Appendix F: Modulation Matrix Sources and
Modulation Sources List:
--- (Off), Note Log, Note Lin, Velocity, Aftert(poly), Aftert(mono), Pitch
Wheel, ModulatWheel, BreathContr, FootContr, ExpressContr, CC16 Contr,
CC17 Contr, CC18 Contr, CC19 Contr, LFO 1, LFO 2, LFO 3, LFO 4,
GenEnvelope1, GenEnvelope2, ModEnvelope1, ModEnvelope2,
Fil1Envelope, Fil2Envelope, Amp Envelope, Glide Curve, Arpeggiator,
Alternate and Constant.
Modulation Destinations List:
---(Off), Ampl Gen 1, Ampl Gen 2, Ampl Gen 3, Ampl Gen 4, Pitch Gen 1,
Pitch Gen 2, Pitch Gen 3, Pitch Gen 4, AuxMod Gen 1, AuxMod Gen 2,
AuxMod Gen 3, AuxMod Gen 4, Balance Gen 1, Balance Gen 2, Balance
Gen 3, Balance Gen 4, Cutoff 1, Resonance 1, Env-Depth 1, AuxMod Fil 1,
Pan Fil 1, Cutoff 2, Resonance 2, Env-Depth 2, AuxMod Fil 2, Pan Fil 2,
Main Ampli, Main Pitch, Mod Depth 1, Mod Depth 2, Mod Depth 3, Mod
Depth 4, LFO 1 Speed, LFO 2 Speed, Loop Start 1, Loop Start 2, Loop End
1, Loop End 2, Amp-Env Att, Amp-Env Dec, Amp-Env Rel, Fil1-Env Att,
Fil1-Env Dec, Fil1-Env Rel, Fil2-Env Att, Fil2-Env Dec, Fil2-Env Rel, Mod1-
Env Att, Mod1-Env Dec, Mod1-Env Rel, Mod2-Env Att, Mod2-Env Dec,
Mod2-Env Rel, SampleStart1, SampleStart2.
Two types of modulation source are available: unipolar and bipolar.
Unipolar modulation sources increase the modulation destination's value in
a single direction (e.g. the ModWheel), while bipolar modulation sources
both increment and decrement the modulations destination value (e.g. an
Modulation Sources
No modulation source is selected.
Note Log
The note being played with
exponential response. The modulation
value follows the frequency of the
C r o n o X 3
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