Hook Timing Adjustments Only
This procedure is for checking and setting hook timing adjustments when the hook
assembly is not being replaced. If you are replacing the hook assembly, refer to the
preceding section in this chapter. If you suspect your peripheral has gone out of
timing due to hitting a hoop, bird nesting, or some other reason, follow these steps:
1. Move the the table top to the lower position, or remove it and set it aside.
2. Remove the needle plate, both rotary hook covers, and the bobbin case.
3. With the machine ON and ready for operation, press to switch to the
Service/Maintenance Menu. The peripheral LCD displays HEAD TIMING MENU.
4. Press and the LCD displays HEAD TIMING ON.
5. Refer to the Needle Depth procedure that immediate precedes this procedure
and perform the steps numbered 4 through 16, then return to Step 6 below.
6. Press keys. The head rotates to the ‘‘Head Up’’ position and the LCD
displays GO TO HEADUP 110.0*.
7. Hold down and press (the display will read NEEDLE DEPTH 180.0)*.
8. Hold down and press (the display will read HOOK TIMING 201.0)*.
9. Grasp the needle bar clamp and pull down until the needle goes into the slot in
the bobbin basket and the
needle bar catches securely.
10. Check to see if hook timing is
correct before you proceed.
You must check the hook
point’s alignment with the
needle, and you must check
the gap. Refer to Figure 3-27
to check the alignment to the
needle. Refer to Figure 3-28 to
check the gap; there should be
a 0.002" to 0.020" gap (about
the width of a thread) between
the needle and the hook point.
Since there is some variation
between the needles, check
needles 1, 5, and 10; ideally,
the smallest gap should be set
at 0.003".
* May not be exactly the degrees indicated.
The hook
point should
be just visible
behind the
If the hook
point does
not extend to
the needle, it
is referred to
as "retarded"
If the hook point
extends beyond
the needle, it is
referred to as
Figure 3 - 27
Hook Timing Adjustments Only
3 - 27
110344-01, Rev B
3. Embroidery Head Maintenance