If you don’t want to use one of the Generators it's best to switch it off as this
conserves CPU resources. However, make sure that at least one Generator
is switched on, otherwise the instrument will not produce any output.
Each Generator operates in a different way and has a different set of
controls, however some Generator controls operate the same way in all
Generators. The controls that are “common” to all Generators are described
first, followed by those that are unique to their respective Generator.
Generator Output
The Generator Output section of the CronoX 3 is where the mixing and
output destination of the synth's four Generators is controlled. This section
is located on the left of each Generator section. Generators 1 and 3 contain
five controls: Mix, AM and FM buttons as well as Filter Balance and Volume
circular sliders. Generators 2 and 4 contain two controls: Filter Balance and
Volume circular sliders.
The Mix, AM and FM buttons determine the output destination of
Generators 1 and 3 (these buttons are only found on Generators 1 and 3).
When the Mix button is selected the output of both Generators 1 and 2, and
Generators 3 and 4 is combined. The AM (Amplitude Modulation) button
enables the amplitude of Generator 1 to be modulated by Generator 2. This
C r o n o X 3
User Guide