The indicator dispositives consist in two display, one at the clerk side and one at the
customer side, and an Help display (optional) of two lines for 20 characters place on the
operating side ; the last display can be used for the activation on line help during the
operation and error conditions of ECR. Clerk and customer Display can be only numeric(
11 columns per line) or alphanumeric type by (two lines, one alpha of 16 columns more one
numerical than 11 columns).
The Messages of Error and State are evidenced clear or through numerical codes. The
meaning of the messages addressed to the clerk through the display as following:
- it is necessary to input a clerk code.
E000 - Paper Lack
- it indicates a generic problem in printing of
the receipt or journal,such as incorrect closing
of the advanced part, or the disconnection of
connector of the logical card.
E001 - RAM
- Indicates a problem concerning to a mau-
facturing of the base RAM memory installed
in ECR.
E002 - Exp. RAM
- Indicates a problem in RAM for optional
memory expansion.
E004 - EPROM
- Indicates a problem in the EPROM contai-
ning the functional program of the ECR.
E005 - Internal RAM (CPU)
- Indicates a problem in the area of the me-
mory of job of the machine, contained inside
of the CPU of the ECR.
E006 - Battery (memory)
- It indicates a problem in the backup battery
of maintenance RAM data, the data of the
totalizers have altered, is demanded obliga-
torily an All Clear Reset of the ECR.
E007 - Thermal head connector
- It indicates the disconnection of the con-
nector of the thermal head (printing) from
the mother board of the ECR.
E100 - Key Sequence
- It signalize the pressure of a key not pre-
E101 - HALO over
- It indicates that it has been exceeded the
maximum set up limit for the amounts.
E102 - Mode Change Error
- It has been moved the key without to conclu-
de the operation in course, it must set the
key correctly and conclude the operation.
E103 - CCD Compulsory
- it indicates the obligatory nature to execute
the cash declaration before being execute
the closing.
E104 - PLU preset over
- It indicates that the max number of PLU
inside ECR's memory has been reached.
E105 - Scanner Read
- error in the data sent from the Scanner