E206 - no Tran. LOG memory
- It indicates that on the ECR it has not confi-
gured memory for the LOG containing, to
refer the pressure of the key "Writing LOG"
cannot be used.
E207 - Password missed
- It indicates that it is being attempted to
exceed the limit (two) of programming and/
or use TMB, Tables and Customers, without
having inserted the password relative whom
the overcoming of such limit concurs (sees
Par. 9).
E208 - Password error
- It indicates that the password for TMB,Tables
or Customers introduced, it is not correct.
E209 - Customer No. error 1
- It indicates that the number of the customer
inserted for the printing of the Invoice hea-
ding or the Monthly Invoice does not exist.
E210 - Customer No. error 2
- It indicates that the customer code inserted
does not exist.
E211 - Customer LOG data full
- It indicates that the memory reserved to the
memorization of not paid documents has
been filled up and therefore will not be
possible to memorize other documents.
After the appearance of this message, other
not paid fiscal documents will not be possi-
ble ; increase the memory for this kind of
documents on the ECR.
E212 - KP no connect
- It indicates that it is being attempted to
execute a setting on ECR relative to the
kitchen printer, while on the same ECR does
not exist serial port set for kitchen printer
E213 - Coupon request compuls
- It indicates that the ECR is set for the obliga-
tory request for the points caught up before
being able to close the receipt with the total.
This obligation can be made active by the
setting of the S.S.7A in case of Points not
managed by the ECR but from the external
device to which the ECR is connected. To
activate the demand for the points, press the
key "External Coupon Request".
E214 - No Coupon
- It indicates that it has been pressed the key
"Coupon printing", while on the ECR there
aren't points for printing, is the case of ECR
set for the Points for PB.
E215 - Over tender not allowed
- It indicates that it is being attempted to
execute the over tendering on a Total where
this function is not allowed.
E216 - Total negative
- It indicates that the operation of transfer of
the amount between two media Totals is
carrying in negative the amount of one of the
two used Totals.