SoundAdvisor Model 831C
Viewing Measurement History Data Files
15.2.1 Viewing Live Measurement nterval Data
When the first measurement interval is underway, metrics and data
display on the Current tab. When the measurement interval is
complete, that data displays on the Measurement tab. The Current tab
resets and begins displaying data for the next measurement interval in
progress. At any time the Current tab displays the measurement
interval currently in progress.
The Current tab displays data in pages just like Live or Overall, and
depending on the firmware options Setup values enabled. Press the UP
and DOWN directional buttons (
) to navigate through
these pages. For more information, see
15.2.2 Viewing Measurement History Data
The Measurement tab can display data for any of the previously
completed measurement intervals. Intervals (records) are numbered
sequentially first to last and displayed left to right.
Measurement History
Changing the Displayed Record
The selected record number for which data is being displayed is
indicated in the upper right next to the measurement name as you
navigate up and down through the pages.
Fre uency Spectra Displays
• When a frequency spectrum is displayed, use the RIGHT and
LEFT navigation buttons ( and ) to highlight a frequency
band and display the associated levels.
Selected record number/Number
of measurements
Measurement duration
Data and time measurement
Graph of Leq values for
each record (interval), in
sequence by time
Leq and max values of the
current measurement
interval (cursor position)
Interval or Record #