frequencies are filtered out of the signal. Higher settings produce brighter
sounds while lower settings result in darker sounds. Range 40 Hz...20 kHz.
The Resonance slider is used to set the amount of emphasis around the
cutoff frequency. Higher settings create a more pronounced peak in the
signal while lower settings produce a flatter response. Range: 0%...100%.
The filter's cutoff frequency can be controlled using the Mod Depth (Cutoff-
Mod Depth) and Mod Rate (Cutoff-Mod Rate) controls. The Mod Depth
(Cutoff-Mod Depth) control is used to set the depth to which the filter's
cutoff frequency is modulated. A setting of 0% means no modulation
The Mod Rate (Cutoff-Mod Rate) slider allows you to set the rate (in Hz) at
which the filter's cutoff frequency is modulated. Range: Depth (Cutoff-Mod
Depth) 0%...100%, Rate (Cutoff-Mod Rate) 0.04 Hz...4.00 Hz.
The Sync popup menu can be used to sync the modulation rate with the
current tempo (see Appendix A for the range of possible sync settings).
The Filter Type button allows you to select one of four 12 dB filter types:
LP12 (Low Pass 12 dB), HP12 (High Pass 12 dB), BP12 (Band Pass 12 dB)
and BR12 (Band Reject 12 dB).
The Reverb effect is used to add ambiance to sounds. It features controls
for: Roomsize, Predelay and Damp (Damping).
The Roomsize slider is used to set the size of the simulated room. The
Roomsize varies from a small chamber up to a huge hall. Range: 0.1
C r o n o X 3
User Guide