Chord (Chord Memory)
The Chord (Chord Memory) function allows you to record chords and
include them with the current preset. To access the Chord section click on
the “Chord” button which is located on the lower left of the CronoX 3’s front
panel. Clicking the Chord button opens a popup menu where you can
choose from the following options: “Off” (Chord memory is switched Off and
has no effect), “Learn” (Chord memory stores any notes (up to a maximum
of 8) that you play) and Play (any single note played will trigger the whole
chord that was entered in Learn Mode).
The Chord memory function is very useful when combined with the CronoX
3’s Arpeggiator. Note that the order in which notes are played in Learn
Mode is important: the first note is taken as the root or basic note and all
successive notes are stored by interval relative to this first note. For
example, if you "learn" the chord C-E-G by actually playing the E first, the C
is stored as -4 semitones and the G as +3 semitones. This means that if
you play a C note when in Play mode, the resulting chord will be G#-C-D#.
C r o n o X 3
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