Panasonic Eco Solutions Nordic AB
Rev: -
Operating Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512, V2.7.x
Technical number for BS4 loop units
Autronica interface board 1584
(four BS4 loops) is required in the
control unit.
The technical number, NNNNNN, is used when programming all
units connected to the BS4 loops.
Technical number is also used to identify which unit has generated a
In the technical number for unit connected to a BS4 loop, the
board number 4 = Autronica interface board 0, the board number 5 =
Autronica interface board 1, the board number 6 = Autronica interface
board 2 and the board number 7 = Autronica interface board 3 in the
control unit.
In fault messages for the Autronica interface boards, the following
information is shown: Control unit (00-29), BS4 board (0-3) and if
required BS4 loop (0-3)
Can normally be used in Swedish (SBF) convention only.