Page grid
Statistics groups 19-91
Network Administration Center
Supervisor’s User Guide Product release 2
CDN statistics
The statistics collected in this group provide historical information on
source CDNs. This statistic group is only available if the CCR/EAR option
is enabled.
CDN data fields
The following list is the data fields available in the CDN statistics group
when using the Formula Definition feature. Also included is a description
of how each statistic field is calculated.
Abd Category n
This is the number of calls abandoned within the “nth” abandon delay
category, as defined by the customer in Parameter Administration node (n
is the number in the range 1..10).
Ans Category n
This is the number of calls answered within the “nth” answering delay
category, as defined by the customer in Parameter Administration node (n
is the number in the range 1..10).
Calls Abandoned
The total number of calls accepted at the Control DN abandoned while
waiting to be answered through the controlled operation.
Calls Answered
The total number of calls accepted at the Control DN which were answered
through the controlled operation.
Calls Abd Aft Thres
The total number of abandoned calls which experienced a delay greater
than or equal to the maximum delay threshold for the CDN.
Calls Ans Aft Thres
The total number of answered calls which experienced a delay greater than
or equal to the maximum delay threshold for the CDN.
Calls to Default DN
The number of calls that were directed to the default ACD-DN in default
mode operation.