The Filter section is located on the upper middle of the instrument’s Main
panel. The Filter section contains the most important controls for each
Filter. This section contains the following controls: Cutoff, Resonance,
Power and Edit.
The Cutoff circular slider is used to set the frequency of the filter.
The Resonance circular slider is used to set the amount of emphasis
around the filter’s cutoff frequency.
Inside the Cutoff/Resonance control is the Power button which is used to
set the status of the Filter. When the Filter is On, the button is green.
Clicking on the button switches the Filter on and off. Off means that any
signal routed to the respective filter passes through the section without
filtering being applied.
Clicking on the Edit button opens the Panel for the respective Filter. This
enables quick access to the Filter’s various parameters for more detailed
In the case of Filter 1, the output signal is sent to Effect 1, while in the case
of Filter 2 the output signal is sent to Effect 2.
C r o n o X 3
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