k Ser
To set on/off of the Call Forwarding guidance, press
in the stand-by display and operate as
instructed by the guidance.
Using the Nuisance Call
Blocking Service
The Nuisance Call Blocking Service prevents receiving
a “nuisance call” such as prank phone calls. When you
set the Bar Nuisance Calls, further calls from registered
nuisance call numbers are automatically rejected
and the call rejection guidance is played back on the
caller’s phone.
The ring tone does not sound when there is an incoming call
from the saved phone number. The call is not saved in the
Received record, either.
When you receive a videophone call from a caller who is
saved as a nuisance caller, it is disconnected after playing
back the call rejection video guidance on the caller’s phone.
From the Menu, select [Settings]
[NW Services]
[Bar Nuisance Calls] and
Set each item.
Menu item
Register Caller
S a v e t h e p h o n e n u m b e r o f t h e l a s t
received call.
Select [Register Caller]
Reg. selected No.
Select [Reg. selected No.]
Enter the
phone number (within 22 digits)
Delete all entries
Select [Delete all entries]
Delete last entry
Delete the last saved phone number. You
can delete another phone number from
the last saved one by repeating the same
Select [Delete last entry]
Check No. of entry
Select [Check No. of entry].
Using the Caller ID Display
Request Service
When you receive a voice or videophone call without
a caller ID, the Caller ID Display Request Service
answers the call with a guidance requesting the
caller to send the caller ID and then automatically
disconnects the call.
When there is an incoming call from the caller who does not
notify the phone number, the ring tone does not sound. The
call is not saved in the Received record either.
When you receive a videophone call without a caller ID, it is
disconnected after playing back the caller ID display request
video guidance on the caller’s phone.
When you receive a PushTalk call without a caller ID, the
caller ID display request guidance is not played back on the
caller’s phone and the call is disconnected.
From the Menu, select [Settings]
[NW Services]
[Caller ID Request] and press
Set each item.
Menu item
Select [Activate]
Select [Deactivate]
Check setting
Select [Check setting].