3. Plug the other end of the cable into the network device.
Figure 65: Ethernet Cable Connector
Figure 66: Ethernet Port
Connecting the Router to a Management Console
You can connect a console, laptop, or modem by connecting a serial cable to the port on the front panel
labeled MGMT. This port accepts a serial cable with an RJ-45 connector, which is provided with the
To connect a management console:
1. Turn off the power to the console.
2. Plug the RJ-45 end of the serial cable into the MGMT port on the front panel (
shows the connector.
shows the ports.)
3. Plug the DB-9 socket end into the device's serial port.
NOTE: For console devices, configure the serial port to the following values:
• Bits per second— 9600
• Data bits— 8
• Parity— None