Do not allow the stretcher to be operated by a child aged 12 or under, or
someone deemed incapable of comprehending the operation of the
There is a risk of unexpected injury by mistake.
Do not use the stretcher for infants or small children.
This stretcher is not designed for infants or small children. There is a risk of injury
caused by the infant or small child getting caught in the gap.
There is a risk that infants may fall off the stretcher, even when the transfer boards
are used.
Do not stand on the stretcher.
There is a risk of injury caused by the person
falling off the stretcher or falling down, or the
strether could be damaged or deformed. Pay close
attention to children.
Do not use the stretcher in a heavily electrically-charged area such as
near an MRI.
Using the stretcher in such an area may cause abnormal operation which may result
in an injury or stretcher damage or deformation.
Do not attach a restraint belt to the transfer board.
The belt could unexpectedly come off, resulting in injury, or the stretcher could get
damaged or deformed.
Do not perform the stretcher operation such as raising the back or knee
section base with a restraint belt attached.
The patient's body may be squeezed resuting in injury or the stretcher may get
damaged or deformed.
Do not repair or modify the product or its components.
This may create unintended gaps or may cause abnormal operation, resulting in