4-24 NEC Drivers and Utilities
Auto Start on AC Loss
This field allows you to return to the last known state of
the computer in the event of a power loss. This field can
be either “Enabled” or “Disabled.” The default is
Plug and Play Configuration
When the cursor is placed in the Peripheral Configuration
field, you can select it by pressing
. The Plug and
Play Submenu appears for setting PCI/ISA Plug and Play
expansion board parameters.
Plug and Play Submenu
The Plug and Play Submenu lets you check or change the
Configuration Mode parameters.
Use the Configuration Mode field to choose the method by
which information about the legacy ISA expansion boards
(ISA boards that do not have Plug and Play capabilities) is
conveyed to the BIOS. This information allows the BIOS to
set up PCI and ISA Plug and Play expansion boards
without conflicting with the legacy ISA cards. The choices
are as follows.
Use PnP OS
The BIOS depends upon the information
provided by run-time Plug and Play software
(Configuration Managers and ICU). When “Use PnP
OS” is chosen, the BIOS depends on run-time software
to ensure that there are no conflicts between ISA boards
with plug and play capabilities and those without.
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