Section 5
Fuel System and Governor
Figure 5-8. Checking Spring Looseness.
3. Hold the governor lever away from the
carburetor so the throttle lever is against the idle
speed (RPM) adjustment screw of the carburetor.
Start the engine and allow to warm up, then
adjust the screw to set approximately
1200 RPM
Check using a tachometer. Turn the adjustment
screw (inner) clockwise (in) to increase or
counterclockwise (out) to decrease speed.
4. Release the governor lever and check that the
throttle lever is in the idle (centered) position. See
Figure 5-9. Turn the governed idle (outer)
adjustment screw to obtain the equipment
manufacturer’s recommended idle speed
(1500-1800 RPM)
. The governed idle speed (RPM)
is typically 300 RPM (approximate) higher than
the low idle speed. See Figure 5-10.
Figure 5-9. Throttle Lever in Idle Position.
Figure 5-10. Setting Governed Idle Speed RPM
(Air Cleaner Removed For Clarity).
5. Move the throttle lever to the wide-open/full
throttle position and hold in this position. Check
the RPM using a tachometer. Turn the high speed
screw to obtain the intended high speed no-load
The governed idle speed must be set
before making this adjustment.
See Figure 5-11.
Figure 5-11. Setting High Speed RPM (Air Cleaner
Removed for Clarity).
Carburetor Servicing
The following section covers the disassembly, various
servicing procedures, and reassembly of the
carburetor. For each procedure carefully inspect all
components and replace those that are worn or
damaged. The following should also be noted as
service is performed.
• Inspect the carburetor body for cracks, holes,
and other wear or damage.
• Inspect the float for cracks, holes, and missing or
damaged float tabs. Check the float hinge and
shaft for wear or damage.
Hold/Pull Governor
Lever Back
Governor Spring Must Be
Loose In Slot
Governed Idle Speed
Adjustment Screw
High Speed(RPM)
Adjustment Screw
High Speed
Full Throttle