This function it's useful to the statistical aims and allows to define four bands of
amount of the Total of the selling receipt. It will be possible to know, as an example, how
many receipts have been emitted, during a day or a period, with Total between 0 and 10.000
(Range A), how many with Total between 10.001 and 20.000(Range B), how many with
Total between 20.001 and 30.000(Range C), how many with Total between 30.001e 40.000
(Range D) and how many with Total above to 40.000.
The Totals of definition of the above indicated ranges can come modified by the following
programmation :
(A A A ... A)
(B B B ... B)
(C C C ... C)
(D D D ... D) SUB-TOTAL #
A A A ... A:
Maximum value of the amount of the receipts' total that they will have
to be totalized to Range A, the minimal value of Range A will be
obviously zero(max. 9 digits).
Default = 5.000
B B B ... B:
Maximum value of the amount of the receipts' total that they will have
to be totalized in Range B, the minimal value of Range B will be over
than one unit (or one cent) to the maximum value of Range A.
Default = 10.000
C C C ... C: Maximum value of the amount of the receipts' total that they will have
to be totalized in Range C, the minimal value of Range C will be over
than one unit (or one cent) to the maximum value of Range B.
Default =
D D D ... D: Maximum value of the amount of the receipts' total that they will have
to be totalized in Range D, the minimal value of Range D will be over
than one unit (or one cent) to the maximum value of Range C.
Default =
Note :
The maximum value of each Range cannot be upper or equal to the
maximum value of Range successive (Eg. if the max. value of Range B is
set to 35.000, the max. value of Range A will have to be equal or inferior
to 34.999).
It exists moreover a fifth Range defined in the relationship like "Outside of
Range", where they will come totalized all the receipts emitted with an
amount upper than the max. amount defined for Range D.