BILL PRINTING ON "Not payed" BILL for Monthly Invoice
For Not Paid BILL we mean that document printed, for wich it'll be printed a Monthly
Invoice (Take note that G-556 give the possibility to memorize until 300 abitual Customers),
the Not Paid BILL can be printed either in direct mode (see below), that in case of a
memorized table in case of table management, or memory billing .
During the Bill printing, if the S.S.9H is set to 1 the receipt will not be printed.
By the setting of the S.S.10A it is possible to activate on the documents the printing
of the complete corporate name of the customer or the printing of only the first line.
For the automatic printing of the quantity Q, to set the S.S.9F=1.
In case of status system 14H=0
-a Place a paper sheet in the external Slip Printer
-b press the BILL key
-c to execute the registrations by the Dept.s and/or the PLUs, or to recall the memorized
Table with the procedure : (NNN)--[TABLE Number] (NNN=Table code)
-d to input the code of the customer (Habitual Company), to which the not paid document
(BILL) for the execution of the Monthly Invoice is wanted to be reported
-e press the C/N key
-f to scroll eventually the habitual
companies with the Aead line
and/or Behind line keys if the
input code is not that one wished
-g to press the Enter key in order
to confirm the selection done.
The points c, d, e, f and g can be
repeated more times, the ECR'll
refer the Bill to the last code
input during the execution of
above points for the Monthly
Invoice execution.
The operation [C/N]--[E.C.] will
cancel the memorization of the
Bill for the Monthly Invoice
-h to conclude the transaction by
using a Total (No paid) key in
total group 3.
Note : The code of the habitual
Company can be introduced in
whi-chever point during the
regitrations, the heading on the
document will be always prin-
ted after the TOTAL line and
efore the line containing the
SLIP 2 (BILL) description and
On Monthly Invoice only VAT
from 1 to 4 are managed.