Backup Overview
Format Utility
The HDDR unit can easily backup important video to an internal or external media location. The most commonly used
are CDR-W drives and Hard Drives. Since the HDDR unit comes standard equipped with a CDR-W drive, this Chapter
will cover backing up using the CDR-W drive as well as by using a Hard Drive.
The HDDR unit backs up using a proprietary compression format that can only be read by the HDDR Backup program.
This ensures the integrity of the data. In addition the CDRW also uses a proprietary format in which it stores the
information. This format, called UDF, can only be read by a Computer which has the UDF reader software installed.
You will find a copy of Roxio® UDF Reader on the Software Installation Disc shipped with the HDDR unit. A copy is
also available for download from Roxio® direct (http://www.roxio.com).
During the backup process the HDDR unit will never stop recording. The HDDR unit is multiplexing unit that can
perform virtually all functions without having to stop the recording process.
The OpenEye HDDR unit uses DirectCD
5.0 to save the data to a CDR-W Drive. This allows the HDDR unit to use
the CDR-W just as it would any other Hard Drive attached to the unit, both reading and writing to it. CDR and CDR-W
discs must be formatted in the Direct CD 5.0 UDF standard for the HDDR unit to recognize them. It is recommended
that CDR discs and NOT CDR-W discs be used in the HDDR unit. This is only because of the format time and cost
difference between the two. It can take 45 minutes to an hour to format a CDR-W disc but only 15 to 30 seconds to
format a CDR disc. In addition, CDR discs are generally considerably cheaper than CDR-W discs.
Window Control Buttons
– Theses buttons allow you to close or minimize the DirectCD format Utility window
as well as bring up the Help screen.
Even though many features are available within DirectCD, it is highly recommended that you do NOT
use any features within DirectCD other than those necessary for the standard exportation of video as outlined in this
chapter. Loss of information or software instability could result
– Use this Dropdown Selection box to choose the CDR-W drive attached to the HDDR unit.
Generally it is defaulted to the proper CDR-W drive.
– Allows you to do repairs on discs that have become unstable or failed completely.
Figure 7.2
DirectCD® Format Utility