Pos: 16.9.15 /Überschriften/Überschriften 3/U-Z/Zusatzausrüstungen und Ersatzteile @ 187\mod_1380012000801_78.docx @ 1606819 @ 3 @ 1
3.4.6 Additional
equipment and spare parts
Pos: 16.9.16 /BA/Sicherheit/1. Grundlegende SicherheitshinweiseZusatzausrüstungen und Ersatzteile_fuer alle @ 453\mod_1463988536645_78.docx @ 3077246 @ @ 1
Additional equipment and spare parts which do not comply with the requirements of the
manufacturer may impair the operational safety of the machine and cause accidents.
To ensure operational safety, use original parts or standard parts which correspond to the
requirements of the manufacturer.
Pos: 16.9.17 /Überschriften/Überschriften 3/A-E/AArbeitsplätze an der Maschine @ 453\mod_1463988634725_78.docx @ 3077278 @ 3 @ 1
Workstations on the Machine
Pos: 16.9.18 /BA/Sicherheit/1. Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise/Arbeitsplätze - Kontrolle über die fahrende Maschine_Selbstfahrer @ 176\mod_1372850001832_78.docx @ 1506413 @ @ 1
Control of the moving machine
The moving machine requires the driver to react quickly at any time. Otherwise, the machine
may move in an uncontrolled manner and seriously injure or kill people.
Start the engine from the driver's seat only.
Never leave the driver's seat while the machine is moving.
Never climb in or out of the machine while it is moving.
Pos: 16.9.19 /BA/Sicherheit/1. Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise/Arbeitsplätze - Mitfahrende Personen_fuer alle @ 176\mod_1372850186689_78.docx @ 1506442 @ @ 1
Passengers may be seriously injured by the machine or fall off the machine and get run over.
Ejected objects may strike and injure passengers.
Never let people ride on the machine.
Pos: 16.9.20 /Überschriften/Überschriften 3/A-E/B/Betriebssicherheit: Technisch einwandfreier Zustand @ 187\mod_1380012216128_78.docx @ 1606877 @ 3 @ 1
Operational safety: Technically perfect condition
Pos: 16.9.21 /BA/Sicherheit/1. Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise/Betriebssicherheit - Betrieb nur nach ordnungsgemäßer Inbetriebnahme_fuer alle @ 176\mod_1372854464728_78.docx @ 1506530 @ @ 1
Operation only when the machine has been started up correctly
If the machine is not started up correctly according to these operating instructions, the
operational safety of the machine is not ensured. As a result, accidents may occur and people
may be seriously injured or killed.
Do not use the machine unless it has been started up correctly, see chapter Start-up.
Pos: 16.9.22 /BA/Sicherheit/1. Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise/Betriebssicherheit - Technisch einwandfreier Zustand der Maschine_fuer alle @ 176\mod_1372854718958_78.docx @ 1506559 @ @ 1
Technically perfect condition of the machine
Improper maintenance and adjustment may affect the operational safety of the machine and
cause accidents. As a result, people may be seriously injured or killed.
Perform all maintenance and adjustment work according to the chapters Maintenance and
Before performing any maintenance or adjustment work, shut down and safeguard the
machine, see chapter Safety "Shutting down and safeguarding the machine".
Pos: 16.9.23 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1