Latest training sessions
See the time passed since your latest training session and the sport of the session.
In addition, when opening the details, you can view the summaries of your training sessions from
the last 14 days. Browse to the training session you want to view with UP/DOWN and press OK
to open the summary. For more information, see
Nightly Recharge
When you wake up you can see your Nightly Recharge status. Nightly Recharge status tells you
how restorative your last night was. Nightly Recharge combines information on how well your
autonomic nervous system (ANS) calmed down during the early hours of your sleep (ANS charge)
and how well you slept (sleep charge).
The feature is off by default. Keeping the Continuous Heart Rate feature on in your
watch will drain the battery quicker. Continuous heart rate tracking needs to be
enabled for Nightly Recharge to function. If you want to save battery and still use
Nightly Recharge, you can set the continuous heart rate tracking to be on only at
night from your watch's settings.
For more information, see
Nightly Recharge™ recovery measurement