To get the
out of life, you need to get the
out of your food. The following 5
steps will get you on the fast track to optimum health throughout the three phases of your
Extract Your Nutrients!
We are what we eat? Not Entirely. We are what we absorb, and our bodies often fail to
absorb the essential nutrients they need.
In our busy lives, we rarely take the time eat healthfully, and very few of us chew foods the
way doctors recommend. Because of these habits, our bodies have a harder and harder
time digesting and absorbing what we eat. Depleted, overworked digestive enzymes
coupled with the weakened stomach acids that come with age cannot break food down
to the point where we can access and utilize the nutrition inside. In other words, we don’t
absorb most of the nutrition contained in our food.
In fact, statistics say that we absorb 10% less nutrients every ten years we age.
By the time we reach the age of 50, we are only absorbing 50% of the foods
(nutrients) we eat. And each year that passes we absorb less and less.
When our body is denied this essential nutrition day after day, week after
week, we lose our vitality and become more vulnerable to sickness and
chronic disease.
Fortunately, the NUTRIBULLET breaks down food to its most
absorbable state, so it is essentially/basically “pre-digested.”
This process is known as
When you
consume this nutrition-extracted food, studies show that your
body absorbs 90% of nutrients within! This is how
turns ordinary food into super
Eat Whole Foods!
Food, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is any substance that enables one to live and
grow—anything that nourishes. Based on this definition, hardly anything in the Standard
American Diet can be considered food!
The Standard American Diet is largely made up of processed foods. These food-like
substances contain added ingredients, such as salt, sugar, high fructose corn syrup,
chemically altered preservatives, and trans fats that serve no nutritional purpose in the
body. In fact, many of these ingredients can actually destroy the body and ruin our health!
All convenience foods are processed, so if you didn’t make it yourself, chances are you
can’t eat it during this program.
Whole foods, on the other hand, are unprocessed foods. They do not contain ingredients
that you cannot pronounce or substances your grandparents wouldn’t recognize. They
do not come in a box or squeezable tube or microwaveable tray. They are not artificially
seasoned or covered in unhealthy sauce.
Whole foods are foods in their original form. They are whole grains, fruits, vegetables,
beans, legumes, and meats. Whole foods contain huge amounts of antioxidant vitamins,
minerals, and phytochemicals that protect your body from free radicals and disease.
These are the foods we will eat for the next 6 weeks.
Sound intimidating? Have no fear. Our
recipes are quick and easy to make, not to mention delicious!
We are confident that you’ll be thrilled with the fabulous
recipes included in this program. Stick with our menu for
six weeks and you will see first hand how eating the
improves your mood, energy, and life!