Doc. HBE090-3
Installation and User Manual EVOSTYLE N.G.
Mod. MQI006-0
NEW LIFE RADIOLOGY S.R.L. Corso Giuseppe Canonico Allamano 13/15 INT.G - 10095
Grugliasco (TO) Italy Phone and fax + 39.011. 781994 [email protected]
Procedure for dosimetric measurements:
During an inspection test are carried out dosimetric measurements to verify correct
operation. These measures are carried out by a special instrument cluster with the following
The instrument used for dosimetric measurements is the RTI ELECTRONICS PIRANHA 255;
Is positioned the instrument at a distance of 50 cm from the fire hose and found the
dose values expressed in mGy;
It checks the performance of the X-ray tube is in compliance with the project
The tests are stored in digital format and made available for those who request them;