2. Getting Started
2.1. About Intel Quartus Prime Software
The new Intel Quartus Prime Design Suite design software includes everything needed
to design for Intel FPGAs, SoCs, and CPLDs from design entry and synthesis to
optimization, verification, and simulation. The Intel Quartus Prime Design Suite
software includes an additional Spectra-Q
engine that is optimized for future devices.
The Spectra-Q engine enables new levels of design productivity for next generation
programmable devices with a set of faster and more scalable algorithms, a hierarchical
database infrastructure, and a unified compiler technology.
The Intel Agilex I-Series FPGA Development Kit is supported by the Intel Quartus
Prime Pro Edition.
Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition: The Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition is optimized to
support the advanced features in Intel's next generation FPGAs and SoCs, starting
with the Intel Arria
10 device family and requires a paid license.
Included in the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition are the Intel Quartus Prime software,
II EDS, and the MegaCore IP Library. To install Intel's development tools,
download the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition software from the Intel Quartus Prime
Pro Edition page in the
of Intel's website.
2.1.1. Activating Your License
Before using the Intel Quartus Prime software, you must activate your license, identify
specific users and computers, and obtain and install license file. If you already have a
licensed version of the Intel Quartus Prime Standard Edition or Intel Quartus Prime
Pro Edition, you can use that license file with this kit. If not, follow these steps:
1. Log on at the
web page and click Sign In.
2. On the My Intel Home web page, click the
3. Locate the serial number printed on the side of the development kit box below the
bottom bar code. The number consists of alphanumeric characters and does not
contain hyphens.
4. On the Self-Service Licensing Center web page, click the Find it with your
License Activation Code link.
5. In the Find/Activate Products dialog box, enter your development kit serial
number and click Search.
2.2. Development Board Package
Download the Intel Agilex I-Series FPGA Development Kit package from the Intel
Agilex FPGA Development Kit page of the Intel website.
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