M-9500-3.0.6-0 INTEGRA 9500-9505 Operations Manual – English
: Spike Reed
15 Nov 2010
28 Jan 2010
All contents copyright © LVS® 2010 Page 25 of 82
Allow Non-ISO blemish to affect grade
If this option is not checked, a barcode where many lines are not decodable will
not be penalized since the ISO standard does not mandate how long decoded
lines should be handled.
If this option is checked, non-decoded lines will degrade the overall ISO grade.
The Metric option allows you to choose between measurements being reported
in inches or metric units (mm/microns).
Reference Box
You can choose to add a reference number to a final verification report by
entering a number in this box, such as a Job Number, Control Number, Purchase
Order Number, etc; this allows you to sort results by reference.
A reference number can also be entered in the Login box when a user logs onto
the system. Note that the last updated
field overrides the secondary
field. For example, a user updating the
field in the Login
box overrides the reference number entered on the Setup tab screen.
Company Name on Reports
This feature gives you the ability to place your company name on all final
verification reports. Delete the
Label Vision Systems, Inc
name from the field
and type in your company name.
Setup Operators
Many national and international standards stipulate that the operator of a
verification system must be identified in order for the verification process to be
valid. To set this up, push the
Setup operators
The administrator of the system can now choose to add, delete, or change an
operator’s name and password (see Figure below).
IMPORTANT: A password must have a minimum number of 8 characters
and must contain at least (1) alpha character and (1) numeric character.
This is also where the administrator of the system chooses which operator’s have
permission to perform the listed tasks (see Figure on next page). Be sure to push
button when you are finished entering new users or updating levels of
permissions. Following is a list of permissions and descriptions: