EN 109
3139 785 31532
Firmware Upgrading & Diagnostic Software
Nucleus Name
Nucleus Number
Perform a short random read scan of x times 1000 commands (x is
selectable between 1 to 20) to test the servo. If anything would
be wrong with the servo or tracking, the result would be too
slow. Recheck the LBA addresses that caused the disc to fail in
order to avoid incorrect failure caused by shock or vibrations
during the measurement.
Initialise the HDD connection
Get the user input
Generate a random sequence of test sectors
For every sector in the random sequence do
Read 1000 sectors and measure the time to perform this action
Update a list of statistics about the measurement
Display statistical information about the test sequence
If more than 10% above 160 ms and/or more than 1 request in between
200 & 250ms and/or requests above 250 ms make the result of the test fail.
Execution Time
Depending on the user input x times 4 minutes
User Input
parameters in the next format:
- Number of commands to send (in multiples of 1000), if no input
is given 1000 commands will be sent
- "GRAPH" optional to print out the measured read scan graph
Error Number
Communication with the hard disk drive succeeded
The initialisation of the HDD failed
Invalid user input
Performance failure: more than 10% above 160 ms and/or
more than 1 request in between 200 & 250ms and/or
requests above 250 msec
Read error, unable to read a specified sector from disc
DS:> 2108 1
Minimum access time = 142 msec
Maximum access time = 159 msec
Average access time = 146 msec
Number of commands below 160 msec = 1000
Number of commands between 160 and 200 msec = 0
Number of commands between 200 and 250 msec = 0
Number of commands above 250 = 0
Test OK @