Doc. HBE090-3
Installation and User Manual EVOSTYLE N.G.
Mod. MQI006-0
NEW LIFE RADIOLOGY S.R.L. Corso Giuseppe Canonico Allamano 13/15 INT.G - 10095
Grugliasco (TO) Italy Phone and fax + 39.011. 781994 [email protected]
Radiant tube’s filament pre-heating time variation
Should it be necessary to increase or decrease the pre-heating time of the filament of the
radiant tube, proceed as follow:
press the button
and at the same time, turn on the system. When a number appears
on the display, release the button , Such number is equivalent to the pre-heating time
actually present in the memory. In order to vary such time, press the directional button
if you want to increase the pre-heating time , or the directional button
to decrease
such time. Once the desired time is reached press the button , the new value will be
saved into the memory and the sign “END” will appear on the display. At this point, turning
off and rebooting the system is necessary.