Panasonic Eco Solutions Nordic AB
Rev: -
Operating Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512, V2.7.x
An automatic reset/restart will now take place (see chapter
"Restart", page 88.
When all control units are power supplied, the TLON network
installation have to be done
the site specific data (SSD)
can be downloaded, see chapter "Programming (SSD download)",
page 81.
See also chapter "Calibration of supervised outputs (H5/A1)",
page 127.
If you know that one or more of the control units are to be started-up
later, do as follow:
- Create in Win512 the SSD only for the control units that shall be
connected now. Wait to download the SSD until the TLON Network
installation is ready.
- In TLON Manager, do the TLON Network programming for the
project, i.e. only the control units that shall be connected now.
- Start-up the control units according to chapter "Control Units in a
TLON network", page 77 (i.e. turn power on and do the TLON
Network installation of the control units).
- Download the SSD.
Later, when one or more control units shall be stated-up:
- Open the project in
TLON Manager
, add the control unit(s) and
install (download) it according to the separate TLON network
- Open the SSD in Win512 and add the control unit(s) and download
the SSD to all control units.
For highest security the function
Redundancy in distributed system
can be used in a system with a TLON Network. One control unit is a
"master" unit and the other control units in the system are "slave" units
that are connected to the "master" unit via a separate network and a
1580 board in the "master" unit.
For more information see Planning Instructions, chapter "Redundancy
in distributed system".
TLON network installation
A project (a system with two or more control units) has to be created
in the PC program
TLON Manager
or has been created earlier. A PC
is connected to the modular connector J2 in the control unit (main
board 1556). Open the project in
TLON Manager
and install
(download) the project, see separate TLON network documentation.
In a mixed system (see chapter "Mixed system", page 12) an EBL512 c.i.e.
has to be
the "master" and any EBL512 G3 unit has to be a "slave".