ore Using the Handset
Notifying the Recipient of Your Phone Number
<Notify caller ID>
When placing a call, your phone number can be shown in the display of the recipient’s
phone you are calling.
The caller ID is important personal information. Carefully decide whether you notify a recipient of your caller ID.
From the Menu, select [Settings]
[NW Services]
Caller ID]
[Set Notification] and press
Select [Notify]/[Not notify] and press
The Notify caller ID is set.
To check the setting
From the Menu, select [Settings]
[NW Services]
[Notify Caller ID]
[Check setting].
The setting, whether to originate a PushTalk call with/without the caller ID, follows this setting.
If you hear a guidance asking to send the caller ID when you place a call, call again after setting the Set
Notification to [Notify] or by adding “186” before the recipient’s phone number. The caller ID is not displayed
even if you add “186” when you originate a PushTalk call.
You cannot set the Notify Caller ID when the FOMA terminal is outside of the service area.
Checking Your Own Phone Number
<Own number>
Your phone number can be checked. You can also save your name, mail address, etc.
If the Own number is saved as Secret, the data other than your phone number is not displayed. Set the Secret
display to [ON] to display all data.
Number B does not appear on the Own number display of the B mode at the time of purchase. To display
Number B, perform the Check service (P.46).
From the Menu, select [Own number] and press
Your phone number appears at [
]. If the data other than a phone
number is saved, that data also appears.
To place a call
, move the cursor to a phone number, and press
To originate a PushTalk call
, move the cursor to a phone number, and press
To send i-mode mail
, move the cursor to a mail address, and press
To check the image
, move the cursor to the image, and press
To switch the Own number display between the A and B modes when
2in1 is set to the Dual mode
(Number A)/
(Number B).
You cannot originate a PushTalk call from the Own number display of the B mode.
When you replace the UIM (From 2in1 subscriber to 2in1 subscriber) while 2in1 is used, to obtain a correct
Number B, you need to perform the 2in1 function OFF (P.353) first, and then set the 2in1 to ON again.
When you replace the UIM (From 2in1 subscriber to 2in1 non-subscriber), perform the 2in1 function OFF.
When you replace the UIM while 2in1 is used, you need to reset all the items of the personal data at the B
mode (P.46).