4747 Westpark Houston, TX 77027 Tel: 800-531-3224 Fax: 713-525-3220 www.DirectConnectHome.com
1. Remove about 1/4” of insulation from the ends of all wires to be connected to the volume control and twist the
exposed strands.
2. Loosen the set screws on the volume control connecting blocks.
3. Connect the leads from AMPLIFIER to the set screws on the volume control labeled INPUT, with the LEFT L(+)
and L(-) and RIGHT R(+) and R (-) wires inserted in the appropriately marked opening. Tighten the screws
Connect SPEAKER wires to the set screws on the volume control labeled OUTPUT, obs (positive) and
- (negative)polarity of left and right speaker.
5. Set up the completed assembly in the junction box. Insert carefully to avoid excessive strain on the set screws. If
necessary, pre-dress the wires for easiest mounting.
7. Mount VC into wall box. Insert carefully to avoid excessive strain on these screws.
8. Screw on trim plate and attach knob.
Caution: Be careful not to allow speaker wire strands to short out against case or other speaker wire.
12 Step 70W Impedance & Non-Impedance Stereo Volume Control
Model: VC70DSW
SKU# .3847
Stereo volume control with selectable impedance and
non-impedance matching-
1X, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x
Covers prepackaged with decorator or standard white
plates.(Optional color kit plates available in ivory,
almond and brown)
Power handling: 25 ~ 150 watts per channel RMS
12 step Volume Control
Removable connectors accommodate 14 – 22 gauge
Two sided terminal connector