After successful authentication you will see the previous pane with “File
upload” button enabled. You can now upload the log file you’ve selected to your
Dropbox cloud drive. The file will be automatically saved under “Apps/UWBT-
ANDROID” directory.
3.2.4 OneDrive
If you don’t have a OneDrive account go to https://onedrive.live.com/. Click
the sign up button, fill out the registration form and follow further instructions
on the website to activate the account.
If you already have a OneDrive account, you can go to the UWBT application,
select the file to be sent from the Logging Settings menu, and select OneDrive
from the cloud selection spinner box. Press send, and after that you will see a
new pane with the following options:
Figure 3-8. OneDrive Sign In
Software Instructions (iOS and Android)