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7-48 Network Report Definition
P0724352 Standard 1.0 November 1994
Divide by one
Select this option to replace the division by zero with division by one.
This can be chosen for calculations like the ratio of calls abandoned to
calls answered = calls abandoned/calls answered. If, in this example,
no calls were answered during the report period, it would be desirable
to show the ratio’s value as all calls were abandoned. This is the same
as dividing calls abandoned by one.
Default Display Format
Selects the default display format for the formula (for example, numeric,
percentage, etc.). This can be changed in the Tabular Report Definition
Minimum Display Width
Determines the minimum field width for the calculated result of the
formula when it is used in a tabular format definition. Valid values are from
three to nine, depending on the Default Display Format field. For instance,
if the default display format is “hh:mm,” the minimum display width must
be at least five.
The display width of a field on a particular report can be increased and
decreased in Tabular Report Definition, but it cannot be decreased beyond
the minimum defined here.
Determines the text to be associated with the formula in menus, tabular
reports, and graphic reports. The field in the top right corner of this section
contains the language in which the labels are entered. This field does not
appear on unilingual systems. An alternate language, which can appear on
the labels, can be selected in this field.
In Menus
Defines the string that describes the formula in menus. These menus are
used in the Tabular Format Definition and Graphic Format Definition
modes. The maximum number of characters is 50.
In Columns
Provides the column heading that identifies the formula when selected in a
tabular format definition. The width of this field is dependent on the
Minimum Display Width field. However, up to four lines can be used. This
heading can be changed when defining a custom tabular report.