9.6.3 Charge the High Pressure Oil Circuit with the Oil Kit
Never run the E-Multi injection unit with the fill kit attached. Serious injury to
the operator and / or damage to the machine may result.
1. Connect the oil gun to the oil manifold on the E-Multi injection unit using
the flexible hose quick connect.
It is necessary to see the controller, specifically the preload pressure
reading. If required, a helper can watch the controller and say what the
pressure is.
3. Holding the oil gun with the hose pointing down, pump the gun until the
pressure is 2x the upper limit.
4. Place a clean, absorbent cloth below the manifold bleed screw.
5. Open the bleed screw slightly. It is possible air will come out and the
pressure will drop significantly. If this happens, open the bleed screw
about ¼ turn and examine the oil that comes out.
The oil should be clear, without bubbles and not foamy.
6. Close the bleed screw and pump the pressure up to 2x the upper limit for
the oil kit pressure gauge.
7. Continue bleeding and pumping until no air, bubbles or foam come from
the bleed screw.
8. Pump the pressure up one more time.
Disconnect the oil fill kit.
10. Open the bleed screw slightly and bleed the oil until the preload pressure
on the controller reaches the upper limit.
11. If possible, cycle the injection unit in Auto mode for 10-20 cycles and
check the preload pressure again.
Bleed or fill as required to get the pressure to remain stable and within the
preload oil pressure specifications when cycling in Auto mode.
E-Multi User Manual
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