The user interface of the CronoX 3 has been redesigned in order to make
using it easier and more streamlined. A major difference between the user
interface of the CronoX 3 and that of its predecessor the CronoX 2 is that
several of the most commonly used controls for the instrument’s various
sections have been grouped together on a single Main “easy edit” page.
The idea behind this is to give the user direct access to the instrument’s
most commonly used controls. It is important to remember however that
each section can still be edited in detail on its own respective panel.
The CronoX 3’s Main panel can be divided into 7 sections: Generator, Filter,
Effects 1/2 (“FX 1/2”), Preset Browser/File, Effects 3/4/5/6 (“FX 3/4/5/6”),
Glide and Miscellaneous.
C r o n o X 3
User Guide