CNC Base machinery / CNC machinery: Type FlatCom
Assembly instruction / Operating instruction for FlatCom Series M, L and XL
page 25
Cover lock, Cover unlock, Cover interlock
The cover interlock is a basically safety relevant function.
A special
Home position
is not watched by
the CNC controller (i.e. safety circuit
module). So
Home position
influence on cover lock / cover unlock
Rather standstill monitoring (integrated in
the motor power amplifiers) is relevant.
standstill monitoring
is implemented
redundantly in accordance with EN ISO
62061 (VDE 0113-50) (cross contact
recognition). All motor power amplifiers
(e.g. IMD10 /1.1/ or IMD20 /1.2/), integrated
in the Control cabinet /5/ of the CNC
machine, are switched in line according
feed forward the clock signals
1st from the Safety Circuit Module, the last
to the Safety Circuit Module) when the
amplifier recognizes that the driven servo
is not outside a position feed back
controlled limit
The Safety Circuit Module generates (i.e.
transmits) two clock signals over two
outputs and receives / monitors those two
clock signals on two inputs. When standstill
of all servo motors / machine axes in
the cover is
Home-Position-Sensor not available,
rather standstill monitoring in all axes !
Basically: All linear axes (X, Y, Z) of the CNC machine and all optional rotation axes (A, B,
C) have to remain stationary in order to be able to open the door / cover in operation mode
(i.e. the key switch is in position
key switch = mode selection switch
In Setup mode
(key switch = mode selection switch
in position
the cover can
always be opened
independent of the current position or standstill of all linear axes (X, Y,
Z) of the CNC machine and all optional rotation axes (A, B, C).