Doc. HBE090-3
Installation and User Manual EVOSTYLE N.G.
Mod. MQI006-0
NEW LIFE RADIOLOGY S.R.L. Corso Giuseppe Canonico Allamano 13/15 INT.G - 10095
Grugliasco (TO) Italy Phone and fax + 39.011. 781994 [email protected]
Spray disinfectants are not recommended because they may enter into the device
and cause short circuits and corrosion. If the spray use is essential, take the following
If the room where the appliance is installed is subjected to disinfection treatment,
the same must be carefully covered with a protective sheet, taking care to turn it off
well in advance so as to cool completely.
After the dispersion of the vaporized disinfectant, remove the protective sheet and
disinfect the device as described above.
Do not use the device in the presence of disinfectants which vaporize to form
explosive mixtures and wait until the vapors have dissipated before using it.
Environmental protection
The monoblock unit is made of lead parts and contains oil. The disposal at end-of-life
of these parts must be done in a controlled way through authorized disposal
companies according to current regulations.
In case of monoblock's damage for impact or crushing with a consequent oil
leaking, prevent dispersal into the environment, proceeding to disposal as indicated