E149 - no PB
- Indicates that it has been inserted and recal-
led a PB code (customer) not existing.
E150 - preset code not forseen
- It indicates that the programming code (in
order to activate one of the previewed pro-
grammings) inserted is not previewed.
E151 - preset sequence error
- It indicates that the sequence activated in
programming mode, of one whichever func-
tion, is not corrected.
E152 - preset data error
- It indicates that the data inserted during the
programming contains an error.
E153 - another PLU code exist
- It indicates that the PLU that has been tried
to link to a BUNDLE is already in promotion,
and therefore already linked to another pro-
motion in the ECR.
E154 - PB preset over error
- Indicates that it has been exceeded the
maximum number of PB in the ECR.
E155 - Report code not exist
- Indicates that the inserted code for the re-
port printing does not exist.
E156 - PLU code error (block)
- Indicates that the code of a PLU, used in
order to define a "block" during the printing
of a sequential report of PLU, is not cor-
rected or does not exist in the ECR's me-
E157 - PB code error (PRG block)
- Indicates that the code input for the pro-
gramming of PB (customer) is wrong.
E161 - Date format error
- Indicates that the format with which is being
tried to insert the date is not that one pre-
viewed, the format must be: DDMMYY or
according to Status Sytem 13 D and E.
E162 - time format error
- It indicates that the format with which is
being tried to insert the time is not that one
previewed, the format must be: HHMM.
E163 - no date preset
- It indicates that after to have executed an
"All Clear reset " on the ECR still the date has
not been programmed ; operations on the
ECR before the date and time programming
after All clear reset could not therefore be
E164 - no time preset
- It indicates that after to have executed an
"All Clear reset" on the ECR the time has not
been programmed ; operations on the ECR
before the date and time programming after
All clear reset could not therefore be execu-