Easy Search/Contents/Precautions
Do not place the FOMA terminal, battery
pack, adapter (including the charger),
or UIM inside cooking appliance such
as a microwave oven or high-pressure
Doing so may cause the battery pack to
leak, overheat, explode, or catch fire, or
the FOMA terminal and adapter (including
the charger) to overheat, smoke, catch
fire, or damage the circuit parts.
Do not subject the FOMA terminal, battery
pack, or adapter to excessive force or
throw it.
Doing so may cause the battery pack to
leak, overheat, explode, or catch fire, or
cause the device to malfunction or catch
Do not allow the charge and external
connection terminals to come in contact
with conducting foreign substances (a
piece of metal, pencil lead, etc.). Never
allow these objects to get into the FOMA
terminal, battery pack, or adapter.
Doing so may cause fire or malfunction
due to short circuits.
Power off the mobile phone before you
step into a place where flammable gas
can leak, such as gas stations.
Do not charge the battery as well because
it may cause gas to ignite.
Keep the mobile phone powered off even
when you use the Osaifu-Keitai in gas
station premises or other similar place.
(When the IC card lock is set, cancel
the lock and then power off the mobile
If you notice anything unusual about
the FOMA terminal, batter y pack, or
a d a p t e r s u c h a s a n u n u s u a l o d o r,
overheating, discoloration or deformation
during operation, charging or storage,
i m m e d i a t e l y p e r fo r m t h e fo l l o w i n g
1. Remove the power plug from the
power outlet or cigarette lighter
2. Power off the FOMA terminal.
3. Remove the battery pack from the
FOMA terminal.
Failure to do so may cause the device to
overheat, explode, or catch fire, or the
battery pack to leak.
Do not place on an unstable or inclined
Doing so may cause the device to fall
and cause injury or malfunction.
Do not keep in a place that is very humid,
dusty, or subject to high temperature.
Doing so may cause malfunction.
If children use the FOMA ter minal,
parents or guardians should give them the
proper instructions for use. Make sure that
they use the FOMA terminal as instructed.
Failure to do so may cause injury.
Keep the FOMA terminal, battery pack,
adapter, and UIM out of the reach of
babies and infants.
Failure to do so may cause accidental
swallowing or injury.
Be careful especially when you use
the FOMA terminal while it has been
continuously connected to the adapter
(including the charger) for a long period of
If you continue using i-
ppli, talking on
the videophone, or watching One Seg
for a long period of time with the battery
being charged, the temperature of the
FOMA terminal, battery pack, and adapter
(including the charger) may rise.
If you are directly in contact with hot parts
for a long period of time, it may cause
your skin to become red, itch, or develop
a rash depending on your physical
condition and also it may cause low-
temperature burn.