Additional equipment and spare parts ................ 14
Adjusting the lower suspension arms ........... 49, 55
Adjusting the Working Width .............................. 73
Airborne Sound Emission ................................... 44
Ambient Temperature ......................................... 44
Appendix ........................................................... 125
At the End of the Harvest Season .................... 122
Attaching Safety Labels and Information Labels 31
Basic safety instructions ..................................... 12
Basic Setting of Rotor Inclination ........................ 53
Before the Start of the New Season ................. 123
Behaviour in hazardous situations and when
accidents occur ............................................... 23
Chain for height restriction of suspension arms119
Checking and maintaining tyres ....................... 107
Children in danger .............................................. 13
Circuit diagrams of the hydraulic system .......... 115
Commissioning ................................................... 48
Connect the machine to the tractor .................... 56
Connecting the hydraulic lines ............................ 57
Connecting the Lower Link ................................. 49
Connecting the Operation ................................... 59
Consumables ................................................ 20, 44
Contact ............................................................... 31
Control and Display Elements ............................ 45
Conversion table ................................................. 11
Danger zones ..................................................... 16
Dangers associated with certain activities
Work on the machine ...................................... 22
Working on wheels and tyres .......................... 23
Deviating Torque .............................................. 106
Direction Information ............................................. 8
Directories and References .................................. 7
Disposal of the machine ................................... 124
Driving and Transport ......................................... 87
Driving on Slopes ................................................ 89
First installation ................................................... 48
Fixing the Trailing Guide Wheels ........................ 95
Further applicable documents .............................. 7
How to use this document ................................... 7
Identification Plate .............................................. 39
Importance of the operating instructions............ 12
Information Required for Questions and Orders 39
Install the PTO shaft .......................................... 60
Intended use ...................................................... 12
Keeping safety devices functional ..................... 18
Lighting connection ............................................ 58
Lowering Additional Rotor to Working Position . 69
Lowering Outrigger Arms into Working Position 64
Lubrication Points on the Additional Rotor ...... 114
Lubrication Points on the Machine ................... 112
Lubrication Points on the Universal Shafts ...... 111
Machine overview .............................................. 36
Main gearbox ................................................... 117
Maintenance .................................................... 101
Maintenance - hydraulic system ...................... 115
Maintenance – lubrication chart ....................... 111
Maintenance table ............................................ 102
Malfunctions - Causes and Remedies ............. 120
Means of representation ...................................... 8
Notes with information and recommendations 10
Warning signs ................................................. 10
Means of Representation
Figures ............................................................. 8
Metric Thread Screws with Control Thread ..... 103
Metric Thread Screws with Countersunk Head
and Hexagonal Socket ................................. 104
Metric Thread Screws with Fine Thread .......... 104
Move the hoop guards to the working position. . 68
Move the hoop guards to transport position. ..... 75
Operation ........................................................... 63
Operational safety: Technically perfect condition
....................................................................... 14
Overload protection............................................ 34
Parking the machine safely ................................ 20
Personal protective equipment .......................... 18