Figure 14.
Windows Console
2. On Linux system, you need to run the shell script with root privilege.
Figure 15.
Linux Console
The .bat or shell script will check the Java environment settings, copy necessary files,
and give some prompts if the environment is not set up correctly.
4.2. Test the Functionality of the Development Kit
This section describes each control in the BTS.
4.2.1. The Bottom Info Bar
The bottom information bar shows the status of the system connection, Intel Quartus
Prime version and the JTAG clock.
System Connected/Disconnected: Shows if the board is connected to the
system. The green sign turns gray if the board becomes disconnected.
Intel Quartus Prime Version: Displays the current Intel Quartus Prime version
installed and active on your system. The text turns red if your version is older
than the required version. Change the QUARTUS_ROOTDIR environment variable if
you have installed the right version but the active version doesn’t meet the
JTAG: Displays the JTAG clock frequency.
4.2.2. The Configure Menu
Use the Configure Menu to select the design you want to use. Each design example
tests different functionality that corresponds to one or more application tabs.
4. Board Test System
683288 | 2022.09.22
I-Series FPGA Development Kit User Guide