Doc. HBE090-3
Installation and User Manual EVOSTYLE N.G.
Mod. MQI006-0
NEW LIFE RADIOLOGY S.R.L. Corso Giuseppe Canonico Allamano 13/15 INT.G - 10095
Grugliasco (TO) Italy Phone and fax + 39.011. 781994 [email protected]
Black line occurrence on X-rays
Possible causes:
A sharp film folding can be the cause of the appearance of a black line on the film
Radiography with elongated apexes of the teeth
Possible causes:
Excessive film folding in the oral cavity
For maximum radiological image quality with minimal X-ray dose, we recommend the use
of films with high sensitivity and the respect of development time proposed by the
manufacturer of the films, shaking continuously films during the development itself. If the
image thus obtained is too dark, it is necessary to decrease the X-ray exposure time and not
the development duration.
In the case of manual development it is good to know that the developer liquid preserves
its efficiency in average for a week regardless of the number of films processed. Please note
that the treatment liquids are harmful to the environment and must be disposed of as
indicated by the manufacturer
Film positioning
During normal operation, the film must be positioned at 90 ° with respect to the cone
collimator, as shown in fig.33
Upper jaw Lower jaw