Section 8
Figure 8-57. Remove Connecting Rod Caps.
: The cylinders are numbered on the
crankcase. Use the numbers to mark
each end cap, connecting rod and piston
for reassembly.
Do not
mix end caps
and connecting rods.
2. Carefully remove the connecting rod and piston
assembly from the cylinder bore. See Figure 8-58.
Figure 8-59. Removing Crankshaft.
Removal of Governor Gear Assembly
The governor gear is held onto the shaft by small
molded tabs in the gear. When the gear is
removed from the shaft, these tabs are destroyed and
the gear
be replaced. Therefore, remove the gear
if absolutely necessary. If the governor cross
shaft, yoke, or gear condition does not require
removal, the governor gear may be left in place. If
removal is necessary, perform as follows:
1. Remove the locking tab thrust washer and note
2. Using a screwdriver, carefully pry upward to
unseat the governor gear assembly from the
governor gear shaft. Remove the regulating pin
and governor gear assembly. See Figure 8-60.
Figure 8-58. Removing Piston/Connecting Rod
3. Repeat the above procedures for the other
connecting rod and piston assembly.
Remove Crankshaft
1. Carefully pull the crankshaft from the crankcase.
See Figure 8-59. Note thrust washers and shims
if used.
Figure 8-60. Removing Governor Gear.
3. Inspect the governor gear shaft for wear or
damage. Remove the shaft only if replacement is
Governor Gear