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2006 Tyco Safety Products, Canada, Ltd. All rights reserved
Specifications may change without notice
page 18 of 39
Select the option
Use the Following IP Address.
Enter the
IP address
of the KT-NCC (No. 4 in the diagram on page 12).
Enter the
Subnet mask
address (No. 5 in the diagram on page 12).
When necessary, enter the
Gateway address
that the Network Administrator provided you
(No. 6 in the diagram on page 12).
is automatically assigned to the KT-NCC by default. It is advisable not to modify it.
The case
Enable broadcast assignation
is selected by default. Leave this option as is.
Select the appropriate
Communication timings
. (Consult Table 2 on page 11).
Click the save icon and close the Gateway dialog.
At this stage, the system checks if the version number of the software and the controller are the same. If not,
the system will automatically update the KT-NCC firmware. Three messages will appear on the EntraPass
workstation list of messages to indicate that the update has been completed.
The messages to lookout for are:
KT-NCC Update of platform CE - KT-NCC, Started
KT-NCC Update of platform CE - KT-NCC, Completed
KT-NCC Update of platform CE - KT-NCC, Completed successfully.