Pos: 16.9.57 /Überschriften/Überschriften 3/F-J/GGefahrenquellen an der Maschine @ 187\mod_1380022841201_78.docx @ 1607417 @ 3 @ 1
Sources of danger on the machine
Pos: 16.9.58 /BA/Sicherheit/1. Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise/Gefahrenquellen - Lärm (Traktor und Maschine) Verweis auf Technische Daten @ 321\mod_1424859929013_78.docx @ 2481250 @ @ 1
Noise may lead to health problems
When working with the machine for a longer time, serious health damage may result such as
hearing loss, deafness or tinnitus. When using the machine at high speed, the noise level
increases as well.
Before starting up the combination of tractor and machine, evaluate the danger by noise.
Determine and use hearing protection that is suitable depending on environmental
conditions, working hours as well as working conditions and operating conditions of the
machine. In this process, observe sound pressure level, refer to chapter Technical Data.
Define rules for the utilization of hearing protection and for working time.
When the machine is in operation, keep windows and doors of the cab closed.
Remove hearing protection for road travel.
Pos: 16.9.59 /BA/Sicherheit/1. Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise/Gefahrenquellen - Flüssigkeiten unter Druck -nur Hydrauliköl @ 244\mod_1395751930792_78.docx @ 1906831 @ @ 1
Liquids under pressure
The following liquids are under high pressure:
– Hydraulic
Liquids under high pressure may penetrate the body through the skin and cause serious
If a damaged pressure system is suspected, immediately contact a qualified service centre.
Never search for leaks with bare hands. Even a pin-sized hole may cause serious injuries.
Keep body and face away from leaks.
If liquids penetrate the body, immediately consult a doctor. The liquid must be removed from
the body as quickly as possible. Danger of infection!
Pos: 16.9.60 /BA/Sicherheit/1. Grundlegende SicherheitshinweiseGefahrenquellen - Heiße Flüssigkeiten_fuer alle @ 454\mod_1464170610909_78.docx @ 3083502 @ @ 1
Hot liquids
If hot liquids are drained, people may burn and/or scald themselves.
When draining hot consumables, wear personal protective equipment.
If required, leave liquids and machine parts to cool down before performing repair,
maintenance and cleaning work.
Pos: 16.9.61 /BA/Sicherheit/1. Grundlegende SicherheitshinweiseGefahrenquellen - Giftige Abgase_Selbstfahrer @ 454\mod_1464170986546_78.docx @ 3083564 @ @ 1
Toxic exhaust gases
Exhaust gases may seriously damage your health or be fatal.
While the engine is running, provide adequate ventilation to prevent prolonged exposure to
exhaust gases.
Do not leave the engine running in a closed room unless there is a suitable exhaust gas
extraction system.
Pos: 16.9.62 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1