Driving and Transport
Pos: 34.1 /Überschriften/Überschriften 1/F-J/Fahren und Transport @ 0\mod_1196330049217_78.docx @ 6553 @ 1 @ 1
Driving and Transport
Pos: 34.2 /BA/Sicherheit/2. Vorangestellte Warnhinweise/WARNUNG - Nichtbeachtung der grundlegenden Sicherheitshinweise alte Form @ 254\mod_1397485793575_78.docx @ 1953347 @ @ 1
If the basic safety instructions are not followed, people may be seriously injured or
To avoid accidents, the basic safety instructions in the chapter Safety must have been
read and followed, see chapter Safety "Basic safety instructions".
Pos: 34.3 /BA/Sicherheit/2. Vorangestellte Warnhinweise/WARNUNG - Nichtbeachtung der Sicherheitsroutinen alte Form @ 273\mod_1404117435996_78.docx @ 2058712 @ @ 1
If the safety routines are not adhered to, people may be seriously injured or killed.
To avoid accidents, the safety routines in the chapter Safety must be read and followed,
see chapter Safety "Safety routines".
Pos: 34.4 /BA/Sicherheit/Fahren und Transport/Warnung - Straßenfahrt Unfallgefahr durch nicht verriegelte Steuerventile des Traktors @ 274\mod_1404213302399_78.docx @ 2060724 @ @ 1
There is a risk of accidents if the control valves on the tractor are not locked.
If the control valves are not locked, machine components may be activated unintentionally. This
can result in serious accidents.
To prevent functions being triggered accidentally, the control valves on the tractor must be
switched to neutral and locked during road transport journeys.
Pos: 34.5 /BA/Sicherheit/2. Vorangestellte Warnhinweise/Warnung - Gefahren bei Kurvenfahrten mit angehängter Maschine @ 273\mod_1403678392890_78.docx @ 2053902 @ @ 1
Danger when cornering with a machine hitched
When cornering, the hitched machine swings out further than the tractor. This can lead to
Take the greater swivel range into account.
When turning, take account of people, oncoming traffic and obstacles.
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