type of modulation can be used to produce rich and complex waveforms.
The FM (Frequency Modulation) button allows the frequency of Generator 1
to be modulated by Generator 2. This type of modulation is great for
producing metallic, bell-like tones.
If a stereo sample is used in the Loop Sampler Generator as modulation
source, then only the left channel is used.
The setting of the Bal (“Filter Balance”) circular slider determines the
proportion of the signal that is sent to Filter 1 and Filter 2. Turning the “Bal”
circular slider all the way to the right sends all of the oscillator's output to
Filter 2, while turning it all the way to the left sends all of the output to Filter
The Volume circular slider is used to set the output level of the Generator. If
the Generator is being used for either AM or FM then this also controls the
intensity of the modulation.
Oscillator Generator
The CronoX 3's Oscillator Generator module creates its waveforms in real-
time. The Generator uses 64-bit internal resolution and allows full control
over all waveform parameters including pulse width. You can morph
between waveforms and use the continuous Pulse Width control. This gives
a wide range of classic analogue sounds. The CronoX 3's Oscillator
Generator contains the following controls: Waveform, Symmetry, Spread,
FreeRun, Track, Octave, Semitone and Cent. These are described below:
The Waveform circular slider sets the Generator's waveform shape. When
turned all the way to the right it outputs a pulse wave. When turned all the
way to the left it outputs a sawtooth wave. In intermediate positions it
outputs a waveform that is a combination of the two. Range:
C r o n o X 3
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