexterior p 526 Polishingandwaxing p 526 Handwashing p 527 High pressurewashing p 531 Cleaningwiperblades p 531 Cleaningexteriorplastic rubberand trim components p 532 Cleaningwheelrims p 533 Rustproofing p 533 Keylesslocking andunlocking p 198 Cleaningmatte paintedemblems ...

Page 531: ...ceofthe emblem seetheseparatesection Cleaning wiper blades The carshouldbewashedassoonasit becomesdirty Thelongerthecarisleftdirty the more difficult it willbetogetitcompletely clean andthereisarisk ofscratchingthepaintwork Wash the carinacar washwithoilseparator Usecar shampoo Asphalt dustandsaltresidueonthewiper blades aswellasinsects iceetc onthewind screen impairtheservicelifeoftheblades When ...

Page 532: ...chacleaning agent theinstructionsmustbefollowedcarefully Related information Cleaningtheexterior p 526 Polishingandwaxing p 526 Handwashing p 527 Automaticcarwash p 530 High pressurewashing p 531 Cleaningwiperblades p 531 Cleaningwheelrims p 533 Rustproofing p 533 Cleaningmatte paintedemblems p 529 IMPORTANT Avoidwaxingandpolishingonplastic andrubber When using degreasant onplasticand rubber onlyr...

Page 533: ...n Anti corrosionprotectionforthebody consists of metallicprotectivecoatingsonthesheet metal a high qualitypaintingprocess corro sion protectedandminimisedmetaloverlap andshieldingplasticcomponents abrasion pro tectionand supplementalrustinhibitor on exposed areas Inthechassis exposed compo nentsof the wheelsuspensionaremade ofcor rosion resistantcastaluminium Inspectionandmaintenance The car s ant...

Page 534: ...houldthereforebechecked regularly Themostcommontypesofpaintwork damage arestone chips scratches and marks on e g the edgesofwings doors andbumpers Damageshouldberepairedimmediatelytopre ventfurtherimpairment ofthepaintwork Materialsthatmaybeneeded Primer a specialadhesiveprimerina spray canisavailablefore g plastic coated bump ers Basecoat andclearcoat availableinspray cansorastouch uppens sticks1...

Page 535: ...primerwellandapplyusingafine brush a matchstickorsimilar Finishoff with a basecoatandclearcoat oncetheprimer has dried Forscratches implementthesameprocedure butmaskaroundthedamagedareato protect theundamagedpaintwork ContactPolestarSupport forinformation on touch uppensandspraypaintsfortouchingup paintworkdamage Relatedinformation Carpaintwork p 534 Colourcodes p 536 NOTE Whenpaintisrepairedthesu...

Page 536: ...ogetherwithwasherfluid they aimto cleanthewindscreenandensurevisibility whiledriving Thewiper bladescanbereplaced Foldupthewiper armwhenit is inservice position Servicepositionisactivated deac tivated viathefunctionviewinthecentre displaywhenthecaris stationaryand the windscreenwipersareswitchedoff Press the buttonlocatedonthewiperblade attachment andpullstraight out parallelto thewiperarm Push in...

Page 537: ...ladesmustbesetinserviceposition vertical position e g whentheyshallbereplaced Wiperbladesinserviceposition Inorder tochange cleanorlift thewiperblades e g for scraping officefromthewindscreen theymustbeinserviceposition Activating deactivatingservicemode Service modecanbeactivated deactivated when the carisstationaryandthewindscreen wipersarenoton Servicemodeis activated deactivatedviathecentredis...

Page 538: ... avoiddamagingthepaint onthebon net Filling washer fluid Washer fluidisusedforcleaningtheheadlamps andwindscreen Washer fluidwithantifreeze must be usedwhenthetemperatureisunder the freezingpoint Washer fluidisfilledintothereservoirwith the blue cap Thereservoir isusedforbothwind screenwasherandheadlampwashers Prescribedgrade Washerfluidrecommended by Polestar withfrost protectionduring cold weath...

Page 539: ...n6and8 inworkingdilu tion e g 1 1withneutralwater Usewasherfluidwithantifreezewhen thetemperatureisbelowfreezing to avoid thefluidfreezinginsidethe pump reservoirandhoses NOTE Whenapprox 1litre 1qt ofwasherfluid remainsinthereservoir themessage Refill washerfluid levellow isshownin thedriverdisplay togetherwiththe symbol Maintenance and service 539 ...

Page 540: ...540 Maintenanceandservice ...

Page 541: ...Section19 Specifications ...

Page 542: ...Supportregarding the carandwhenorderingsparepartsand acces sories Decalfor typedesignation vehicleidentifica tionnumber permissiblemaximum weightsand code designationforexteriorcolourandtype approval number Thedecalis positioned onthe door pillar andwillbevisiblewhenthe right handdoorisopened Decalfor A Csystem forcarswith refriger ant R1234yf Decalfor thecar sidentificationnumber VIN VehicleIdent...

Page 543: ...ance andlocationsinthecar Theinformation thatappliestoyourparticularcarcanbe found onthedecalonthecar Dimensions Measurementofcarlength height etc canbe readinthetable Dimensions mm inches A GroundclearanceA 151B C 146B D 167E C 161E D 5 9B C 5 7B D 6 6E C 6 3E D B Wheelbase 2735 107 7 C Length 4606 181 3 D Load length floor folded seat 1776 69 9 E Load length floor 1020 40 2 Specifications 543 ...

Page 544: ...eights Max grossvehicleweight etc canbereadon a labelinthecar Thekerbweightincludesthedriverand all oils andfluids Theweight ofthepassengersandinstalled accessories plus thetowballload whenthere is atrailer connected influencetheload capacity and arenotincludedinthekerbweight Permittedmax load Grossvehicleweight Kerbweight The decalispositionedonthedoorpillar and willbevisible whentheright handdoo...

Page 545: ...ocover powerseats etc Weighingthecarisacertainwayof ascertainingthekerbweight ofyourown particularcar Towing weights and towball loads Towingweightsandtowballloadsfor driving witha trailercanbeviewedinthetables Brakedtrailer Max weight kg 1500 Relatedinformation Type designations p 542 Weights p 544 Drivingwithatrailer p 401 TrailerStabilityAssist p 402 IMPORTANT Whendrivingwithatrailer thegross v...

Page 546: ...etablebelow The carispoweredbytwoelectricmotors Electricdrivemotor Front Rear Enginetype Synchronousmotorwithpermanent magnet Synchronousmotorwithpermanent magnet Enginemodel EAD3 1 EAD 3 1 Max output kW 150 150 hp 204 204 Max torque Nm 330 330 Related information Typedesignations p 542 546 Specifications ...

Page 547: ... Related information Type designations p 542 Brake fluid specifications The mediuminahydraulicbrakesystem is called brakefluid anditisusedtotransferpres sure frome g abrakepedalviaamasterbrake cylinder tooneormoreslavecylinders which in turnact onamechanicalbrake Prescribedgrade Brakefluidthatfulfilsa com binationof Dot4 5 1andISO4925class 6 NOTE It is recommendedthat brakefluidis changedorfilledb...

Page 548: ...obileairconditioningsystem MAC Lubricanttype Symbol Meaning A trainedandcertifiedtechnicianis requiredinordertoservicethe mobileairconditioning system MAC Flammablerefrigerants Refrigerant Refrigerantamountisprintedonthedecal locatedontheinsideofthebonnet Cars withR1234yfrefrigerant Refrigerantamount Compressoroil Volume Prescribedgrade 110ml 3 72fl oz POERB68 Evaporator The A C systemevaporatormu...

Page 549: ...umstances andconditionsunderwhichthecarisbeing driven The certifiedvaluesforthecar s range on elec tricpowershouldnotbeinterpretedasan expectedrange Thecertificationvalues are comparativevaluesthatareobtainedby means ofspecial drivecycles seebelow andshould primarilybeusedto comparedifferentcars Thevaluesinthetablebelowareinaccordance with WLTP WorldwideHarmonisedLight Duty Vehicles TestProcedure ...

Page 550: ...therand the conditionof thecar WLTPstandard Asof1 September2018 anew standard was introducedforcalculating electricrange values inthecar TheWLTPstandardrepresents the average driving conditionsforeveryday driving In comparisonwiththeprevious standard NEDC WLTPtakesintoaccount morevaried trafficsituationsandspeeds butalsoequip ment andweight classes Optionalequipment that affectselectricrangevalues...

Page 551: ...wingtableshows all approvedcombinationsofwheelrimsand tyres Front 245 45R19 8x19x50 245 40R20 8x20x50 Rear 245 45R19 9x19x53 245 40R20 9x20x53 Relatedinformation Minimum permittedtyreloadindex and speedrating fortyres p 552 Type designations p 542 Dimensiondesignationfortyre p 454 Dimensiondesignationforwheel rim p 455 Snow chains p 470 IMPORTANT Thefront wheelsmustnotswitchplaces withtherear whee...

Page 552: ...ationforwheelrim p 455 Approved tyre pressures Approvedtyrepressuresforeachenginealter nativecanbefoundinthetable Tyresize Speed Load 1 3 persons Max load ECOpressureA Front kPa B Rear kPa Front kPa Rear kPa Front rear kPa 245 45R19 0 160 km h 0 100mph 280 280 280 310 280 310 160 km h 100 mph 280 280 280 310 245 40R20 0 160km h 0 100mph 300 280 300 310 300 310 160 km h 100 mph 300 280 300 310 A Ec...

Page 553: ...Polestarvehicleisprovidedwitha Manual whichincludessafeuseinformationfor owners operatorsofthevehicle Polestar sinformation onrepairandserviceofvehiclesandgenuine partsalsoincludessafeuseinformation for servicepersonnel Wherepresent inpartsofthisvehicle theCan didateListsubstancesshownontherelevant CandidateListSubstancesTable forthespe cificvehicleareincorporatedinsucha waythat potential exposure...

Page 554: ...1 16 9 02 13 05 10 octa deca 7 15 diene 13560 89 9 2 ethylhexyl10 ethyl 4 4 dioc tyl 7 oxo 8 oxa 3 5 dithia 4 stannatetradecanoate 15571 58 1 Refractoryceramicfibres 142844 00 6 Disodiumtetraborate anhy drous 1330 43 4 SpecificSafeUseInformationforArticlesCon tainingCandidateListSubstances Nospecificsafeuseinformationisrequired fol lowGeneralSafeUseInformationforArticles 554 Specifications ...

Page 555: ...epassengerseat adjustingthepassengerseat fromthe driver sseat 165 Aerialstartandlocksystem location 205 Airbag 38 Activating deactivating 42 driver sside 39 passengerside 40 42 Airbag seeAirbag 38 Airconditioning 192 Airconditioning fluid volume andgrade 548 Airconditioning system 174 181 repair 501 Airdistribution 179 airvents 179 180 change 180 defrosting 188 Recirculation 187 Airquality 176 178...

Page 556: ...tery 505 highvoltagebattery 504 recycling 508 symbolsonbattery 507 Batterymeter 75 Bicyclerack towbar mounted 404 BlindSpot Information 306 BLIS 306 activate deactivate 308 Limitations 308 Symbols andmessages 309 Bluetooth phone 420 BluetoothMediaPlayer 419 Bonnet openandclose 501 Bookserviceandrepair 495 Brakeassist after collision 383 Brakeenergy 375 389 Brakefluid grade 547 Brakefunctions 375 B...

Page 557: ...Charging finishcharging 367 openandclosecharging flap 357 Status 362 Chargingcable 352 Chargingcabletemperaturemonitoring 356 Chargingpower 351 Charging statusat thecar s charginginput socket 361 Chargingstatusinthecar s centredisplay Status 366 Charging statusinthecar sdriverdisplay Status 365 Chargingstatusinthechargingcable scon trol unit 362 Charging thehighvoltagebattery 349 Childlock 207 Chi...

Page 558: ...taregistration userconditions 21 Connect account 121 Connectionandentertainment 18 Connectkeytouserprofile 122 Connectphone 420 ContactPolestar 14 Contacts 424 Controls lighting 144 Coolant 503 Corneringlight 137 CornerTractionControl 244 Crash seeCollision 28 Cross TrafficAlert 312 activate deactivate 314 Cruise control 262 activate 257 deactivate 259 standbymode 263 steeringwheelbuttons 256 stor...

Page 559: ...rivingmode 373 Drivingwithatrailer towball load 545 towingweight 545 E Economicaldriving 394 ECO pressure 458 552 Electricalsocket 484 using 484 Electricalsystem 504 Electricdrive motor specifications 546 Electricityconsumption certifiedvalue 549 Electricmotor 389 Electricoperation General 348 emergency brakelights 140 Emergencyequipment first aidkit 491 warningtriangle 492 Emergency puncturerepai...

Page 560: ...box 486 Grossvehicleweight 544 H Handbrake 379 Handwash 527 Harddisk space 430 Hazardwarningflashers 140 Headlamp adjustment 130 Headlampcontrol 128 144 Headlamppattern adjustment 130 Heated washernozzles 154 Heater parkingheater 196 Heating seats 183 184 steering wheel 185 186 Windows 189 High pressurewashing 531 Highvoltagebattery 504 charging 349 Hold 382 HomeLink 408 program 409 Type approval ...

Page 561: ...range 212 replacethebattery 213 Keyblade 208 Keyboard 116 changelanguage 115 Keyless locking unlocking 198 tailgate 201 Keylessunlocking tailgate 200 Keypadinthesteeringwheel 169 Key system Type approval 220 L Labels location 542 Laminated glass 146 Lamps change 519 trailer 403 Laneassistance 284 activate deactivate 286 displaymode 289 Limitations 287 select assistance option 287 Symbols andmessag...

Page 562: ...rmation 235 Lockingandunlocking settings 200 Long termstorageofvehicleswithhigh voltagebattery 370 M Main beam 133 134 maintenance Rustproofing 533 Managethecentredisplay operation 109 Managetilesinthecentredisplay 111 Manual information 8 Maps destination 444 electriccarfunctions 446 in centredisplay 443 in driverdisplay 444 mapdownload 448 navigation 442 route description 445 settings 447 traffi...

Page 563: ...tance 276 activate 277 P PACOS PassengerAirbagCutOffSwitch 42 Paint colour code 536 damage andtouch up 534 536 Panoramaroof 153 Parcelshelf 491 ParkAssist 315 activate deactivate 318 forward backward 316 Limitations 319 sensorfields 326 Symbolsandmessages 320 Parkassistcamera 321 activate 327 Limitations 341 locationandviews 322 parkassistlines 324 Symbols andmessages 328 ParkAssistSystem 315 Park...

Page 564: ...432 assistance 434 automaticcollisionalarm 433 buy sella car 436 messages 439 personalinformation 438 SOSbutton 433 subscription 440 PolestarID 14 create 15 problemswithloggingin 16 Polestarsupport page 9 Polishing 526 Positionlamp 130 Power meter 76 Power seat 160 Power windows 147 openingandclosing 148 pinchprotection 146 PPS PedestrianProtectionSystem 31 Preconditioning 193 start shut off 194 P...

Page 565: ...5 withtheacceleratorpedal 385 Remotecontrolimmobiliser 220 Replacethebattery Key 213 Reset trip meter 77 Resetting tripmeter 77 Resettingthedoormirrors 151 Residual currentdeviceinthecharging cable 354 Restore settings 118 Retractablepowerdoormirrors 151 Reversingcamera 321 Rims cleaning 533 dimensions 455 Road run off protection 303 Road SignInformation 248 activate deactivate 249 activate deacti...

Page 566: ...ratings tyres 454 Spin control 244 Stabilityandtractioncontrolsystem 244 activatesportmode 246 sportmode 245 Symbolsandmessages 246 Stains 519 522 525 Start highvoltagebattery charging 357 Startingtheengine after collision 48 Start the car 372 Steering forcelevel seeSteeringforce 243 Steering lock 170 Steering wheel 169 171 heating 185 186 keypad 169 steeringwheeladjustment 171 Steeringwheelforce ...

Page 567: ...d 456 Treaddepth 456 wintertyres 469 Treadwearindicators 456 Tripcomputer 76 Tripmeter 76 Tripmeter resetting 77 Trip statistics 78 tunnelconsole 481 Tunnel detection 132 Type approval HomeLink 412 radarsystem 333 radio equipment 340 Type designations 542 Tyre loadindex 454 Tyrepressure Adjust 457 Check 456 labelshowingrecommendedpressure 458 Tyrepressuremonitoring 459 action 463 messages 464 save...

Page 568: ...ingsound Parkingbrake 381 Warningsymbols 79 Safety 28 Warning triangle 492 Washer fluid 154 538 Washer nozzles heated 154 Washers headlamps 157 washerfluid filling 538 windscreen 157 Waxing 526 Weights kerb weight 544 Welcome lighting 142 Wheel bolts 468 Wheels remove andfit 464 snow chains 470 Wheelsandtyres approveddimensions 551 tyre loadindexandspeedrating 552 whiplash protection 30 WhiplashPr...
