Standard work hours
12- 2.
1. If some different works are required to carry out at the
same time, add all working time.
For example, if you need to remove the cover to
replace a part, add both hours for replacing the part
and removing the cover.
2. Standard work hour for maintenance represents the
inspection (lubricant, charge) job only.
3. For adjustment, replacement/removal/installation
(R/R/I), etc, see the respective group pages.
4. Unit of work hours
"The work hours are based on decimal system."
"For example, 0.5=30 minutes, 1.0=1 hour"
5. Combined jobs
For combined jobs, select necessary job items and
sum them up.
6. Cost of transportation, sub contractor work, and/or
service car charges are not included in the standard
work hours.
Those charge must be charged or claimed separately.
<Confirmation procedure>
R/R/I : Replacement / Removal / Installation